Tuesday, June 25, 2024


No one to credit,
but it is not mine.
I do hope you
are eating well.

Your mind
will always believe
everything you tell it.
Feed it faith.
Feed it truth.
Feed it love.

Monday, June 24, 2024


From one Stacie Martin:

You think
you are walking
through darkness,
not realizing
you are the light
for those
walking beside you.

That's some good stuff.
Have a great day
and thank you for the light.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

It was then ...

This might be a little long ... but worth it.

A very, very long time ago on one of our many vacations to Sanibel Island,
I found myself in a jewelry store. We normally didn't go into these establishments
as they were way too touristy or ridiculously over-priced. Yet ... here I was.
On the counter was a display of handmade bracelets, none of which were 
any colors I would ever choose, nor were they any style I'd normally buy,
and yet I grabbed this one that seemed to tug at my heart.
It was tan and brown with little white feet and the words,
"It was then that I carried you".
(If you don't know the poem, please look it up.)
For whatever reason, I had to have it and so I bought it.
A little while later, I started a job at Beall's ... on Senior day with coupons.
Let's just throw her into the pits of hell and see if she sticks with it.
My trainer was a waif of a woman, Chris.
She was patient and diligent and proficient and kind and faith-filled and sweet.
She helped me day after day and we quickly became very good friends.
She did such a good job training me that the store stole me away 
to the men's side registers to provide equal service over there.
We'd visit with each other before breaks or on the way to the restroom
or however we could - just to chat and hug and catch up.
One day she came and visited me in tears. Her husband was in the hospital.
There were many hugs. And every day we visited, there were more tears and hugs.
Then Chris was gone for a few days.
When she returned, again in tears, she let me know that her husband had passed.
She was devastated. She was inconsolable. He was her everything.
I knew nothing else to do, beyond the hugs, but to simply take that bracelet off
and give it to her. There were more tears.
As the days went by, she would come visit me, happily showing me that she
was always wearing that bracelet. She said she knew the poem well and that
she knew it was the truth and she need only look to her wrist to know that she
will never be alone.
A few months later, here came my buddy ... again in a pool of tears ... 
and a tiny plastic baggy. Within the baggy were a bazillion little brown and tan beads
and little white feet. It had snagged on something at her register and broken.
She was beside herself.
I let her know that I will be her beads and feet now. There were hugs and tears and 
eventually she went back to work.
As life does, I moved away and kept in touch via blogs and emails and cards and 
the occasional phone call.
She sent me a Christmas card this past year with some bad news in it. She was sick.
I cannot, regrettably, remember if I sat down and wrote her back or only thought of it.
I'm hoping that I did. I'm hoping that I told her how much of a treasure she was to me.
I'm hoping that I shared what a joy she was to befriend and hold close.
Yesterday, I was told of her passing.
She's no longer alone. Her footprints are again beside her husband's.
She is at peace and full and resting. 
I will miss our intermittent communications. I hope she knows she was
just as much my beads and feet as I may have been hers.
I believe that when God cannot carry us, He sends people, like Chris, 
to carry us through. We are each keepers of one another.
I love you and miss you Chris. Thank you for everything.
When given the opportunity ... carry someone else.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

In my jar

Beautiful words by Sangreeta Rana:

In my jar today.
for the world.
for humanity.
for life.
for everything
that's good
in the world.

Yes, please.

Friday, June 21, 2024


Don't have an author to credit,
but really wanted to share:

If what's ahead
scares you;
what's behind
has hurt you ...

look up!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Watts up?

One Mr. Alan Watts
created this little tidbit!
I think I'm loving it ...

By going
out of your mind,
you come
to your senses.

Let it be for a minute.
It's soooo good.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Short and sweet
and incredibly powerful!
Read this ...
once or twice ...
or maybe three times.

are some things
you can only learn
in a storm.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pow WOW!

From one Chief Red Eagle ...

Angry people
want you to see
how powerful they are.

Loving people
want you to see
how powerful you are.

Choose companions wisely.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Can't take credit for writing this,
but will certainly take the time to share it!

is not just
the absence of conflict;
is the creation
of an environment
where all can flourish.

