Thursday, December 31, 2015

Your New Outfit

As 2015 comes to a close,
I would recommend:

Undress and leave behind you
the things that weigh you down,
the people who make you sad,
the anger,
the bitterness,
the stuff you're hanging on to
that does nothing for you,
the hurt,
the selfishness,
the self-righteousness,
the pity parties,
the whining.

Cloak yourself
with positive,
with joy,
with hope,
with love,
with support,
with goals,
with dreams,
with faith,
with possibilities.

Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoy your new outfit!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Mirror

Before you sit in judgment,
make certain you are perfect.
Before you speak poorly,
make sure you are untarnished.
Before you look down,
make confident your perch is worthy.

The Mirror is your greatest tool.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Edu-ma-cate Yo-self

This phrase makes me smile.
It used to be said a lot as I was growing up.
It needs to be said some more.

To live is to learn.
Seek knowledge each day.
Learn just a little something.
A new fact;
a new activity;
a new idea;
a new opportunity.
To be complacent
is to die a little inside.

Edu-ma-cate Yo-self!

Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year's Resolution

To the zillions of you
that will make a resolution
to lose weight in 2016,
here's a really easy way to start.
No gym membership.
No sweat sessions.
No gasping for air.
No cramping.
No stretching or running.

How about . . .

Leave all the things behind you
that make you sad,
make you angry,
make you bitter,
make you confused.
Leave behind you
the what ifs,
the might haves,
the could haves,
the drama,
the gossip,
the ugly-hearted.

That excess weight is killing you.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


All those fancy packages,
those sparkly ribbons,
shiny wrapping paper,
and twinkling lights ~
Christmas sure can be beautiful.

But . . .
the most precious gifts
cannot be wrapped,
cannot be found in stores,
cannot be written on lists.

Those fragile moments in time,
etched forever in our minds
and on our hearts.

Hold the old ones close.
Create fabulous new ones.

Make Memories!

Friday, December 25, 2015


In Him was life,
and the life
was the light of men.
~ John 1:4

Shine on!

Merry Christmas!
Much love and many blessings.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Follow . . .

Do NOT follow:

the masses
pop ideas

Follow, instead,
the tiny star that led a pair
so long ago
to the beginnings of
incomparable blessings.

Have a beautifully
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Celebrate the reason.
Celebrate the season.
Celebrate family.
Celebrate friends.
Celebrate laughter.
Celebrate love.
Celebrate beauty.
Celebrate hope.
Celebrate joy.
Celebrate faith.
Celebrate each day.
Celebrate another year.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Triplets

Triplets born in Christmas.
Beautiful, tender, innocent, perfect!
Rejoice in their arrival; at this time and always.


Hold them close.
Raise them up.
Love them dearly!

Monday, December 21, 2015


Tis the season, right?
Not so fast.

It is not about how high
the presents are stacked.
It is not about which store
the presents are from.
It is not about how high tech
the presents might be.
It is not about how expensive
the presents might be.

None of that really matters.
What really, truly matters
is that you change the word.

It is your PRESENCE that matters.

You are the best gift ever!

Saturday, December 19, 2015


There might be sadness.
But it passes.
There might be pain.
But it subsides.
There might be confusion.
But clarity comes.
There might be anger.
But it diffuses.
There might be darkness.
But light is coming.

In all things . . .

Friday, December 18, 2015

A little bit more

Maybe Christmas, he thought,
doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas, perhaps,
means a little bit more.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


It is such an extraordinary feeling
to be Full!

Aware that you might not have
sports cars
baubles . . .
but that what you DO have
is absolutely everything!

I am Full!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What do you do?

From Sara Teasdale:

"I make the most of all that comes,
and the least of all that goes."

Simple and yet so tremendously vital!

Monday, December 14, 2015


In a world currently filled
with hate,
and more,
it is a beautiful gesture
that stands above so many things.

A kind word,
a warming smile,
a full on hug,
a helping hand.
These things are priceless
and rare.

When you receive one,
let it melt your woes,
your anguish,
your pain.
Relish in the gift it is!

Saturday, December 12, 2015


There are times
when a lunch date,
a beautiful friendship,
a truly thoughtful gift,
remembering kind deeds,
and meeting folks who make a difference
bubble up from deep inside
and leak out through my eyes!

It is a joyful tear that's shed for you.
Thank you!!!

Friday, December 11, 2015


There is no equivalent to the feeling of giving.

To offer up your time,
your talent,
your efforts,
your gifts,
your heart,
your smile,
your friendship,
your love,
to help someone else.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


So, for the past four mornings
I opened my eyes and found 6:18 on my clock.
The first day, I groaned and tried to go back to sleep.
The second day, I mumbled that that was weird.
The third day, I just said, "Wow!"
Today, again, at 6:18, I said, "Hey, perhaps a message!"

Ephesians 6:18

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers and requests."

What time do you wake up???

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Dare to dream.
Dare to think.
Dare to believe.
Dare to try.
Dare to love.
Dare to laugh.
Dare to share.
Dare to fail.
Dare to be.
Dare to live.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Finding that Special Someone

Oh the things we do to attract others.
The workouts,
the makeup,
the hair styles,
the fashions.
All in hopes that we'll find that someone special.

I've got a secret.


That someone special
is YOU!

Until you're happy with you,
no one else will fill any voids.
Find your someone special . . .
inside your own very special self!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lose Yourself

I don't know about you,
but music is part of the foundation of my life.

I grew up surrounded by it.
Everything from the doo wop of the 50's to classic rock.
From classical to heavy metal.
From folk to orchestral.
It really does soothe the savage beast.
It quiets the mind.
It ignites passion.
It fuels a workout.
It softens loss.
It empowers.
It brings memories to life.

Today . . . find a moment to lose yourself in music.
You won't regret it.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Choice is magnificent.
Choice is uplifting.
Choice is enlightening.
Choice is strengthening.
Choice is YOURS!

You choose how you behave.
You choose how you respond.
You choose who you associate with.
You choose who you befriend.
You choose your emotions.
You choose your feelings.
You choose.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Your Path

Sometimes our paths seem clear and concise.
Other times, we wonder if there really even is a path at all.
We struggle through the underbrush,
climb atop the boulders,
slither around debris,
and finally fall, exhausted,
on the nearest clump of earth to rest.
It is at this time,
that our path is defined by much more
than a simple direction.
We endure so very much
to offer ourselves to others.
We struggle in order to realize the strength
to help another human.
We slither and climb
so that we might gain tenacity and perseverance.
And, when we have rested for a brief moment,
on our little clump of earth,
we see again, a sliver of a tattered route
on which we continue our journey.

Follow Your Path.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Single Candle

All the darkness in the world,
cannot extinguish the light
of a single candle.

Be that candle!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Oh December!
Christmas time!
I'm kind of a Christmas nerd.
I collect Santas and Angels.
I so believe in the Reason behind the season.

I hope that your holidays
are whatever you need them to be;
filled with love,
and peace!