Friday, January 31, 2025

Tip Toe

Not mine ... but ...

the smallest step
in the right direction
ends up being
the biggest step of your life ...
tip toe if you must,
but take the step.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Our greatest strength
lies in the gentleness
and tenderness
of our hearts.


We cannot fathom the path of another
for we've not worn their shoes.
We have the unique opportunity
to do several different things
or all of them ...
1. Clear the path
2. Cheer them on
3. Walk beside them

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Story

This has been around forever.
Don't know where it came from
or who said it.

Behind every strong person
is a story
that gave them no choice.

We each have a story.
Each unfathomable
to the person who's within it;
and yet ...
we find a way,
to claw, to dig, to fight,
to cling to a passion
that provides a sliver of hope.

And the story continues ...

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A Thoreauly Good Morning

From Mr. Henry David ...

above morality.
Be not
simply good;
be good
for something.

Enjoy your day
and every little thing in it.

Monday, January 27, 2025


A very worthy repeat ...

my friend,
are worthy.
You are enough.
You are capable.
You are strong.
You are radiant.
You are brave.
You are bold.
You are beautiful.
Not because
you are perfect;
but because
you are you.


You are not responsible
for other people's opinions.
You are not in control
of other people's reactions.
Be your own
very unique and amazing self.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

No Space

I borrowed this from someone's Facebook page.
It is as true as it comes.
If more folks followed suit, 
it sure would be a more beautiful world.

I have no energy
to hate anyone.
I honestly have no space
in my heart to carry
that mess around.

I either love you,
wish you well,
or I hope you heal.

Friday, January 24, 2025


There is no one to credit for this.

I have, however, always felt this way ...
whether in the woods, in the mountains,
or while seaside.

I love the places
that make you realize
how very small
you and your problems
really are.

I hope you find yourself
in one of those places.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


With no one to credit ... there is this:

Getting lost
is part
of the journey.

Enjoy it all .....

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


From one Nikki Banas ...

You never really know
the true impact you have
on those around you.
You never know how much
someone needed that smile
that you gave them.
You never know how much
your kindness turned
someone's entire life around.
You never know how much
someone needed 
that long hug or deep talk.
Don't wait to be kind.
Don't wait
for someone else to be kind first.
Don't wait for better circumstances
or for someone to change.
Just be kind ...
because you never know
how very much it's needed.

I changed it just a teensy tiny bit.
Have a warm and wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Today is
National Hugging Day!
Wishing I was amongst more folks
so I could partake,
but I will hug you all from afar,
with a virtual squeeze,
an enveloping greeting,
and all kinds of love.
If you're near actual people ...
share a hug!

Monday, January 20, 2025

RAK 'em up

Coretta Scott King requested:

The greatest birthday gift my husband could receive 
is if people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds
celebrated the holiday by performing
individual acts of kindness through service to others.

Lay down your weapons ~
be they tangible, or of the tongue ~
and be the kindness
that you'd like to see in the world.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday Og

A little Mandino for you
on this Saturday ...

I will 
love the light
for it
shows me the way,
I will
endure the darkness
because it
shows me the stars.

Perspective is a powerful thing.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Be the person

No one to credit for this,
but ... THIS!!!

Be the person
that no matter
where you go
or who you're with,
you add value
to the lives
of those around you.

Be THAT person!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Heroes and Angels

Missing two larger-than-life teddybears today.
This gem is for youse guys.

Heroes and Angels
by Lyn Marinello

Sometimes, when the halo slips,
It feels more like a noose
Regardless of how fast we move
We can't shake the negative loose.
And often, in the chaos,
The cape becomes a weight
The struggle for the least relief
Is incredibly innate
Those feathers in our wings
May seem as though they're clipped
And our core of self-esteem
Feels absolutely stripped
Occasionally the super powers
Are actually atrocious
And the roar of our inner lion
Is anything but ferocious

Yet ...

