Saturday, November 29, 2014

No day wasted

No day is wasted
in which I touch another person's life
in any positive, meaningful way.
And so it is that I enrich my days
by giving something of myself
whether through a warm smile,
a kind word,
a sympathetic ear,
a gentle embrace,
or a helping hand.

Don't waste your day!

Friday, November 28, 2014


No light that was born in love
can ever be extinguished.

~ Dr. Darcie D. Sims

Whatever you have loved deeply will always remain with you.
There is no event or length of time that can wipe clean the memory of that gift.
Absorb it.
Spread the cheer it's given you.

Go light the day.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Give Thanks

Today, and every day, give thanks.

For random acts that become divine intervention.
For hugs that seem to hold you together.
For laughter that makes your face hurt.
For family - by blood or by grace.
For another day - to do the right thing.

Give Thanks!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I cannot begin to explain how thankful I am.

I may appear to have two beautiful children,
but they each have fought tooth and nail to get to where they are now.
They faced challenges no child should face.

I may appear to have an incredible marriage.
It has been frayed and torn and shattered by the stress of sick kids
and by the loss of loved ones.
It has survived and only grown stronger and deeper.

I may appear to be a wonderfully happy and go-lucky person.
I have been trampled and battered and tested more times than I can count.
My heart has ached and been broken repeatedly.
But I get up and proceed . . . stronger every time.

I am thankful for resilience.
I am thankful for tenacity.
I am thankful for faith.
I am thankful for blessings.
I am thankful for knowing that no matter what bothers me,
"this too shall pass".
I am thankful for family and friends,
for laughter and love.

What are YOU thankful for?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


No explanation or embellishment necessary . . .

Few will have the greatness to bend history,
but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events,
and then the total - all of these acts -
will be written in the history of this generation.
It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief
that human history is shaped.
Each time a man stands up for an ideal,
or acts to improve the lot of others,
or strikes out against injustice,
he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,
and crossing each from a million different centers of energy
and daring those ripples to build a current
which can sweep down the mightiest walls
of oppression and resistance.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Ann Lander provided this tidbit.
It is what I try to aspire to each day.

Class is an aura of confidence
that is being sure without being cocky.
Class has nothing to do with money.
Class never runs scared.
It is self-discipline and self-knowledge.
It is the sure footedness that comes
with having proved you can meet life.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


I happened upon a clip of Jim Carey speaking at a graduation.
Although his entire recorded speech was rather inspirational and very 'Jim Carey-esque',
there was one line that just came right out of the computer and bopped me in the head.
You know, that 'Aha!' moment.
The light bulb goes on!
The choir of Angels breaks into song kind of moment . . .

The effect you have on others
is the most valuable currency there is.


Friday, November 21, 2014


Since the holidays are just around the corner, close your eyes and let me paint you a picture . . .

Christmas morning and the children come to the tree.
Eyes lit up like saucers at what greets them.
Lights and ribbons and ornaments and magic.
Beneath the tree, boxes and bags of every size and shape.
Big ones, tiny ones, odd-shaped.
Large bags, little bags, lumpy bags.
Foil wrapping paper, matte wrapping paper, plain brown bag wrapping paper,
funnies wrapping paper, printed wrapping paper.
Shiny, sparkly, glittering amidst the twinkling Christmas lights.
It is quite a sight.
Then the unwrapping begins.
And what is inside every single one of those boxes and bags and packages?
What makes up the core of every gift?


Now, let me paint you another picture . . .

On any given day, as you run around in circles through your own daily insanity,
what do you see?
You see gifts!
Wrapped in brown skin, yellow skin, white skin, black skin, tan skin.
Some are big and some are tiny.
Some are flashy and some are meek.
Some are lumpy and some are massive.
And what is inside every single one of those gifts that you see?
What makes up the core of every person?


Learn it. Live it. Teach it.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Your Choice

"Ruin and Recovery are Both from Within."

What choice will you make.
Life sometimes hands us obstacles,
Reaction is everything.

It's your choice.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I've been in customer service most of my life.
Nearly half a century of pleasing other people.
What I find most interesting is that I do not tire of it.

In speaking with a guest yesterday,
the conversation went from clothing sizes, to telephones,
to work, to money, and then to life.
His lesson for me was to find something I like to do and do it really well.
It is never good to trudge through life.
I explained to him that, no matter my title, I've always been in customer service.
He said, "No wonder you're so good at it. You're very personable and easy to talk to."

