Friday, August 31, 2012


Ahhhhhh, Pigskin!

The beautiful return of . . . football!

I'm not sure if it's the six brothers, or growing up in New York, or what exactly that instilled the love of this game . . . but it dwells deep within me. And, thanks to my magnificent hubby, I was introduced to the world of college football many years ago and, quite simply, adore it.

It's a brutal sport, big hits, big plays, anxiety-packed, and most celebratory. You find yourself leaning on your couch as you're hoping for a touchdown or holding your breath while awaiting the next big sack. It draws you in, lifts you up, slams you down, and gets you all excited.

Here's to a season that is hopefully filled with enthusiasm, fingertip grabs, mind-blowing tackles, tip-toe touchdowns, and last second scores.

It's football time in America!

Woo Hoo!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This is not about man vs. woman. This is not about boss vs. employee. This is not about wealthy vs. destitute. This is not about the celebrity vs. the average Joe.

This is about people!

I believe in the relative core goodness of people. I believe most people have within them a gracious heart full of love and compassion and joy. Now there might be a person out there who thinks that life has taken advantage of them. And maybe, just for a short span of time, it has. That does NOT give you the right to yell at me, belittle me, call me names, insult me, and defile me.

You have your right to believe what you choose. I have my right to believe what I choose. It really is as simple as that. You have not lived my life. I have not lived yours. I am not going to judge you - with words or actions. You should steer clear of doing the same.

Now, before anyone sends me a flurry of emails, no one made me mad. No one upset me. I am peachy keen! I am, however, tired of folks and their rantings of THEIR opinions as if it's set in stone and the only possible course of earth's progress. Add to those rantings the use of belittling, yelling, name-calling, insults, and basic defiling of others. It's disgusting!

Civility and communication are lost arts. It's a little disturbing. There's no detached debating any more. It's all or nothing, out-for-blood, my way or death sort of conversing and it is just plain sad. Makes me weepy.

I am equal to you. You are equal to me. Our thoughts are equal. Our beliefs are equal.

Can't we all just get along?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

True Colors

With the political bs meter off the charts these days, it's important to try to see folks in their true colors. I think it was Lauper who sang it in the early 80's, although I'm sure that was not the first version. It almost never is!

You can confirm with my children that as they were growing up I asked and taught them to never lie. If you tell the truth, you don't ever have to remember which lies you told to which people and then try to behave a certain way in front of different sections of acquaintances. It's baffling! Some people live lie after lie after lie.

One of the things I have done with this blog is to try to share with you all some of my life's experiences. This is honesty in its most glaring form. To open yourself up to comment, non matter the subject, is to freely put yourself up on the chopping block. To know and have faith enough in yourself that maybe just ONE person needs to hear or see or feel that they are not alone, because you have been where they are, have been through what they are dealing with, or are ~ at the very least ~ compassionate to their situation.

Truth is empowering. Truth is humbling. Truth is beautiful!
Who are you really? What lies beneath your facade? Are you real or are you painting some mystical, magical tapestry of some vision. If you are anything but YOU . . . you are cheating the world of your wonder, your inspiration, your incredible gifts, your strengths, and your beauty!

Show us your true colors ~ shining through. Show your true colors ~ that why we love you.
Don't be afraid to let them show. Your true colors are beautiful . . . like a rainbow!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The little things

Maybe I'm just a little wacky, but for me . . . the little things truly mean a lot!

I woke up to a note to take a specific vehicle to work. It said, "Please take the car. Luv ya!" Nothing more. Nothing less. Just a sweet little pick me up at this horrid hour of the morning.

If more folks learned to take joy in the tiny pleasures that life has to offer, the world would be a much happier place. Maybe instant gratification is NOT the answer. Maybe, just maybe, a short wait for something you want; working really hard for the item you truly desire; and an intermittent random smile from a stranger is the makings for a perfect day. Yeah, that's it!

The "headed home" text from your child. The "just checking in" phone call from family members. The "Hello Friend. Just thinking of you." email from someone close. These things need not be complicated. It is the joy within you that is released when someone else acknowledges you. Imagine how good it would feel, if you did that for someone else.