We, each of us, are Heroes
And Angels unaware
Imperfectly perfect, favorably flawed,
Beautifully blessed and rare.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A thought ...

Changing today up a bit ...

If you have a spare moment today, 
I'd like for you to sit down and ponder something.

When you speak to other people,
is it positive?
If it's not entirely positive,
is it productive?
If it's not truly productive,
is it purposeful?

If the answer to ANY of those is no,
we've got some work to do.
How we treat ANY other human,
whether they are in agreement with us
religiously, politically, ecologically,
mentally, physically, or emotionally,
speaks volumes about our character.
We need not be cohesive
to be coherent. 

What are your thoughts???

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


This quote, without a named source,
has always proven powerful to me.

Just because
someone carries it well,
doesn't mean
it isn't heavy.

It's always been a perfect point
to speak kindness
and show care and compassion.
We are all 
in this together.
What kind of person will you be?
One who makes it heavier?
Or one who lightens the load?

Make good choices.

Monday, January 13, 2025

To The Stars

LOVE this.
Love you.

to the stars ~
never forget
that you are made
of magic
and sparkly light, 

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Noise ...

Found this to be to-the-point
and powerful.
For whomever needs to read this ...

In a world
full of noise and fear,
listen hard
for the good voices,
and don't forget
that YOU
can be one of them.

You really can be
the difference
you want to see in the world.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Power of Words

With the gifts I have been blessed with,
I am so very careful and cautious with this.

I wish more people were ...

Our words are powerful.
Let's be remembered
for the love we share,
not the negativity we emit.

Have a fantabulous Friday!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

One Thing

Have seen this many times.

Thinking there are some folks
who might need the reminder ...

If you carry one thing
with you today,
let it be this:
You are brave,
you are beautiful,
you are strong,
you are smart,
you are loved.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

True Happiness

Found this and Lynified it ...

True Happiness
is not found
in money, prestige or status;
not in power or titles;
not in accolades or notariety.
It is found
in the simple gestures that you do;
the kindnesses you share;
the assistance you selflessly give;
the anonymous endeavours.
It is found
in the difference you make
in the lives of others.

Today, I hope you find
true happiness.
Today, I hope you are
true happiness.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

That Thread

There was no one to credit for this,
(so of course I Lynified it)
but I advocate for this fiercely ...

So many people
are hanging on
by the tiniest of threads.
Be kind, always,
for you may very well be
that thread.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Some Monday Albert


Do NOT grow old.
No matter
how long you live
never cease to stand
like curious children
before the great mystery
into which we were born.

It is a beautiful gift to unwrap
each time you awaken.

Enjoy your day.

Friday, January 3, 2025


Wondering what some of you are thinking
with a title like that.

Makes me chuckle.

I had a friend post a list of the five fabulous things
to shift one's perspecctive.
Although I agree with them all,
#2 truly caught my eye.
So ... I will share #1 then #3-#5
and end with #2.
Everyone enjoys a good #2.

1. What you give power to, has power over you
3. Choice is the most powerful tool you have
4. Let today be today and tomorrow be tomorrow
5. You can't change what's going on around you,
     until you change what's going on within you

and ... drum roll please ..

2. It's not hard, you've just never done it before

Perspective is an amazing thing.
What you choose to see is what shapes your day
and ultimately your life.

It's a great list.
What's YOUR favorite???

Thursday, January 2, 2025

I hope you know

Saw a very short and
absolutely perfect
little tidbit.

Thought I'd share,
because ... 
it's true!!!!

I hope you know
the world is better
because you
are in it.

Enjoy the day before you ~
it is a gift.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Happy New Year, kids!

Here's hoping that this year offers you
whatever you are willing to chase;
be it passions
be it dreams
be it travel
be it achievements
be it self care
be it self improvement
be it quietude
be it stepping outside of your comfort zone
be it setting boundaries
be it starting over
be it starting up
be it settling down
be it learning
be it teaching
be it listening
be it loving.
Do more
of what makes your heart happy.