Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's OK

I always try to keep a positive attitude.

I always try to choose "happy" over "crappy" as the day's choice.

Today, though, I am a little less-than-exuberant. But . . . it's OK.

I ponder today a loss. Not by my choosing, but by his. He said, "I am done with you." I'm not sure why. I was thousands of miles away when he said it. Not sure what I did or how horribly he misconstrued whatever he misconstrued, but . . . it's OK.

I cannot change what someone else believes, or thinks, or perceives. I am in control of me. I know I did nothing to him. The cross of that burden of anger and bitterness and hate is squarely on his shoulders. I wish he'd put down the baggage he carries but, that is his choice to make. I cannot do it for him. I do not judge the choices he's made and what it has done to and for him, for those were his choices to make. I simply miss what used to be.

My heart hurts for all the unanswered attempts I made to contact him. There's a hole where he used to stand. There's an ache for the silliness we used to share. but . . . it's OK.

I am certain, without an inkling of doubt, that I did everything I was able to do to help him when he needed help. I harbor no issues with his actions ~ no matter the heartache they caused. I pray for his health, his happiness, and his prosperity every night while thanking God for his existence.

And because of that . .  it's OK.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013




If you don't know ~ ask.
If you're unsure ~ ask.
If you're unclear ~ ask.
If you're interested ~ ask.
If you want to be informed ~ ask.
If you want help ~ ask.

It's really that simple, but it is one of the hardest things most folks face.
To acknowledge that we are not omnipotent and might need a little assistant is a deep and dark chasm we need to cross.
When you realize the shadows are needlessly increased with fear - asking becomes easier.

Ask and you will be answered!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Don't Worry . . .

Be Happy!

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
~ Gerard Way

Does this really need much elaboration? It is quite simply and effortlessly stated.

Go . . . choose to be happy!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Count your blessings . . .

I actually heard someone yesterday say, "I wish those folks that are all happy and content would just stop announcing it everywhere. I wish they would just lay low." Or something to that effect.

I must have looked like a strangled puppy as my head nearly turned right upside down in question.


This I do not understand.

If I am happy, content, feeling overwhelmingly loved and enveloped, and am just dripping with joy . . . you bet your sweet bippy I'm going to be shouting it from the rooftops!!! In fact, I think that if more folks would do the same, there might actually be a movement for more people to seek out that same sort of happiness. It is there for ANY person to find. You just need to look.

Now, granted, there are times when life kind of seriously blows! We've all experienced that. Maybe that's why I will gladly proclaim each victory I receive. I have witnessed the alternative and I know how truly blessed I am to receive the positives. I will NOT be muted in my enthusiasm.

I do not know what happened to this person, who doesn't want to hear good things. I cannot fathom wanting to be bathed in anything EXCEPT blessings and beauty and bountiful bliss.

I wish for them . . . a multitude of graciousness to befall them and for them to find the nearest pulpit to profess their plethora of pleasantries. I will sit, front row, cheering them on and wishing them more of the same.

Be well today and count your blessings . . .

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A little Popeye - and then some

"I am who I am . . . your approval is not needed"

Oh to be able to infuse that into an infant's genetic make-up. Would the world not be a better place?

You are the most amazing you the world will ever know.

Don't waste your time or talents trying to be someone else. And please don't worry about who approves. You'll never please everyone.

Just be you!

Friday, January 25, 2013


I found a variation of this and absolutely and most immediately loved it!

I am a huge proponent of taking whatever curve ball life happens to throw at you and making the absolute best of it. Your viewpoint and reaction is tremendously impactful and can create a world of difference for you . . . in either direction!

The successful person is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks that others have thrown at them.

I don't think it matters regarding your situation. It can relate to health, wealth, emotional, psychological, or anything. Use the fiends to fuel the fire!

If I can do it . . . ANYone can!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


To go along with yesterday's blog, and to confirm (thank you God) that it was the correct thing to post, someone put this out there today. I saw it and knew that I needed to expose it for the truth that it is.