Now, to some, that's just a sentence.
To others, that might be a quick quip to finish a conversation.
To me, it meant the world.
We are sent Ch-Angels when we need them most.
Little gifts in our day that lift us up, dust us off, and slap a smile on our face.

Thank you SO much Mr. Veteran, looking for a white undershirt,
for taking a moment out of your day, to add a little kindness to mine.

What will your kindness be today?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014



You have a voice for a reason.
You have been given audibility for a purpose.
Choose your words carefully.
Try to respond instead of react.
But Speak!

Without a voice,
the injustices continue.
Without a voice,
poor behaviors prevail.
Without a voice,
wrongs will not be righted.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Happy and Free

I like Buddha . . .

In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable.
In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change,
lies our happiness and freedom.

It takes a moment for that to sink in.
Read it again.

Be happy and free!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Make a Joyful Noise

No matter your circumstance,
No matter your obstacle,
No matter your challenge,
Make a Joyful Noise.

Don't slather me in your political angst.
Don't bog me down in your emotional woes.
Don't hurl your insecurities at me like stones.

Be happy to see a new day.
Be happy to have another chance.
Be happy to try to improve yourself.
You have today.
It is a privilege denied to many.

Make a Joyful Noise!

Friday, November 14, 2014


One of my most favorite words.
It is defined as:

altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations
of money, property, or work to needy persons
the practice of performing charitable or benevolent actions
love of mankind in general

It is celebrated as a National Day tomorrow, November 15th.
We are all able to do something.
You need not be wealthy.
You don't have to go hungry.
But there is SOMETHING you can do for someone else tomorrow.

Give money if you are able.
Give time if you have it.
Giving of yourself is just the best.

Enjoy the day and what it can do for others.
And, in doing for others, you do wonders for yourself.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Pink Bunny Syndrome

Life is a constant whirlwind of ups and downs, trials and triumphs,
victories and failures, positives and negatives.
There is always a time to laugh and a time to cry.
A time to mourn and a time to rejoice.
When you are faced with what you might perceive to be insurmountable odds,
do not dwell on that dark cloud.
Instead, focus on the truth that this too shall pass.
The sun will shine again.
You may be in a dark place, but the light of a single candle can illuminate your world.
You need to contract the Pink Bunny Syndrome.
You must keep going, and going, and going, and going . . .

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

World Kindness Day Eve

As it is World Kindness Day Eve . . .
let's all get into the swing of things
with some random acts of kindness today.

Yesterday, I got special visits from not one, but TWO amazing friends.
I got home and had a heartfelt card from a very integral person in my life.
I had a customer tell me she was happy she got me because I looked happy.
I walked another customer all through men's and then into jammies. She was so happy she cried.

It doesn't take much to touch a person's heart.
You don't have to be rich.
You don't have to perform some grand gesture.
You simply have to care.

Today . . . go care.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Sacrifice is defined as:

to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else

What has been surrendered or given up - is family, health and life.
The 'something else' - is YOU and your freedoms.

Find a Veteran today and . . .
Thank them for their efforts.
Thank them for their time.
Thank them for their injuries.
Thank them for their stories.
Thank them for their strength.
Thank them for their courage.
Thank them for their bravery.
Thank them for their sacrifice.

They are a bold and beautiful breed of people that will sacrifice themselves for another
without want of accolade or acknowledgement.

God bless 'em!

Monday, November 10, 2014

An Assignment

With the recent loss of my brother, of course thoughts turn to other losses.
We all wish there was more time, another conversation, another hug, another lunch, etc.
Here is a proposal for a little assignment for you . . .

Maybe not today, but some time in your near future,
sit down and take out some paper and a pen.
No emails, no texts, no tweets, or anything else like that.
Write a letter to someone who has truly made a difference to you.
It could be a teacher, an old friend, a relative, a co-worker.
Let them know how they have touched you and how much you appreciate them.
You will find great joy in reliving a few old memories.
You will also, however, deliver great joy when an unsuspecting someone receives that letter.
There is no reason ~ other than to express your thanks . . . while you can.
Believe me, it is a beautiful effort for the writer and a beautiful gift for the recipient.

Now . . . go do your homework!