And then . . . the little things would make the world a better place.

Go make the world a better, happier place!

Monday, August 27, 2012


I'm not quite sure who this brilliant person is . . . but he/she sure is brilliant.

Obstacles can't stop you.
Problems can't stop you.
Most of all, other people can't stop you.
Only YOU can stop you.
~ J. Gitomer

Don't stop you! Cheer you on!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


My son recently asked me to name a favorite 'hero' of mine; someone who made a real impact on me. Well, that's an unusual question so I truly pondered the question. Thinking back . . . way back . . . straining the old gray matter . . . I told him that I had read her story a million years ago and it truly struck a chord with me. I sympathized with her struggles and joined in her triumphs. She overcame so very much and could have shut down at any of a zillion moments. But she chose to live, to improve herself, to create a new life, to make a difference. I told him that one of my favorite 'heroes' was Helen Keller.

And today's little snippet . . . something to sit and stew upon for the weekend . . . is one of my most favorite sayings EVER!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

There are plenty of beautiful things to see and touch is an extraordinary gift, but to have the simple exuberance of a joyful heart . . . is a blessing unlike any other.

Today . . . I hope your heart feels wondrous things. I hope your heart sings. I hope your heart, with all its aches and pains and empty spots, is happy!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

I have a few friends who would like me to write about recycling. Unfortunately, although I believe in this, I don't normally use my blog for anything but positive, simple, uplifting things and I try NOT to use it as a soapbox for spouting off about different topics!

Today, I will talk about recycling. But I will also stay true to myself. This is what I do.

YOU are recyclable. You are renewable. Whatever your dreams and inspirations might be, there is no age or condition that can stop you. There is a tremendous source of untapped possibilities within every single one of us just waiting to be put to use. We have hopes as a teen. If you didn't quite reach that potential; you can reinvent yourself in your 20's. Don't like where you are in your twenties? Recycle those fantasies and create a new you in your 30's.

Better yet, don't wait decades. Improve upon yourself each and every day! There is, inside of you, a brilliant beauty just waiting to be born. Take all those visions you had as a youngster and stir 'em up. Dust them off and reuse what excited you so long ago, to invigorate you today. There is nothing to stop you . . . but you.

Reduce the negativity in your life. Take out of your day, and out of your life, the things that tie you down, hold you back, oppress you, and make you feel less than you are. Reduce the stress. Reduce the hurtful things you allow into your positive space. The product you are left with is a beaming, incredible person capable of nearly anything.

So . . . for your planet, your country, your community, your self . . . reduce, reuse, recycle! It really does begin with YOU.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Click your heels

Saw a little snippet today that made me smile. It's usually little things that catch my eye. When it makes me smile . . . it makes an impact. So, I figured I would share it!

There's no place like roam!

Now that doesn't mean you have to travel to Bora Bora, although that seems to be a beckoning spot for a lot of folks. Doesn't mean you have to hit up Italy, London, Prague or some far away and distant land. It simply says . . . roam!

Take a walk. Get in your kayak. Pedal away. Drive someplace you've never been. Explore! See what's out there. Drink in the sights and eat up your travels. You never know the adventures you'll have without taking that first step of an unknown journey.

Have fun . . .

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heavenly Happenstance

Every now and again, we receive a beautiful blessing; a true token telling us we're on the right path and doing the right thing.

I have a calendar that tells me the "National Day of" whatever it might be most every day of the year. It's a most interesting and entertaining little calendar! Today is my birthday. This is my blog: Ch-Angels ~ intermittently acknowledging angels here on earth who are making a change for the better . . . Ch-Angels! I have angels all over my home. I have angel earrings, angel books, angels in my yard, gave birth to two angels and married one as well. And I truly believe I have been blessed by my angels too many times to count.

Today's notification on my calendar is "National Be An Angel Day"!

Doesn't it just give you goose bumps?! I am just about as blessed as blessed can be.

