Monday, September 30, 2019

Yeah ... that

Have you ever been bullied? It's terrible, right?
Isn't it great when the bully is caught and punished?
That will only incite him further.
How about we figure out why he feels the need to do what he does.
How about we help him. How about we fix him.
Yeah … that.
And isn't social media just despicable?
People are so divisive and mean and ugly and hateful.
So we post about their ignorance and stupidity and childishness.
Just because we disagree.
Do we not see it's all the same?
It's all hurtful. It's all ugly. It's all mean.
It's all divisive and hateful.
Let us stop the vicious circle of insanity.
Change starts with every single one of us.
How we respond. How we react. How we choose to behave.
It makes a difference and it is noticed.
Choose kindness. Choose love. Choose hope.
Choose open and enveloping hearts and arms and minds.
Change doesn't mean for folks to think and act like we want them to.
Real change … beneficial change … will only occur
when we allow each other to be each other
and to accept that 'other' in all their imperfect glory.
Yeah … that.
And how about we just kind of relax a little bit.
Let's stop being offended by every breath and word and action.
Let's coexist with listening and laughter and love.
Yeah … that.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Recycle Yourself

The Recycling phrase is
reduce, reuse, recycle.
That's great for helping to clean up and save our Earth.
But ...
ummmmmm ...
how about cleaning up and saving your self?!


Take a moment.
Let the dust settle.
Indulge in you.
You are worth more than you'll ever imagine.
Take care of you.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Folks are folks.
You are you.
You are in charge of you.
You are NOT in charge of folks.
Folks will behave
in a manner befitting their circumstances.
You should behave
in a manner befitting of yourself.
Anger, hate, ugliness, impatience ...
that's not you.
You are composed of
and joy
and love
and hope
and spirit
and support
and kindness.
You are so full of these things,
that there is enough to share
with those folks
who can't seem to find
or who may have lost theirs.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

As I write ...

Every morning, except on Sunday,
I put this blog together.
Sometimes I am awakened
with some topic or string of words
that are rolling around in my head
and they need to be put to 'paper'.
Other days,
I am moved by an email, a post, a friend
or something that just needs to be shared.
And … sometimes …
I stare blankly at the screen for a long time.
I will pray for inspiration,
look for guidance,
hope for my fingers to find their way.
as I write ...
I find it incredibly interesting
that one post might go unnoticed that I thought was amazing;
and the next day while staring blankly,
the blog that tumbles out is simply gobbled up.
You never know what someone is searching for.
That is why I believe that if you throw enough positive things out there,
whoever is in need of them, will eventually find them.
I do not share to preach.
I share to reach.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


It's not a capital 'L'.
It's your corner.
We each have our L.
What are you doing to make yours better?
Are your manners up to snuff?
Is your kindness unconditional?
Is your energy put to positive use?
Do you lift others up?
Do you embrace each person you meet
(figuratively or literally)?
Are your prayers for hope?
Take your corner.
Make it the best little corner there is.
Heck, make it a competition.
Imagine if we all tried to 'out-nice' each other.
What a wonderfully cornered world we would have.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


I am learning
to love the sound
of my feet
walking away
from things not meant
for me.

Monday, September 23, 2019


Ah, yes, that glorious subject
that just seems incredibly perplexing.
First, we celebrate ONE!
Milestones of walking and words.
Then something happens.
Terrible two's?!
Fabulous five's where there is actual communication.
This turns into the dreaded teenage years which defy any description or explanation.
They it's off to rejoice in licenses, graduations, marriages, houses, and more babies.
And as one portion begins the process all over again,
another portion begins an entirely new realm.
Where did I get that bruise?
What can't I fit in these?
Can you read that?
Running is for the young.
Does that really matter.
Relax. Slow down.
I hope they call today.
Another memorial.
To witness the cycle is a gift.
To be a part of the cycle is a blessing.
Embrace every day.
Learn to laugh because of or in spite of yourself.
See through a child's eyes.
Live through the elder's stories.
Age is really just a number.
What counts to you?

Saturday, September 21, 2019


I find myself, quite frequently,
terribly tangled up
and loving it!
The bonds that tie folks together
may not be tangible
but they sure are strong.
I am tethered to a great many souls
who have lifted me up,
grounded me,
guided me,
followed me,
shared with me,
cared with me,
and loved me.
I am grateful for those bonds.
I am thankful for the stability
that comes from the invisible cords
of framily and friendship.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Today's blog is also my day's Facebook post.
Sometimes … you just have to make a point.

Breathe in
the positive
the beautiful
the kind
the good
the uplifting.
Breathe out
the negative
the ugly
the mean
the evil
the naysayers.
Live where your heart is happy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


You can search
throughout the entire universe
for someone who is more deserving
of your love and affection
than you are yourself,
and that person
is not to be found anywhere.
You, yourself,
as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Choose Joy

Oh, my. Yes! Yes! Yes!

Choose to Live in Joy

Life goes by in the blink of an eye.
It's too short to live upset, angry, resentful or ungrateful.
If you look for the good, you'll find it.
Choose to be happy, to be at peace.
Decide that each day is going to be a great day and
grab each moment and make the best of it.
Refuse to let negative thoughts take root in your mind
and refuse to let negative people and situations drag you down.
Trust your journey
and know that if you make a mistake; it's okay.
See it as a lesson learned and keep moving forward.
Spend less time worrying
and more time being grateful
for those who love you and all of life's goodness.
Choose to Live in Joy!

~ C.M. Richey-Bentley

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pay Attention

So, in the past two weeks or so, the following has been posted or sent to me
no less than three or four times.
I'm going to pay attention to the signs that come my way.
Obviously, I need to see it,
but perhaps there's someone out there that needs to see this, too.

