Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Each of Us

Each of us
has immeasurable talents.
Each of us
possesses beautiful gifts.
Each of us
is filled with love.
Each of us
envelopes kindness.
Each of us
oozes with understanding.

Your blessings are unique.
No one else offers what you can.
Share your amazing self.

Share you.

Monday, June 29, 2015


Peace begins with a smile.
Help begins with a hand.
Understanding begins with an ear.
Sympathy begins with a shoulder.
Love begins with a heart.


Saturday, June 27, 2015


And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is

Friday, June 26, 2015

Never Too Late

George Eliot was quoted:

"It's never too late
to be who you might have been."

Now wait . . .
Go re-read that.
Seriously ponder it.

Now, go be amazing!

Thursday, June 25, 2015


I see folks at work who impatiently push their mom around
in a wheelchair, barking orders and yelling at her to make up her mind.

What I wouldn't do to spend just another 15 minutes with my mom.

I hear about folks not speaking to siblings because of some silly dispute
or another that really doesn't have much weight.

What I wouldn't do to talk to my brother Skip just one more time.

I hear about folks who won't see babies or deal with babies
because of some issue that occurred eons ago.

What I wouldn't do to hold sweet baby Julia again.

People . . . life is short.
Tomorrow is promised to absolutely no body.

If you care, show it.
If you miss them, call.
If you love them, tell them.
Today is all you have!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

If you only knew . . .

I wish I could take my experiences
and stick them in your head.
I wish I could teach you the lessons
that only life can give.
I wish I could instill in you
the importance and vitality of your existence.
I wish I could force upon you
the knowledge that comes from trials.
I wish I could creep into your thoughts
and rearrange them for you.
I wish I could make you believe
how incredibly amazing you are.
I wish I could demonstrate
what a difference you make.

I wish I could.

If you only knew . . .

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


It was said:

We are, each of us,
angels with only one wing.
We can only fly
when embracing one another.

Thank you to those
who lift me up,
who soar with me,
who give me flight.

Thank you!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Safe and Comfortable

From George Eliot . . .

Oh the comfort,
the inexpressible comfort
of feeling safe with a person:
having neither to weigh thoughts
nor measure words,
but to pour them out.

This is how I feel at home.
This is how I feel on here.
Safe and comfortable with my thoughts
and my intentions.

I hope your day
is safe and comfortable.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


When I was younger,
I was enthralled by the 'riches' of the wealthy.
The mansions, the luxury cars, the lavish trips,
the gaudy baubles, the ridiculous expenditures.

Now . . .
I see things differently.

I am happily married.
I have two amazingly beautiful and creative children.
I have a rescued pooch who has rescued us.
I have a house that we've made a home.
I am employed.
I live in a beautiful area.
I am surrounded by an incredible network of friends.
I am, for the most part, healthy.
I laugh daily.
I am wealthier than most.

Realize your riches.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Father's Day

There are all kinds of fathers out there.
Each is unique to his own situation.
I'm not sure how lucky I was but I had a plethora.

My real dad taught me to tackle things with tenacity.
We helped teach him the same thing.
Step-dad number one taught me, in a weird way,
to give everything 110% . . . just to prove 'em wrong.
Step-dad number two taught me to always keep looking.
Happiness is but a step of faith away.
Father-in-law taught me size is of no matter.
Love and family is as large as you make it.
Hubby . . . an extraordinary dad . . . taught me
I made an exemplary choice about 25 years ago.
He is dedication, determination, silliness, love, faith,
compassion, commitment, charm, and strength
all wrapped up in the fabulous package that is the
father of my children.

To those of you lucky enough to be a dad . . .
be a good one.
Lead by example.
Share the love.
Set boundaries for your babies
and then push them beyond them.
Play and laugh and learn and grow and share.

Thank you.
Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Whether you're the boss,
the co-worker,
or the new guy . . .
this information and its practice is priceless:

The manager maintains; the leader develops.
The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.
The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
The manager has a short-range view; the leader has long-range perspective.
The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
The manager eyes the bottom line; the leader eyes the horizon.
The manager imitates; the leader originates.
The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
The manager has employees; the leader has followers.
The manager mandates; the leader persuades.
The manager directs people; the leader creates teams.
The manager tries to be a hero; the leader makes heroes of everyone else.
The manager take credit; the leader takes responsibility.
The manager exercises power over people; the leader develops power with people.

Be a leader!
Build up those around you.
Go . . . lead.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

That Dadgum Glass

It's like the chicken and the egg.
Is the glass half empty
or is the glass half full.
Are you the pessimist
or the optimist?
How about the opportunist!

The glass is always refillable!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Failure is an ugly word.
It conjures up finality.
I believe more in 'redirection'.

The loss of a game
only means more preparation.
The loss of a union
only means the clarifying of its individual parts.
The loss of trust
only means resolute fortitude.
The loss of life
only means the expansion of your heart with memories.

You are not defined by failure.
You are forged into something greater, stronger, better.

If you only allow yourself some redirection.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Thanks a Million

What a beautiful surprise this morning.
I was having a rough couple of days.
Yesterday was fantastic - playing with hubby.
It led to a great morning . . .
I've hit a million views!