~ Nelson Mandela

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Use your voice
for kindness,
your ears
for compassion,
your hands
for charity,
your mind
for truth,
and your heart
for love.
Use all your parts
for good.

Friday, June 14, 2024

have vs. get

Practicing gratitude
is a beautiful thing ...
powerful, too.

Try this ...

Instead of saying "I have to ..."
try saying "I get to ..."

I get to exercise.
I get to make money.
I get to try new things.
I get to travel.
I get to make new memories.
I get to step outside my comfort zone.
I get to try to be better.
I get to make someone else's day better.

It is entirely in the perspective.

I get to visit with you each morning.
Have a lovely day.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


From "More Gentle Reminders" ...

I hope you heal
from things
no one ever
apologized for.

I find this so very powerful.
It is so broad
and yet so pointed.
What do you think?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


I did not write this.
I haven't even Lynified it.
(Okay ... I changed one little word.)
It seems pretty perfect as it is.
Hoping it finds who it needs to find.

As you are shifting,
you will begin to realize
that you are not the same person
you used to be.
The things you used to tolerate,
have become intolerable.
When you once remained quiet,
you are now speaking the truth.
Where you once battled and argued,
you are now choosing to remain silent.
You are beginning to understand
the value of your voice
and there are some situations
that no longer deserve
your time, energy, and focus.

Shift beautifully, friends.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Without anyone to credit,
I will simply share these beautiful words.

The longer you entertain
what's not for you,
the longer you postpone
what is.

Can ya read that again, please?!

Monday, June 10, 2024


I absolutely love this
and believe it ...

If you want to know
where to find
your contribution
to the world,
look no further
than your wounds.
When you learn
how to heal them,
teach others.

Thank you, Emily Maroutian.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Some people say that I'm unrealistic,
too sugary sweet,
too ignorant of what's out there.
To them ... I love you. I pray for you.

I'm not seeing a perfect world.
I'm not seeing perfect people.

I'm seeing goodness and kindness
and blessings and beauty.
I'm seeing hope and standing in faith.

Am I all rainbows and fluffy puppies?
If you really knew me, you'd know the answer is no.

But ... I will always chase the silver linings,
the tiny brilliant joy that exists in every day.
The simple grace I find on my path.
The calm that comes in seeing the positive ...
no matter how hard I have to look.

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, June 7, 2024

To vs. From

From one Ralph Marston:

is a choice,
not a result.
will make you happy
until you choose to be happy.
No person
will make you happy
unless you decide to be happy.
Your happiness
will not come to you.
It can only
come from you.

Thanks, Winnie, for sharing!

Thursday, June 6, 2024


This blog
is simply about positivity.
It is meant
to start your day
on a happy note,
with a smile on your face,
with joy in your heart,
with hope within reach.
You can like it.
You can pass it by.
You can delete it.
I hope that each
and every one of you
that takes a moment
each morning to read these
leaves a little lighter.
Enjoy the day.
Enjoy one another.
Enjoy life.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


each of us,
have within us
the ability
to change
the moment,
the day, 
the month,
the life,
of another human.
You can make
a positive impact.
You don't have
to be right.
You don't have
to give opinions.
You don't have
to have an upper hand.
You simply, friends,
need to care.
You, dear soul,
have the power
to do a great many wonderful things.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Loooooooooooooooove this!
Of course, I have Lynified it ...

Here is the first step
to healing.
Be the love
you never received.
Be the acknowledgement
you never got.
Be the listener
you always needed.
Be those things
to folks around you
and you've not only 
healed yourself ...
you're healing others.

Monday, June 3, 2024


Poet Arikeh shared this.
It is truth!

all you can do is to
embrace the uncertainty,
focus on the wait,
enjoy the beauty of becoming.
when nothing is certain,
anything is possible.

Anything ...

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Oh my friends!

I know that some of you
have the same "affliction"
and are awoken with words
or images or notes
that must become something.

There are currently
three VERY different
jumbles of words
trying to work themselves
into something extraordinary.

I will let them do their thing
and write as directed
and hopefully ...
soon ...
another masterpiece.

Keep your eyes peeled ........