Before you speak . . . THINK
T - is it True?
H - is it Helpful?
I  - is it Inspiring?
N - is it Necessary?
K - is it Kind?

If we all following this simple advice ~ to THINK before your SPEAK ~ and really knew why, I believe the world would be a lot happier.

And, as luck would have it, today is National Compliment Day, so . . .

Get out there . . .

THINK . . .

SPEAK . . .


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lesson Taught AND Learned

Yesterday, I wrote of judgement.

I asked a lot of questions about "would you know by looking at me" . . .

Although I had one person answer yes . . . she's kind of a cheater. She's known me since before I actually existed. She has a leg up on the competition. And I love ya for it!

But . . .

The point was you never know what anyone has been through ~ during the day or during their life time. Your vision of the day may be vastly different than the person next to you. You simply are clueless to the hardships they've known or may have experience in the last hour. You just don't know.

I actually was kind of proud of what I wrote yesterday. I told a friend last night that every now and again, I give myself an imagined high-five when I really like what I write. Yesterday was one of those days. Sometimes it feels good to 'teach' a worthy exercise.

Last night, I also learned my own lesson.

In the midst of a laughter-filled, sarcastic sort of meeting in which many of us learned many new things, one of my co-horts was hurt by the banter and left early. The collective pain in the room was palpable. Not a soul had directed anything at this individual, but she took things to heart and very personally.

Now we cannot be responsible for other people's feelings or actions, but we can certainly be in charge of our own! I do hope that my friend realizes that we are all in the dark in regard to her tasks and we are thankful and gracious for every bit of her endeavors. We would never belittle, demean, or intentionally cause harm or malice.

You never truly know the day, the week, the month, the year, the life that someone has led. Choose your words and actions carefully. The tiny ripple you cause today can become a tsunami that drowns you tomorrow.

Taught and Learned! Thank you!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Would you know . . .

Would you know by looking at me that I am one of seven children?
Would you know by looking at me that I abhor folks who don't even listen to other's opinions?
Would you know by looking at me that I am a tradesman of over thirty years in one field?
Would you know by looking at me that I have buried FOUR fathers?
Would you know by looking at me that I could kick you in the head?
Would you know by looking at me that I held my mother's hand while she took her final breath?
Would you know by looking at me that I walked my kids through hell and back?
Would you know by looking at me that I am a published author and poet?
Would you know by looking at me that I have suffered at the hands of several very ugly people?
Would you know by looking at me that I sometimes laugh simply because it cheers me up?
Would you know by looking at me that I have had my trust obliterated on numerous occasions?
Would you know by looking at me that I used to do body building?
Would you know by looking at me that I have stumbled over hatred?
Would you know by looking at me that I have been taught to box?
Would you know by looking at me that I am moved by music and books?

Would you know by looking at me that any of this is true?
Would you know by looking at me that any of this is NOT true?

Do not judge my choices. Do not judge my actions. Do not judge my opinions.
Unless, of course, you have walked a mile in my shoes . . .

Monday, January 21, 2013

Enjoy it all!

Today, we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

He was a man of many wise words and great quotes. I tried to find one that was 'less quoted' than some of the others that we see so frequently. I think I found one that embodies his vision and my thoughts.

There is nothing more tragic than to find an individual bogged down in the length of life,
devoid of breadth.

Today, in honor of Dr. MLK, take a moment to glance around you. See . . . I mean really see . . . the blessings that are all around you. If you woke up on the right side of the grass . . . there is a tremendous amount to be thankful for, for many have not. If you can read this ~ be grateful! If you can see the natural beauty outside your window ~ you are blessed. If you have children, healthy or not, you have been granted a tremendous gift!

Do not work toward the end of your day. Enjoy your day so much that you are sad to bit it farewell.

Enjoy it all!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Beautiful Moment!

So . . . the moment you find out you're pregnant, you begin to worry . . .

