Friday, February 28, 2025

You Can

For so so so so so so many people
that I know and love ...

While you cannot control
someone's negative behavior,
you can control
how long you participate in it.

You don't have to act up
to act out.
You are better than
the bad behavior.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

What if ...

Found this and absolutely Lynified it ...

What if ...
we stopped celebrating being busy
as a measurement of importance?
What if ...
instead, we celebrate how much time
we spend listening, learning, sharing,
understanding, helping, hoping,
laughing, exploring, memory-making,
singing, dancing, speaking kindness,
praying, playing, caring, loving,
and enjoying time
with the most important people
in our lives?
What if ...
we focused on positivity,
we focused on politeness,
we focused on purpose?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Your Heart

Just felt like some simple,
good, old-fashioned uplifting ...
nothing too deep or ponder-worthy ...

Let your heart
glow with love,
let it shine
with kindness,
let is sparkle
with hope.

That, really,
is all we ever need.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


There was no one to credit,
but good gravy, I'd sure like to thank whoever did.

The wound
was not your fault,
but the healing
is your responsibility.

So so so so so profound!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Light and Water

In a search this morning
for something positive to share ...
these two were found
one right after the other.
It truly caught my attention.
Hoping the right person
gets to see this ....

We are all broken ...
that's how the light gets in.

... and like water,
I always find my way.

~ Hemingway and Tolnoe, respectively.

Good stuff.
Good morning.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Be silent.
Breathe and relax.
Feel the calm.
Heal and recover.
You need this moment.

Friday, February 21, 2025


Fill your life
with adventures,
not things.
Have stories to tell,
not stuff to show.

It is in the daily doings
that we live.
Have small adventures
every day ...
even if that means
simply taking a walk
at lunchtime.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Three Gates

A Rumi quote that's been Lynified:

Before you speak,
let your words
pass through three gates:
Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?
Same goes for your actions:
Are they purposeful?
Are they positive?
Are they productive?
Choose wisely.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Proud of You

For whomever might need to read this today ...

I'm proud of you
for showing up for yourself every single day,
for the tough decisions you have to make,
and for your unwavering commitment
to your own well-being.
Your resilience inspires me,
and your grace in the face of adversity
is truly admirable.
I see your pain,
but more importantly,
I see your strength in overcoming it.
Your courage and determination
do not go unnoticed.
I believe in you.
I believe in the incredible person
that is emerging from the shambles
that you've trudged through.
You are incredible.
I'm proud of you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


we celebrate a birthday!
The hubmeister!!!
It's so much more
than just the day of his birth.
It is the opportunity
to realize how many people
he has impacted;
how often he has
rallied to save a day;
how, despite the need,
for machismo ...
he's an enormous teddy bear;
how gifted we are
with his presence;
how lucky I am 
to be married to him;
how grateful I am
to have been gifted his children;
how blessed we are
to see our little family grow;
how it truly is a day
to celebrate so very much!
Happy YOU Day, Victor!
Let's Celebrate You!!!

Monday, February 17, 2025


Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day!
What a glorious day, indeed!!!

With everything out there in the world right now,
the anger, the angst, the ugly, the insults ...
let's take a moment.
Let us find a way,
however small ...
however seemingly insignificant ...
however minute,
to improve the day,
the surroundings,
the life of someone else.
Let us not look for accolades
or attention or thanks.
Let us simply do some
Random Act of Kindness
with joy and eagerness
in every inch of who we are
for someone else.

Go be a RAKtivist!

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Your light
reminds others
of their light.
Your kindness
inspires others
to be kind.
Your patience
paves the way
for others' patience.
Your faith
instills hope
within others.
Your love
seeps into the souls
of all those around you.

Friday, February 14, 2025


Although today has been
ridiculously overcommercialized,
let's get to its root ... LOVE!

