Saturday, March 8, 2025


Today is International Women's Day!
It is a day to acknowledge our strrengths,
our uniqueness, our powerful purpose, our tenacity,
our beauty and brains and brawn,
our abilities and capabilities.
We need not knock one another down
to improve our own value.
We need to understand that we are NOT
equal to men but are, always have been and
always will be far superior in a multitude of ways.
We are masters of multitasking, bearers and raisers
of the next generation(s), business builders AND 
home makers, and even when exhausted ...
we just take the next step and keep on moving.
It's who we are and how we are gloriously made.
Accept your beautiful unique self as you are.
Stop fighting so hard to be this way or that.
You are extraordinary as you are.
You are worthy. You matter. You are enough.
You are woman ... roar, baby, roar!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Set the Tone

If you begin and end your days
with thoughts of gratitude,
you'll find yourself living
from a place of abundance
rather than lack.
Those first and final moments
set the tone
for the many minutes
that fall in between.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Mish Mash

A mish mash of good stuff.

You can't lead the people,
if you don't love the people.
You can't save the people,
if you don't serve the people.


Don't let idiots ruin your day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Not quite sure
who to credit, but ...

this ...

to the stars
and never forget
that you are made
of magic and
sparkly light, too.

Love you.
Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Thank you Louisa May Alcott ...

I am not afraid
of storms,
for I am learning
how to sail
my ship.

Adjust your sails, my friends.
Sail on.

Monday, March 3, 2025


Today is National I Want You To Be Happy Day.

Stop for a second. 
Think about that.

Turn the TV off.
Put down your phone.
Stop doom scrolling.
Lay down the anger
and the vehement need
to have your opinion validated.

Listen to the birds.
Listen to the waves.
Listen to the quiet woods.
Listen to your favorite song.
Listen to your favorite person.
Pet your favorite critter.
Indulge in your own amazing self
and the things that bring joy
to the very core of who you are.
I Want You To Be Happy.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


Happy March Kids!
March is the month of HOPE.

Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences
Hang On Pain Ends
Handing Out Patience and Envelopment
Having Optimistically Positive Expectations
Heading Onward Purposefully and Eagerly
Healing Overcoming Providing Elevating

Feed me a few of YOUR favorites ...