Am I eating too much? Am I eating enough?
Am I exercising enough? Am I exercising too much?
Will the baby be healthy?
Am I sleeping enough? (Cause God knows you won't when it's born!)
Will the delivery be hard?
Should I do this naturally? Should I use drugs?

And then . . . poof . . . you're a parent . . . without instructions or manuals.

New questions.

Why is she crying?
Is she ok? Is something wrong?
Is she hungry? Or just need to be changed?
Will she develop on schedule? Will she be healthy?
Why isn't she crawling, walking, talking yet?
Am I a good parent?

You constantly question everything. As your child grows, you simply learn to deal with each day as it comes, love with every fiber of your being, give unconditional acceptance, support their dreams, listen to them, guide them, and impart whatever bits of wisdom have seemed to work for you.

And then . . . some nearly 22 years later . . . on some random Friday afternoon . . . you are blessed with a revelation that something positive happened over those many, many days and weeks and months of what seemed to be you talking to the microwave . . .

She posts a note on facebook that says, "I wish everyone grew up with the same life motto you raised us with, 'in the morning you can wake up and choose to be happy or crappy' the world would be different."

And your heart soars!

A beautiful moment! Thanks!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ask not . . .

JFK brought this line to light 'way back when'.

"Ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

Most of us know the rest of it, but I'm thinking it goes WAY beyond the finishing half.

Every person loves a little windfall. That $20 you find stashed in an old coat pocket. The $5 on the ground in the parking lot. The already open door when you were wondering how you were ever going to get in carrying all those groceries.

Those are simply chance bits of blessings that happen to us. I'm referring to the "what can I do for my country . . . my neighbor . . . my friend . . . the struggling stranger . . . the person who looks to be hurting . . ." 

If, just for one day, you chose to look through the glasses that allow you to see what others are feeling and needing, instead of those that seek to find what you can get for yourself . . . for that one day, the world would be a better place.

Imagine a world where folks opened doors for each other, where neighbors helped you carry in groceries, where your word was as good as any binding legal contract, where you pumped the gas in the cold for the little old woman driver so she could stay warm, where you helped someone in need because it was the right thing to do - not for the kudos, where your home was open to all sorts, where you heart was open to everyone. What a fabulous place that would be, right?

Today . . . ask not what this day can give to you. Ask what you can give to today!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thanks Edie!

I have an absolutely beautiful friend who is woman of great faith and a woman with a badge! She just wields all sorts of weaponry as far as I'm concerned! You'd be a fool to cross her!

Actually, this person is the first person, beyond family that I called after my mother passed away. She has just always been an incredible source of strength, support, and love for me. I cannot imagine getting through life without her. We do not talk every day. I rarely see her. But I know that she is there . . . always!  She is a constant! She is unassuming, accepting, and genuine! I am honored and privileged to call her my friend.

She posts on most mornings, a little snippet of positivity. It usually involves a verse or two from the Bible, but a recent post truly hit home and need not be related to the Bible. It stands on its own and sits at the core of all earthly beings!

" . . . we who are many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."  ~ Romans 12:5

As a society, we have moved away from being neighborly. We have estranged ourselves with texting and emails. We seem to have removed the integral importance of touch, communication, and fellowship . . . in any form. We need to return to those vital forms of being human for it is in those personal intimacies that we learn to respect and value one another and learn and grow as a human race instead of running to win the human race. There are no winners. We must assist each other throughout this marathon to reach the proverbial finish line.

Thanks, Edie, for your illuminating and wise words. You're a Ch-Angel in my book!

God Bless, my friend!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Ch-Angel needs your prayers

I have a dear relative who is feeling, I'd say, a tad bit bitter. He has not had a glamorous life. He had it a little rough as a youngster and has gone through some more-than-trying times as a young adult. He, like his dad, has ALWAYS had his heart in the right place. They are both givers and lovers. This beautiful young man would literally give you the shirt off his back if it would make your day a little better, even though it may be the ONLY shirt he owns. His heart is huge and, although it has been battered and abused a bit, I believe it still has much to do here!