Celebrate my birthday and the birthday of so many other wonderful folks ~ today and EVERY day!
Make a change in the world!
Today . . . be an Angel!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Any day

Today holds the same chances that yesterday held and that tomorrow will hold. It is your clay to mold. It is your canvas to paint. It is your obstacle to overcome, your mountain to climb, your challenge to beat.

Any day is an opportunity for a miracle!

Have a miracle kind of day.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Life really is not that complicated. Oh sure, we can muck it up pretty quickly, but it need not be. There are pretty simple standards to live by and things can be sorta sweet . . . no matter what chaos might creep up on you.

You've got to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad.
Love what you've got, but remember what you had.
Always forgive, but don't ever forget.
Learn from mistakes, but never regret!

Keep a positive outlook - no matter what. Remember that every broken heart and every broken dream can make you stronger and more determined. Let go of the things that have hurt you, but remember the lessons you learned in that pain. Take a chance and leave your comfort zone or life will pass you by.

Today . . . go out and conquer YOUR world!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


We are all VERY busy people. Some of us shove a few more things into our day than others and still there are some who can't seem to ever get their to-do list done. I am guilty of the 'no time' excuse; as I'm certain many of you are too. Well, I happened upon a fabulous wake-up quote by no one I'm familiar with. This just goes to show you . . . sometimes, strangers are the wisest!

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have EXACTLY the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Now . . . go get it done!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What kind of character are you?

When assessing a person's character, one of the best barometers is to carefully look at how well he/she treats someone that cannot do him/her any good. How well does this person treat someone incapable of self-defense?

A person of character would treat every person the same, regardless of social stature, financial ability, or natural ability. A person of character gives every person the respect and dignity they, themselves, would like to receive. A person of character trusts in the goodness of others before pointing fingers and condemning without cause. A person of character believes that each person is a valuable commodity to this earth, with a gift and a talent to share.

What kind of character are you?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Do NOT Be Defined

Your past does NOT define you. Your past does NOT create the person you CAN become. Whatever has gone on in your rear view, can create a wonderfully positive vista before you ~ if you so choose! The decision is yours.

I come from what some call a 'broken' home. My mother remarried twice. I have four real brothers, two step-brothers, and had three VERY different dads. One was almost always very sleepy when he was in our house due to alcohol consumption. One would dictate about such mundane and ridiculous things as whether to use a knife or a spoon in jelly. One was, understandably, so old fashioned it was pitiful trying to drag him into this day and age. I have had several abusive relationships with folks, in many facets. I have been robbed of my trust on countless occasions. I have been lied to, cheated on, left alone, brokenhearted, mocked, teased, mistreated, malnourished, jobless, overworked, and a million other horrible things. There is really no reason why I couldn't be a miserable, mean-spirited, nasty, negative, mistrusting, bitchy, old hag . . . other than the fact that I simply CHOOSE to rise above the immorality, the unfavorable, and the evil. I CHOOSE to take note of the positive things that have occurred in my life.

I believe that no matter your circumstances, there are positives before you. Unmistakably wonderful things that have happened to you. Are you awake and able to read this. There's TWO fabulous things! Do you have a job? Super! You don't? What is stopping you from taking ANY position available? Pride? You have to begin somewhere. Sit before you crawl. Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run. And each is a triumph worthy of celebration and JOY!

Oscar Pistorius, the double amputee Olympic athlete, was sitting in his room as a child playing with his brother. (This is actual verbiage from the interview done during the Olympics.) His mother would come in and say, "Time for school," and to his brother, "put your shoes on." And to Oscar, "Put your legs on." It was never a handicap, just a part of his day. A Ch-Angel for sure! Do NOT be defined by how the world views you. Become the person YOU want to be.

The choice is yours!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inspire someone!

To those who spend their time giving unselfishly to others, God bless! It has been said that if you find a 'job' you love, you'll never 'work' a day in your life. That is one of the truest statements ever! Although I do actually have a paying bit of employment, my volunteer work seems much more important to me. It speaks volumes, without me even opening my mouth, about my passions.