You have a choice today
about what you want to put out there.
Turn off the news.
Get off the internet.
Stop the doom scrolling
or whatever they are calling it now.
Focus on yourself.
Focus on what is good in your life.
You woke up? Win!
If you have another person to
share the day with ... Win!
If you've got a furry friend
that gives unconditional love ... Win!
Listen to the birds, a good song,
whispering pines, lapping waves,
your own breathing.
There is so much to be in love with.
Find it. Share it. Be it!

Thursday, February 13, 2025


I saw this
and it kinda struck me sideways.
I needed to Lynify it for sure.
It has been a topic in several 
recent conversations.
Let me know your thoughts ...

You are important.
Your feelings matter.
Your voice matters.
Your story matters.
Your life matters.
You matter.
But not more
than anyone else

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Woke up with this rolling around
in me wee noggin'.

Wherever your travels take you,
please go with
hope in your heart;
kindness on your tongue;
generosity in your hands;
a smile on your soul;
grace in your decisions;
and love in your actions.
No matter the journey,
it will always be positive ...
maybe not because
of where and how it takes you,
but because of
what you've added to that locale.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


This applies to absolutely
one of us!
And if you are the person
who believes that it doesn't ...
you're precisely the person
that needs to read this.

The words
you speak
the house
you live in.

Speak guiding, positive,
comforting, honest,
beautiful, thoughtful

Monday, February 10, 2025


This statement, without creditable source,
is about as true as they come.

Everyone you meet
has something
to teach you.

Sometimes it is 
how to be a better person.
Sometimes it is
how NOT to be as a person.
We can observe and filter
and learn and grow
and absorb and discard
as needed.

We are all connected,
and worthy,
and necessary.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tiny Miracles

From one Roald Dahl:

is a series
of thousands
of tiny miracles.
Notice them.

From one me:

Those tiny miracles ...
may be words;
may be smiles;
may be kindness;
may be hugs;
may be grace;
may be patience;
may be vistas;
may be rest;
may be love.
They are
every freaking where.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Let It

This was one on a list of "note to self" items.
This one struck me as particularly purposeful.
I hope it finds who it needs to

Let it end.
Let it hurt.
Let it heal.
Let it go.

Do not carry what was
never meant to be your baggage.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

That Person

Today's blog is in honor of the birthday boy: Miles Marinello!
This is him in a nutshell.
(It's actually both of my kids ... but it's his birthday.)

There's a stranger out there
who still thinks of you
because you were kind to them
when they really neeeded it.
Never stop being that person.

When you have the opportunity to help ...
You ALWAYS have the opportunity.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Better Place

This did not have anyone to credit,
and ... of course ...
I have Lynified it ...

We spend a lot of time looking for happiness
when the world right around us
is full of wonder.
Sunrises, blooming flowers,
towering trees, mountain trails,
untouched meadows, sandy shores,
pristine waters, forever skies,
creatures great and small,
childrens laughter, sunsets,
interlaced fingers and
intertwined hearts.
Aromas and sights and flavors.
To be alive and walk the earth
is a miracle,
and yet ...
most of us are running around
as if there were some better place to get to.
Enjoy Everything Around You!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


From one Charlotte Bronte:

does not indicate
that you are weak.
Since birth,
it has always been
a sign that 
you are alive.

Do not fear your tears.
They cleanse;
they clear the way;
they strengthen;
they release.
Open the waterway
when in need.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Whispers of Hope

Here's to
the bridge-builders,
the hand-holders,
the light-bringers,
those extraordinary souls
wrapped in ordinary lives
who quietly weave
threads of humanity
into an inhumane world.
They are the unsung heroes
in a world at war with itself.
They are the whispers of hope
that peace is possible.

~ LR Knost

Found this over the weekend
and saved it for you kids.
This is something
needs to hear
and see
and be.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Only One

In all of the universe
there is only one
You are unique.
You are beautiful.
You are strong.
You are brave.
You are gifted.
You are deserving.
You are enough.
You are worthy.
You are loved.
I am thankful
for only one