I want to clarify this young soul as a Ch-Angel, this 'little' boy who isn't so little. He has affected so very many lives and most all in a positive way. He has an unrestrained charisma that just oozes out of his very pores. He could talk an eskimo into buying ice and he could charm the pants off of just about anyone! He has more talent in his little finger than most folks realize in a lifetime.

There are a few things I want to make sure he knows:

1. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have not yet been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours!        ~ Ayn Rand

2. You are NOT alone! The island you might have created exists only til you allow a bridge to appear. Do not isolate yourself from what the pain of life is offering you. Yes, that sounds full of lunacy, but the fact of the matter is that you are not the only one who has suffered. You are not the only person who has been hurt. You are not alone in your loss. You are not alone in your questioning of why things happen. You, my sweet, sweet boy, are surrounded by more love than you could ever truly imagine. It is yours for the accepting . . . you need only uncross your arms, cast off your anger, and allow it to wash over you!

You will have to trust again, but there are those worth trusting. You will have to love again, but there are those worth loving. You will have to believe again, but there is MUCH to believe in.

I love you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Treasure hunt

So yesterday I was not feeling too spectacular and decided to tackle a few household chores.

I finished the laundry, cleaned the kitchen and then (dun, dun, dun - evil music) . . . I decided to tackle the junk drawers in the kitchen. We all have them. Those catch-all cachets that seem to just harbor every little item you don't feel like putting where it really actually goes. Well, yes . . . I chose to do THAT!

The first one was not too bad. It even has a divider in it - to help me keep my clutter in some form of organized chaos. This drawer contains the rubber bands, thumb tacks, scissors, little calculators, dice, paper clips, and oddities of this nature. It also holds all of our playing cards. To look in this drawer, one might think we are poker junkies or something. There are no less than a dozen decks of cards. WHY? We might play gin or rummy maybe once a year. But me . . . being the ever vigilant cleaning-crazed housewife that I am, counted the cards in EVERY one of those decks to be certain they were all viable and useful decks. I'm proud to say they were!

Drawer two is the battery/menu drawer. Do these things really go together? No! But the battery bin fits nicely next to the biggest of the take-out menues. Go figure! And let me just say that if you need a place to eat, call me. I have about a thousand menues from different local restaurants. I chose though, in my diligent dilerium, to actually only keep ONE menu from every restaurant instead of the four to five that we had. I also discarded the saver magazines from 2006. I figured we didn't really need those any more!

And then . . . drawer three! I was concerned about drawer three. This houses hubby's home papers and important stuff like that. Sadly, though, it also houses every magnetic pin from every bar, festival, or event we've attended. It also harbored every loose nut, screw, allen wrench, baby screwdriver (phillips and flathead), and a gazillion other pieces of hardware that I have absolutely no idea where they go. There were several rolls of duct tape ~ a household necessity, a tiny geology hammer that hubby has had since he was like 7 years old that I now use to hang pictures, a fishing game that gets played about once every three years, and . . . are ya ready . . . a pumpkin carving kit! Who knew?

The treasure came, though, at the very bottom and at the very back of the drawer. I came across a breathtaking array of photos and cards. A card from 1999, celebrating hubby's first anniversary at one of his stores, signed by all the employees. A letter from a family friend from when my father-in-law passed away. It made me laugh and cry in the space of just a few seconds. A letter from my nephew that wasn't even a letter. He mailed me a drawing of hearts from New York. I swooned! And then . . . the mother lode! Photos! School photos, fishing photos, vacation photos, and my favorite . . . a thirteen year old collage of family photos. Oh my! What joy! A series of faces and smiles and silliness that took me WAY back to a whole other era of life. I will need to go find a frame today and ensure that bad boy makes it on a wall . . . with hubby's little geology hammer!