Your success is not even remotely correlated to what you accomplish in your lifetime. It is MUCH more well defined by what you inspire others to do. You may not even realize you're doing it, but your efforts and your drive instill something in another soul and THAT creates a legacy! Of course you can have streets named after you, or holidays, or events, or organizations, or even gymnastics moves. But if you have not inspired the next generation to exceed you, to better you, to improve upon something positive that you left . . . it's not all that impressive and it fades away with you.

Make a difference. Leave a mark. Inspire someone!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Beating the Bully

Sadly, bullies are everywhere! They come in all shapes and sizes, colors and sexes, and they can be horrifically devastating! We must learn to beat the bullies. To do so, we must first somewhat understand them.

First, there are three main forms of bullying ~ physical, emotional, and mental. No one type is any worse than another. Each is hurtful is completely unnecessary!

The physical bully is normally large, but not always. Almost always their pushing, shoving, hitting, beating, etc., stems from an overt lack of self worth. They find the only way they can 'present' themselves is to prove their power. They lack communication skills and the ability to connect with other people beyond brute force and might. Unfortunately, one of the best ways to 'beat this bully' is to simply plant yourself in another place. You could try to love them into understanding their own value, thereby understanding the value of others, but you put yourself in a very precarious position. Be very careful!

The emotional and mental bully is terrifying! These are the folks whose volume precedes their thinking. They are of the notion that because it's their opinion, if you do not agree, you are wrong. They berate you, attack you, belittle you, intimidate you, and all the while persist in shouting their viewpoints. Eventually, you are left weak, bereft of soul, and are simply a puppet. What you need to remember when facing the emotional/mental bully, is that when they enter a battle of wits . . . they come completely unarmed! They cannot carry on a conversation, because they do not possess the talent to impart a single idea intelligently. Every thought is screamed at you with the intent of tearing you down to accept their beliefs and ideals. They don't care about your thoughts, your feelings, your ideas, your brains, your intelligence, or anything beside themselves. It is actually a sad, sad event. How did anyone ever get to the point of omnipotence? They didn't!! And THAT is how you beat them.

Educate yourself! Know your topics and emit facts. Back them up. A disavowed bully crumbles like a stale cookie. If it is a screaming match of opinions, do not scream. Simply say, "I disagree." When the reaction you give is NOT one of jumping up and down, joining in their antics, and becoming irate ~ the bully is baffled. Their main intent is to get a rise out of you. Keep your feet firmly planted and, if you're able, point them in another direction. That helps too.

I hope you beat your bullies. I would love to fix the bullies. I would love to help them and let them know it's ok to be vulnerable instead of overbearing, to make inquiries instead of exclamations, to feel instead of inflict harm. Sadly, they must take that first step themselves. Today, I hope you beat your bullies.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Are you ready for some football???  Heck yeah!!!

With the football season quickly approaching, and pre-season already upon us, it's that glorious time of the year when we get to watch grown men beat the snot out of one another whilst running up and down a beautifully manicured lawn. I absolutely LOVE it! Throw in a dash of college football and there's not a place I'd rather be on any given weekend (or Thursday or Monday) than parked on my sofa, rooting on one team or another!

But, I digress . . . to one of the greats and a great bit of wisdom he did impart. So, for those of you who are NOT football fans; maybe this will begin to bring you around. They are NOT all 'meat heads'. This little gem is absolutely fabulous!

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
~ Vince Lombardi

It applies to football, sure. It also applies to absolutely every other facet of life. Perfection is one of those blurry and lofty unattainables, but . . . should you choose to pursue it, amazing things can happen. Today . . . go chase perfection!

Friday, August 10, 2012

A moment please . . .

I'd like a moment please.

I'd just like to take a brief moment to introduce you to my children: Deanna Marinello and Miles Marinello. You can find them on Facebook and friend them if you'd like. They are very friendly people. That is just one of the many gazillion reasons why I like them.

They are both simply beyond their years. They grew up faster than they needed to and better than I could have ever imagined. Miles struggled through a life-threatening auto-immune disease for seven years or so, and beside having to watch him and help him and sometimes take a second seat to his treatments and limitations, Deanna battled Scoliosis treatment for over a year and flew through avoiding surgery. They amaze me!