Friday, November 7, 2014


No matter the task, no matter the obstacle ~
always give it 110%.
If you are cleaning your room . . .
make it the cleanest room ever.
If you are doing yard work . . .
make it the best looking yard in the neighborhood.
If you are raising awareness about something . . .
talk about it with absolutely everyone you meet.
If you are gathering funds for a cause . . .
ask every single person you see for a penny, a nickel, a dollar,
or to share the ask with their friends.
If you are standing up for a purpose . . .
educate and arm yourself to the hilt.
If you are in love . . .
love with absolutely everything that you are.

What is the point of anything less than all you have?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Best Medicine


It truly is the best medicine.
For a long while I had built insulating walls around myself.
I had thought it protection from pain and hurt,
but it was only confining and debilitating.
In truly contemplating what I know the folks I love the most enjoy,
I realized that you cannot hide from the hurt.
You cannot protect yourself from the crazies.
They are out there . . . in force.
You simply need to realize that their behavior and actions
are their burdens to carry.
How you react is yours.
I was my happiest when I was singing and playing and laughing.
And so . . .
I am singing
and playing
and laughing.

It is the best medicine.
Be well today.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Expounding on my very simple "Happy or Crappy" daily choice,
Carlos Castaneda coined it in another manner.
Sometimes, we just need a different viewpoint to see that same answer.
I really like his version, too.

"We either make ourselves miserable,
or we make ourselves strong.
The amount of work is the same."

Makes all kinds of sense to me.
Which one are you working toward?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Make a Pearl

The most extraordinary thing about the oyster is this,
irritations get into the shell and,
when he cannot get rid of them,
he uses the irritations to do the loveliest thing an oyster ever has the chance to do.

If there are irritations in your lives today,
there is only one option . . .

Make a Pearl

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sweet Dreams

Today, we say our final farewells to my brother, Skip.
As much as my heart hurts, I have tried to give you a little insight
into what we shared and, in doing so . . . I found smiles.
You may not understand it all, but enjoy it.

Sweet Dreams

Any memory of Skippy brings a smile to my face
And therein lies his legacy; what he left strewn about the place
My little baby brother, who towered high above
Left a trail of laughter through a garden of his love
My earliest recollections begin with Pop-Pop & Nana-Tip
Climbing atop the factory, sharing a NY skyline with Skip
And travelling there was interesting; 9 people and a dog without fidge
And always singing that stupid song, "George Washington Washington Bridge"
Trestle treks in Rosendale, woodsy hikes and quiet rests
Stealing change from everywhere for Saturday night parent-free candy fests
Lazy days grouped on the porch where Skip endured a few Shepherd bites
Saturday morning wrestling; tag team siblings and sometimes title fights
Countless Halloweens and Christmases galore
I cry because he's missing now, I'll go remember more
Secret silly handshakes; Abbott and Costello
Secret presents in my car from a most amazing fellow
Ferris Beuller's Day Off; no guard rail's safe from Crash
Mr. Compost gardening guy, "I'll recycle all the trash."
Monty Python's Life of Brian. Comedy bold and blunt
Was in the People's Front of Judea or the Judean People's Front?
Small raffia attachments; the Roman soldiers "We found this spoon."
"Piss off. I'm not the Messiah." Just whistle a happy tune.
History of the World; Hump or Death with Madeline Kahn
Wacky weedus; double time harch; the jig is up . . . and gone
Christmas movies for my babies; donations from knee deep in sand
Wherever anyone needed help, there was Skippy's eager hand
A veteran with character. A man with a heart of gold
Your absence is unbearable - you were denied of growing old
And though my heart does ache; there's a hole Skip used to fill
I know he's gone in the physical sense, but I'm certain he dwells there still
Skip just wanted laughter and the company of others
He reveled in his family's love; his small army of sisters and brothers
His wit was quite unparalleled, He sure did like to rib
And faced with positive or negative, his response was always "Hib!"
My final text with him is treasured; cemented in my heart it seems
Your words to me now echoed back, I love you Skip ~ "Sweet Dreams!"

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Word Breakfast

Man is never so tall as when he kneels before God ~
never so great as when he humbles himself before God.
And the man who kneels to God can stand up to anything.

~  Isaiah 9:6-7 NLT

I can do everything with the help of Christ
who gives me the strength I need.

~  Philippians 4:13 NLT

Just thought that maybe some folks,
including me,
might need to read this today.