Go clean! You never know what treasures you may find!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fear not

I have a few friends who are going through some struggles right now. They are so overwhelmed with the mountain looming in front of them, they do not see the vistas expanding before them.

I wish I could make them see what I see in them.

I wish I could let them glimpse the greatness I see emanating from them.

I wish they could understand that it is ALL opportunity if you allow it to be.

As the remarkably talented William Shakespeare once said . . .

Be not afraid of greatness.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

And do not ever underestimate what "greatness" means!

As wealth does not always mean riches; greatness does not always mean fame and power. Greatness sometimes means making a difference to just one other person. If you have achieved that . . . you are far greater than most!

Go . . . be great!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Be gentle

We all mold one another's dreams.
We all hold each other's fragile hopes within our hands.
We all touch others' hearts.
We all wield the power within our words to affect other's lives.
We all possess the opportunity to better other's days.

Be gentle!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Lighten up!

A British dancer came up with this . . . and she was certainly 'on pointe'!

"The one important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative. The second is disastrous."


Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Ultimate P.I.F.

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 it says:  God . . . comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

Although that might sound like a horribly circular SAT question, it's really quite simple in my interpretation. We go through struggles so that later on we may be a stable force for the next person going through a struggle. I have witnessed this over and over and over again!

Shortly after Miles was 'officially discharged' as an ACH patient, we were asked to go to the hospital to visit another patient with the same illness. We're still friends with those folks and we were able to do a little good in their lives. A short while ago, I had a friend approach me with questions about Scoliosis because her daughter had just been diagnosed with it. She knew I had dealt with it with Deanna. We travelled many a bumpy road and I truly believe it's precisely so that we might make someone else's journey a little smoother. That's why we're here.

When you're on your own bumpy road, seek assistance. There will undoubtedly be folks placed in your path specifically to see you through. It may be a total stranger with a simple smile or meager helping hand, but it will be EXACTLY what you need.

That's what those angels do . . .

They suffer through so that they may share the ultimate p.i.f. (pay-it-forward).

Accept those angels, or BE that angel. We all have it within us to do the right thing!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My 4H Club

I had to research and look up what the 'real' 4H club's h's stood for. Now, I am smarter. Doesn't stop me, though, from making my own 4H club!

Last night, after prayers, as always, I asked for some inspiration for today's blog. As I laid there waiting for the sandman to come and drag me to some dark and dreamy place, this is what kept swirling around in my tiny little head.


There are rough days when one or more of those is missing, but as long as there is one to hang on to, then I'm good. There are also those days when all of those are in full bloom. Those are fabulous days. Actually, they are ALL good days!

My 4H club is a club where anyone is welcome, cherished, supported, and loved. We'll help you find all your h's and help you help others find theirs.

Come and join my 4H club! I'd be . . .


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Seek the stars

In asking little kids what they want, or want to be, most parents follow it up with . . . "The sky's the limit". I recently read a quote by an unknown author that made me completely rethink this . . . and it's WONDERFUL!

The sky has never been the limit.
We are our own limits.
It is then about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives.

When we overcome the fears that hold us back, we are truly capable of anything. Whether you dislike public speaking, large crowds, learning new things, or whatever your issue might be; when you face it and conquer it . . . you can seek the stars!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Be You!

I have never thought of myself as being amazing or beyond belief, but I am aware that I am me. I am the only me there will ever be. There will not ever be, as long as the earth continues to spin, another individual who embodies my talents, my passions, my drive, my enthusiasm, my emotions, my soul, my being. I am me. Take it or leave it . . . this is it.

My truly close friends have seen the best and worst of me, and still love me. My truly close friends have walked with me through valleys of deep and dark despair and have also celebrated with me atop the highest of joyful triumphs. They know every inch of me and wouldn't change a thing.

I have always told my children that they can be enamored with a star, a celebrity, or some famous schlep for a time, but to just always be yourself. When you try to emulate others . . . well, we know from Multiplicity that copies are just never as good as the original.

'Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.'
~ Judy Garland

Truer words have not been uttered. You are a marvel. You are a miracle. You are worthy and wonderful. Be all of that marvelous, miraculous, worthwhile and wonderful person you've been obliged and gifted to be.

Be You!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Life is delicious

Ah . . . the circle of life

(cue the dramatic music and dangling lion club at cliff's edge)

Today is a testament to this great circle we spin within each day.

I am deeply saddened to be going to the funeral service of a friend's husband today. It will be a celebration of his life, as every funeral service should be, but there is still that gaping hole that will take all kinds of love and tears and hugs and support to patch up.

Just a few moments ago I was messaging a sweet dear who used to actually babysit my children. She is planning her wedding. Venue picking, dress browsing, menues, flowers, invites, and all that excitement. It made me smile just feeling her enthusiasm seeping through the computer.

Moments prior to that, I commented on a friend's photo of his precious and terribly cute little three-and-a-half month old baby girl. Such an innocent and delicate gift. She is a treasure that I've been blessed and lucky enough to coddle and hold and sing to and enjoy.

Any one of these events, in its singularity, makes you stop and take notice of your life and the things and folks you value. All three together paint a grand picture of a world that waits for no one and continues no matter when you think it should stop.

The best lesson in all of it is to appreciate every moment you are in. Take nothing for granted. Take no person lightly. We are all necessary in this world. We add to its flavor, its beauty, and its worth. Cherish every moment, from birth through weddings and into the grand beyond. I have tasted it all.

Life is delicious.

Friday, January 4, 2013


There is a group I have mentioned previously that deserve a shout out today ~ The Children's Dream Fund. This is an extraordinarily amazing group of folks who tirelessly work to divert the attentions of seriously and terminally children toward whatever their little hearts can dream up. They have granted dreams of shopping sprees, horseback riding, computers, trips from Orlando to abroad and every place inbetween, playhouses, meet and greets, libraries, and too many things to list. Although these kids are fighting like mad to do ordinary, daily things, The Children's Dream Fund allows them the opportunity to slip away into their dreams . . . to put all the poking and prodding behind them . . . and to simply focus on having fun and being a kid. They have earned their Ch-Angel wings for sure.

Today, actually tonight, in Tampa's Curtis Hixon Park, they are hosting their "GLO" event. This event celebrates the courageous chidren who are battling life threatening illnesses - those who have triumped and those we have lost - in Tampa's version of Toro Nagashi ("lantern offerings on water"). This is the "G" portion for GIVE.

The "L" portion - LOVE - honors those who provide medical attention, comfort, services, and most importantly, those who provide strength to everyone impacted by the serious illness of a child.

The "O" portion - OBSERVE - is for those that want to come and share the event. From 6 - 9:30 pm, on North Ashley Drive in Tampa, come and enjoy this celebration of life. At 8:30 pm, the lanterns will be lit and floated down the river in a beautiful celebrationof life and a message of hope to the children, families, and friends of those who have couragesouly faced a life-threatening diagnosis.

This event is one of a myriad that the CDF holds to raise funds for and awareness of their endeavors. My family has been the recipient of their kindness. We've helped to pay-it-forward to others. Should you be looking for a way to donate, in memory of someone you have lost, or in honor of someone who has been victorious in their struggle, please contact The Children's Dream Fund ( and find out more about how you can help. It is a trul rewarding experience.

I purchased lanterns that will be set afloat in memory of Salvatore Marinello, Francine Sellet, Julia Rider, Alfonso Sellet, and in honor of my children, Deanna and Miles. You can see a photo of them on my facebook page:  Lyn Rider Marinello

Be a part of something magical. Help these Ch-Angels make a difference!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Careful . . .

You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.

I have told my children this since they were wee little pups, and it certainly covers a tremendous amount of ground.

