Monday, September 23, 2024

In My Lane

Hoping you enjoy the words that woke me up.


In My Lane

by Lyn Marinello


In one of seemingly thousands

Of a management/employee review

I was told my over-reach

Had become a tad askew

I asked too many questions

And didn’t question the proper folk

And when I should have been quiet

Was precisely when I spoke

I took things too much to heart

Tried too hard to smooth the road

That it wasn’t my responsibility

To lighten anyone else’s load

I should just allow things to crash

Which, to me, seems completely inane

I should put blinders on to my job alone

I should simply “stay in my lane”


I was unimpressed with this scrutiny

But figured I’d give it some serious thought

Do a little soul searching

And see if there was a lesson to be taught.

I thought hard about my actions

Pondered tasks I’d undertaken

Questioned my motives; my morals

And arrived at this … unshaken …


I’ll take any task you give me

Without regard to how minute

Focus all of my attention

Determined; resolute

I will seek efficient means

To improve upon the wheel

Face any challenge offered

With an exuberance; a zeal

I will always try to leave things

Better than what I’ve found

Progress never happens

If you don’t push through where you’re bound

I will try to fill the void

If I see a chasm growing

I will ask to find improvements

If I see progress slowing

I will seek to ensure that others

Have the tools for their success

That the tasks that they are given

Can be attained with little stress

Although unimpressed with the directive

Against nearly everything engrained

I’ve come to grips and quite enjoy

The drive I’m taking in my lane.


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