They have learned humility. They have learned generosity. They have learned philanthropy. They have learned to speak beautifully in public. They are definitely people persons. They are strong and dedicated and determined. They are tenacious and stubborn. They are happy and they are healthy. They are beautiful.

I knew I always wanted children. I knew having children would be hard work. I never imagined things would be as difficult and sometimes seemingly unmanageable. But . . . together, along with their absolutely incredible dad, we built a life of faith, of strength, of sarcasm, of silliness, and survival! I cannot express to you, in simple words, the pride I have for my 'babies'. Not even with scholars and dictionaries.

If you do not yet know my children, I hope that one day you will have the distinct pleasure of meeting them. If you do know them, I know you're shaking your heads in agreement. There is just no denying how phenomenal they are. I have been truly blessed! They are Ch-Angels through and through.

Thank you for your time!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Celebrate your success!

We all measure success in different ways. Some of us measure it by amassing wealth and gadgetry. Some of us measure it by procuring fame. Some of us measure it by who and how we help one another. Some of us measure it by simply waking up to face a new day.

We know not the struggles and troubles of anyone else. Do not be quick to judge another's actions . . . or inactions . . . because they do not measure up on your scale of importance. Each scale is different and terribly personal.

I was in an accident when I was a very young girl. The windshield of the vehicle shattered and I got glass in my eyes. This was nearly forty years ago. I consider it a HUGE victory to simply put eye drops in my eyes. Most folks would laugh at that, but I know what an obstacle I've overcome to do so. Such a simple task - taken for granted.

Take each day and its blessings as the joy it's meant to be. Of course you could dwell on your troubles, your problems, your strife, your sorrows, your weaknesses. But why would you want to? There is so much in the world that is beautiful. Open yourself up to those great graces and find another way through your woes. Remember that your success is only truly measured by you! Only you know how far you've come, what you've accomplished, what demons you have faced, and the obstacles you've climbed over. Every one is a victory.

Celebrate your success!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Get Going!

You always have a choice! No matter the situation, no matter the problem; there's always an option. Theodore Roosevelt put it superbly when he said:

In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing;
the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing;
the worst thing you can do is nothing!

Make the effort! Put in the time! Odds are you will not be hired as the CEO of some large company on your way out of your high school graduation. You might have to be the company gopher. You might have to flip burgers. You might have to sweep floors. Golly, you might have to sweep floors AFTER you flip burgers AFTER you're the company gopher. The key is to keep moving. Keep striving. No task is beneath you if your goals are above you. You must begin some where in order to get any where!

So, do the right thing. Or, do the wrong thing and learn from it. But, please, oh please . . . don't 'do nothing' and hope to find advancement. That is simply ludicrous!

Go on . . . get going!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


August is just chock full of birthdays and anniversaries. At the end of each month, I purchase cards and whatnot for people who enjoy celebrations in the upcoming month. In July, I had to ponder cards (and I buy each card specifically for each recipient - no bulk purchases) for nearly THIRTY people! That's crazy! Took me over an hour to do so.

To each of you ~ and you know who you are ~ enjoy your birthday. It is the day that God blessed the rest of the world with the terrificness of you. To those of you enjoying anniversaries ~ savor the memories you've created along the way and dare to dream of the fantastic fun you'll share in the future. I wish you all contentment and happy hearts!

I, too, enjoy a birthday this month. I always take a moment to acknowledge and throw a 'thanks' up to my mom for bringing me into this world and helping to make me the person I am. I know I have much more to do and many more lives to touch before my journey is through. I look forward to each birthday as an opportunity to continue to do so!

Happy Day to each of you! Much love always!

Monday, August 6, 2012

What will you write?

Since school is just around the corner, today's blurb will be about writing! Remember when you had to write the inevitable 'What I Did Over Summer Vacation" essay in your English class? That was kind of a long time ago for some of us!

What I want you to do now, though, is hone those writing skills.