If you choose to stay up half the nice, partying and drinking and have to work the next day . . . you had best show up looking fresh as a daisy and ready to go. Don't turn your bad decisions into someone else's issues.

Should you be sick and weary and worn out, do not bite the hand that literally feeds you. They are only trying to help.

Should your team win in glorious fashion, do not gloat and boast and demean others. As sure as rain falls DOWN, your team will lose in glorious fashion at one point and you will NOT like how it feels to hear what's coming.

Should you maintain strong opinions on a topic because you believe yourself to be correct, remember there are others with equally opposing opinions and they believe themselves to be correct. An open mind is a wonderful thing.

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are nice, but because YOU are.

This is really a simple concept although a little difficult for human nature. Practice realization before reaction and you just might see a better world!

Careful . . .

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


If you believe it, you can achieve it!

Belief is the power of your brain to manipulate the world!

As an adolescent, I dabbled in body building. I weighed a whopping 112 pounds soaking wet. The boyfriend who got me into the sport decided that the following day's workout would include squats. Well . . . ew! He said I had been doing good and tomorrow I'd be shooting for 180 pounds. Mind you, I was only 19 or 20 and the negative lift would be much greater than 180 pounds. He said, "You will not leave the gym til you do at least one rep." So . . . I went to sleep . . . fitfully. At one point during the night I actually woke myself up with my pillow in my hands, over my shoulders, in a squatting position while laying down. Perhaps a little over-focused? NEVER.

Into the gym we went. Boyfriend and his buddy shoved the weight on the bar and each took a position on either side of me at the end of the bar. He didn't say, "We're here." He said, "You got this." I had to merely only believe in myself!

I stepped up to the bar, dipped under, got it nestled comfortably on my shoulders, picked it up off the rack and stepped back a step or two. Staring into the mirror, the image of the two monster men on either end of the bar faded to gray. I locked my sights directly with my mirrored self. I breathed nice and slow and squatted to full squat. I never questioned the rising. I continued to focus on the beast in the mirror and steadily rose to full stand. The whooping from the pair of muscleheads distracted me only momentarily. They each stepped up to the bar to take it off my shoulders. To their surprise, I began a second descent. Quiet ensued. Again . . . I raised to full stand. Again, they stepped up. Too late! I hate begun a third descent. This time, they stayed where they were. I completed FIFTEEN reps of 180 pounds!

When you believe you can accomplish something, and you properly focus on your goal, there really is nothing that is out of your grasp. Sometimes, too, you realize an entirely new potential. I now adore a good leg workout and am really rather strong! I've been known to finish a 12-rep set with over 450 pounds! Who knew?

So . . . as you aspire to some lofty New Year's Resolutions . . . how about really putting some thought into it. Give yourself something truly lofty to achieve. Believe in what you're capable of, not what you already know you can do.

Go for it. I believe in you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As we ushered in 2013 last night, the first year in memory without Dick Clark (tears welling), there was plenty of time for reflecting on 2012. I'm sure you all did the same thing and were filled with the same youthful enthusiasm as that beautiful ball dropped over NYC bringing forth the promise of something more!

As I've aged, my resolutions have gotten more realistic. They used to be "I'm going to travel to Timbuktu" or "I'm going to join a travelling circus" or crazy things like that. Then they became the inevitable "I'm not going to ever drink that much again" or "I'm going to lose 50 pounds" or "I'm going to work out every day". And now . . .

In a world full of chaos, I simply want peace.

Peace for myself, my family, my friends, my community, my country, the world in general. And, by peace, no . . . I don't mean some unfathomable and unattainable realm of placid coexistence. I mean, quite simply, that by me doing the right thing for those around me, they will follow suit and do the right things for those around them, and they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends . . .

Peace begins with a simple act. A belief in a kinder, gentler place ~ whether tangible or not. A tiny area of your earth that is lightened and brightened by the mere presence of you each day! THAT is the peaceful 2013 I wish for each and every one of you.

It starts right now. Be the change you want to see.