I am humbled that you all take the time to read my posts.
I am privileged that God gave me whatever talents I have.
I am lucky my mom and Ch-Angel Susie urged me to write.
I am thrilled to have such beautiful friends
who support me in doing what I love and enjoy.

You may have just turned my frown upside down.
Thanks a Million!

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Will ~
that little power inside of you
that can spur you on to amazing feats!

It's the "do one more".
It's the "try it again".
It's the "don't back down".
It's the "speak your mind".
It's the "you got this".
It's the "you are beautiful".
It's the "never quit".
It's the "yes".

It's your Will.
You can do anything!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Make it incredible

Use the good china every day
as today is all that matters.

Tomorrow is promised to no one.
The past is but a bouquet of beautiful memories.

Today . . .

Today is an extraordinary gift
not given to every one.
Embrace what it holds.
Seek out its beauty.
Breathe in its brilliance.
Bask in its blessings.
Make it incredible.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Oh Yessirree Bob!

Blessed are those that can give without remembering,
and take without forgetting.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Little Angels

So yesterday I knew I would have a rough day.
I wrote before I left that I would need to focus on positives.
Whether I felt it in the air,
or just knew that I was tired and a little less than 100%,
I knew I'd need a little something extra to get through the day.

As sure as the sky is blue,
the day went about as well as I thought it might.
I was met with laziness and insolence.
I tried, briefly, to keep it together and smooth ruffled feathers.
And . . . when I realized that wouldn't work . . .
instead of wallowing in the muck with the leeches,
I removed myself from the situation.
I set myself up with a few Little Angels that helped make the day.

It started with a hug from a Ch-Angel.
Not just any hug. The sort of hug where all the bad stuff leaves
and the broken parts are squeezed back into place.
THAT kind of hug.
And then . . . another Little Ch-Angel visited me
without intent or knowing I'd need it.
And then . . . another!
And then . . . another!

When we do what we can to improve our situation,
we are sent blessings to help us.
Thank you to all my Little Angels for helping me through yesterday.
I am truly blessed!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Good Stuff

There are things that have irritated me the last few days.
Sometimes, I want to just rant.
Sometimes, I want to just yell and scream.
Sometimes, I'd like to shake someone 'til they get it.
Sometimes, I'd like to just throat punch someone.

But . . .

That sort of activity gets you no where . . . and quickly.
The negative, domineering, belittling approach
doesn't do any one any good.
It makes you look foolish and arrogant and stupid.

So . . . instead . . .

I will do what I always do and focus on the Good Stuff.

The sunshine, the ocean, the waves,
the fresh air, working up a sweat, laughing,
enjoying a good game of anything, memories,
sitting next to someone I love, holding hands, singing,
writing, reading, playing, talking to a dear friend,
finding beauty in what surrounds me, music, great food,
stories, dancing, the smell of fresh cut grass, tall trees,
creatures big and small, family, and blessings.

and more . . .

Today . . . I wish you Good Stuff!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Success is a long and winding road.
(Uh oh . . .  I might break out into song!)

It is full of bumps and sharp turns and pot holes
and fallen trees and critters running in front of you
and ice and rain and wind and snow.
It is never a smooth, straight, effortless line.
You can truly grind your gears and
seriously damage your transmission.
There are detours and dead-ends,
one-ways and wrong-ways.
There are also massive highways you sometimes
feel a little lost on.

But . . .

With the proper focus,
and traction . . .
The journey won't defeat you.
The map is navigable.
The road leads home.
Success is attainable.

Enjoy the trip!

Friday, June 5, 2015

A Fine Line

It is a fine line between parenting and psychoses.

Do you sterilize everything you own,
or do you get them used to dirt?
Do you carry them everywhere,
or let them explore?
Do you let them try new things,
or shelter them because of your own fears?
Do you stick them in public school,
or is private the way to go?
Do you spank them just once,
or put them in time out in their room, with their iPhone, Xbox, tv, etc.?
Do you hide them from real life,
or explain as you go?

Two expressions have helped me navigate:

1. Do not deny your child a balloon, because you know it can pop.
2. Be like the bird that, halting on its flight, awhile on boughs too slight,
     feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she has wings.

Good luck!
Teach them well.
Love them.
Watch the magic happen.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

A Grand Idea

Here is just a grand idea . . .

Instead of bashing what you hate,
smack-talking what you don't like,
belittling those that disagree . . .

Cheer on what you love,
Positively promote what you're passionate about,
raise up those that agree.

A dirty mouth
and ugly actions
never helped a cause . . . ever!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


It is inevitable.
You will do foolish things.
Do them with enthusiasm.
Enjoy it all.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


This quote by Isak Dinesen
took a few moments to really sink in.
It is lengthy and verbose,
not my usual 'thing',
but stunning and poignant all the same.

"Difficult times
have helped me to understand better than before
how infinitely rich and beautiful life is
in every way,
and that so many things
that one goes worrying about
are of no importance whatsoever."

Monday, June 1, 2015

Say Something Nice

Today is National Say Something Nice Day.
What a lovely notion.
What if every person when around saying nice things.
What a difference there would be.

Say Something Nice!