YOU are a blank college-ruled sheet of paper. YOU have an endless supply of paper, pencils, pens and erasers. YOU have the ability to create the most incredibly story in history. YOU are in charge of the accomplishments you achieve, the overcoming of any hardships that stand in your way, and the excitement of whatever adventures you choose to pursue. YOU title each chapter, fill up the pages with creativity and triumph, and you possess the power to create a fairy tale ending or an underdog victory or the difference-making visionary statement. YOU are not just the story . . . YOU are the author!

What will you write?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Life Lesson #452

There are many life lessons I have learned. One of which is no matter how much or how strongly you care for or love someone, you cannot change them. That is THEIR choice and THEIR decision to make. And sometimes, as painful as it may be, there may come a time when the best thing you can do for that person AND yourself is to walk away. You have to love them enough to let them grow up, change, and develop. Your health, your sanity, and your soul cannot survive the struggles it takes to wallow in a pitiful sorrow that is not your own, to merely wish and hope that person may change.

Some of you won't like this post, and that's ok. Not sure how many times you have put your life on hold, allowed life to pass you by, or let opportunities dissipate because you were hoping someone might act a certain way or wishing someone might possibly behave differently. You can support them from a distance. Walking away doesn't mean turning your back on them. And sometimes, the only way to truly help them is to help yourself first!

Remember that we are ALL worthy and valuable. We ALL have talents and gifts to share and no one should drag or weight another soul down. If we each encouraged others to soar, to flourish, to grow, to achieve . . . there are no limits we could not surpass! But there are those who choose to flounder and only feel comforted by the discomfort of others. Wish them well and pray for them as you point your shoes in another direction!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Don't ever let your fear of 'not being the best' hold you back from doing what you want to do. Use the talents that you possess. They are blessings bestowed upon you. A gift. The forest would be a dreary place if  no birds sang except for the best. The stage would have no audience if only one style of singer voiced their melodies. Dance would not ignite such passions if only the most elegant were shared.

Sometimes a new flare, a different alteration, a flavorful twist sparks an entirely new movement. That could be YOU! Don't hold back! Offer yourself to the world. You are a superstar waiting to blossom. You only need to plant yourself and see what happens.

Grow, my friends! Grow!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Give it up

Someone commented yesterday that when you freely give your smile to someone, you are almost always greeted with a wonderfully warm smile in return. That's what I'm talking about. What you offer to the world, comes back to envelope you.

If you are the negative Nellie, there is a darkness and a solitude that follows you. When you open your heart and give of it freely, positive encounters and happenings fill your days. You cannot help someone else with actually helping yourself. Your generosity of reaching down, helps in the raising up of others. What a wonderful exercise for body and soul.

When you offer your assistance, know that when you are in need there will surely be another soul there to offer his/hers to you. What you need to understand is that that assistance may not be exactly what you were hoping for . . . but it is EXACTLY what you NEED! Turn your frown upside-down. It is the easiest and most uncomplicated way to improve your attitude!

So give it up! Give it a shot today. If each of you who read this, goes out and spreads a little sunshine to someone else, and they in turn do the same, imagine the effects your tiny little actions could have within twenty-four hours. You will have ~ by your own little self ~ made an impact that could literally span the globe!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Make a difference

Although I think it's safe to say that if any one of us came into an enormous some of money, there would be undoubtedly wonderful and philanthropic actions that would come of it. It is a generosity, born in human nature, that guides us in that direction. What we need to remember is that life is not about heroically great sacrifices or actions, but of the little things like kind actions, generous hearts, and selfless obligations; given in a habitual manner, that create and preserve the soul and generate an abounding comfort.

Today, count your blessings, and then . . . pay it forward. Reciprocate. Give back. It need not be in the form of millions of dollars, hospital wings, or the cure for cancer. (But . . . um . . . if you can do those things . . . go right ahead!) It is the tiny, tangible bits of hope you leave with others. A simple hug. A reassuring smile. A larger than normal tip for an excellent waiter/waitress. Leaving $10 for the person behind you in the grocery store. A helping hand. It may not seem like much, but to whomever you shower with those random acts of kindness . . . it could make a whole world of difference.

Today . . . make a difference.