Sea Glass

I want to age like sea glass
Smoothed by tides, not broken.
I want to ride the waves, go with the flow
and feel the impact of the surging tides.
When I am caught
between the rocks and a hard place,
I will rest.
And when I am ready,
I will catch a wave
and let it carry me where I belong.
I want to be picked up and held gently
by those who delight in my well-earned patina.
And appreciate the changes I went through
to achieve this luster.
I want to enjoy the journey
and let me preciousness be, not in spite of the impacts,
but because of them.
I want to age like sea glass.

~ Bernadette Noll

Monday, September 16, 2019


So, I moved from the hustle and bustle of a thriving suburban area in Florida
to the foothills of the mountains of North Carolina.
In Florida,
sometimes within walking distance (even when it's hot),
I could get to a hundred different stores.
Any kind of food I wished for was literally within reach.
Any sort of shopping I chose to do was quite literally at my fingertips.
My neighbors, though nice, were about 16 feet away from me.
The Gulf of Mexico was two miles away.
I kept trying to get exercise and speed-walk on the causeway,
but was an abject failure at that because I became so easily distracted
by the dolphins or boats or just the beautiful water.
In North Carolina,
everything is still within walking distance,
I just would probably need a tent and supplies to get there.
Food consumption has changed, but it is totally for the better.
Everything is (for us) fresh fruits, veggies and a protein.
No more fast food, quick meals on the run.
Shopping is still at my fingertips, but most of it's on-line.
My neighbors … it's all good. I've got over an acre of land.
My back porch is picturesque and serene and peaceful.
No causeway here, but we have a greenway along the river.
I still can't get in a speed-walk because of the
critters, friendly chatter, or just the beautiful surroundings.
It's relaxed. It's different. It's slow.
It's definitely not for everybody, but it's an experience
I think everyone should have.
Find time to disconnect, breathe, unwind, absorb, relax.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Tell Them

Tomorrow is not promised.
Take a moment
whenever you can,
whenever you are able,
to tell someone close to you
that you care about them,
that you love them,
that you're proud of them,
that they matter.
Life is far too short
and way too precious
to leave anything
but absolute certainty.

I appreciate you.
I thank you.
I think you're awesome.
I love you.

Friday, September 13, 2019


As many times as you need to.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today is National Day of Encouragement!
I'm not quite sure when it came into existence,
but who really cares?
And why isn't it every. single. day???

It takes not a penny from your pocket.
It takes just a speck of effort.
There's no detailed planning involved.

Just be kind.
Be helpful.
Tell someone something nice.
Tell them you're proud of them.
Give them a nod.
Acknowledge their efforts.
To give encouragement is easy.
To receive encouragement
may be life changing.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget

For a multitude of Americans
today is a day unlike any other.
We witnessed or watched atrocities
that will forever be etched in our psyches.
We each carry with us those images that,
though unfathomable, were real.
We hold within our hearts
the pain of loss and the comfort of unity.
We are a nation of overcomers.
We are a nation of survivors.
We are resilient and brave and courageous.
We are at our best
when we come together as one.
United we stand.
Never Forget.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How Beautiful

How beautiful it is
to stay silent
when someone expects you
to be enraged.

Monday, September 9, 2019


Don't blame the clown
for acting the clown,
ask yourself
why you keep going to the circus!

Saturday, September 7, 2019


Do not judge
by appearances;
a rich heart
may be cloaked
in a poor coat.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Just Wow!

These are just bits of a letter written by a 26 year old
who passed from cancer just a day after releasing it.
In true Ch-Angel fashion - focus on the positive ...

1. … I want people to stop worrying about the small, meaningless stresses in life
and try to remember that we all have the same fate after it all, 
so do what you can to make your time feel worthy and great, minus the bullshit.

2. Get out there and take a freaking big breath of fresh air deep in your lungs,
look at how blue the sky is and how green the trees are. It is so beautiful.
Think how lucky you are to be able to do just that - breathe.
3. … bad traffic, restless night, bad hair day, nails chipped, boobs too small,
cellulite, not in shape … let all that shit go. It is all so insignificant when 
you look at life as a whole.
4. Appreciate your good health and functioning body - even if it isn't ideal.
Look after it and embrace how amazing it is.
5. Be ruthless for your own well-being.
6. Be grateful for each day.
7. Whine less and help each other more.
8. Give, give, give. Value other people's time. Value your own time.
9. Use your money on experiences. Get amongst nature. Be in the moment.
10. Listen to music, cuddle, talk to your friends, put down your phone.
11. Work to live, don't live to work.
12. Tell those you love that you love them - always and often.

Thanks, Paul, for sharing. The whole thing was extraordinary.
Hope I captured some of her best advice.
To leave this legacy and impact is so amazing.
Just Wow!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Be Yourself

This could be one of my absolute favorite quotes EVER!!!

Be Yourself!
People do not have to like you.
You do not have to care.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Beyond the Sky

The sky has never been the limit.
We are our own limit.
It is then about breaking
our personal boundaries
and outgrowing ourselves
to live our best lives.

~ author unknown
although I tweaked it a smidge anyway.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Having been a gymnast for years,
balance is extraordinarily important.
(Mind you, I was never very good on beam,
so I'm forever working on this.)
After you work, play.
After you earn, spend.
After you sweat, relax.
After you win, celebrate.
After you fail, learn.
After you create, admire.
After you pray, believe.
After you love, be thankful.
Everything in balance.

Monday, September 2, 2019


Ralph is really becoming a favorite.

We are all inventors,
each sailing out 
on a voyage of discovery, 
guided each by a private chart,
of which there is no duplicate.
The world is all gates,
all opportunities.