Monday, October 31, 2016

Ch-Angel for Halloween

I have always had a hard time accepting compliments,
receiving gifts,
allowing gracious behavior.
I would rather be the giver of all those things
and when faced with being the recipient
I am often overcome with emotion.

This weekend, my Halloween Ch-Angel appeared.
Dressed as a new neighbor,
he came and did a bunch of yard work at our new house
(because all of our tools are still in storage).
When I called to thank him, he asked what I did at the house.
I told him I cleared one room of the carpet for upcoming installation.
I told him that I'd be doing a room each day over the weekend
prepping for Tuesday's install.
He popped in yesterday morning and tore up the other two rooms for me.
I literally sobbed.

To realize that there are still good folks out there,
just looking to do favors,
without expectation of repayment or reciprocation,
is a beautiful thing.

God bless my new Ch-Angel neighbor.
You earned your wings, and then some, my friend.

Hoping you're surrounded by Ch-Angels this spooky day, too.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

It's In There

Worried about tomorrow?
Worried about your health?
Worried about finances?
Worried about challenges?
Worried about life?

YOU hold the answers.

You have more strength,
and beauty . . .
right inside your incredible self.

It's In There!

Friday, October 28, 2016

What's in your heart?

What is in your heart,
spills out.

If there is anger in there,
violence comes out.
If there is hatred in there,
ugliness comes out.
If there is jealousy in there,
evil comes out.

If there is joy in there,
happiness exudes.
If there is peace in there,
kindness is expelled.
If there is love in there,
goodness oozes out.

What's in your heart?

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Whether teeny tiny baby steps,
or giant leaps,
whilst pushing great weight,
or whilst picking daisies,
or atop eggshells,

Go forward.
Step in the direction of your hopes,
of your dreams,
of your passion.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Good Stuff

Whilst wandering around yesterday,
I came across this little tidbit that just made me stop
and read it several times.

Good stuff here.

Prepare the child for the path,
not the path for the child.

If we mold our children into
problem-solvers . . .
the path stands no chance.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


More pondering for you.
Don't mean to make you think so much,
but this is what I'm all about . . .

If you want to be successful, success cannot be your goal,
work instead to be significant and success will follow.

Not famous.
Not wealthy.
Not acclaim.

Go make a difference.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Something to Ponder

Read this in a great book I just finished
and it really struck me.
Let's hope it strikes you too.

For those who believe,
no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not believe,
no explanation is possible.


Saturday, October 22, 2016


this is not about Mothers Against Drunk Drivers,
although I'm pretty sure EVERYONE is against drunk drivers.

Today's "MADD" is for Make A Difference Day!

And just like every person is against drunk drivers,
every day is make a difference day.

But, if we can start with just one day
and do something . . .
anything . . .
to make a difference,
imagine the ripple we might create.
A tsunami of kindness.
Wouldn't that be amazing.

Go . . . MADD!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Didja Know

Didja know:

how special you are?
how beautiful you are?
how important you are?
how vital you are?
how inspiring you are?
how incredible you are?
how stunning you are?
how fun you are?
how fabulous you are?
how needed you are?
how loved you are?

Know It!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What and Who

So I have mentioned prior that I write my little Ch-Angels blog
to lift you up,
to make your day brighter,
to start you off on the right foot.
Well, sometimes, (most times) I do it for me too!


Today is especially true!

I don't know what tomorrow holds,
but I know who holds tomorrow.

You can walk in anxiety
and fear
and sickening anticipation,
or you can stride through your day
knowing that you're going
EXACTLY where you need to go.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I Hope You Catch It

A healthy attitude,
positive gestures,
kind actions,
a giving heart,
gracious ways,
loving living
is contagious!

I Hope You Catch It!

And spread that stuff around!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Like a bridge . . .

Another great one that is simply profound:

I asked God,
"Why are you taking me through troubled waters?"
He replied,
"Because your enemies cannot swim."

Your path may not always be paved in gold,
filled with sunshine,
embellished with flowers and gemstones,
but it is purposeful
and planned.

Enjoy your day.

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Greatest Mistake

By Elbert Hubbard:

The greatest mistake that you can make in life
is to continually fear you will make one.

We cannot be afraid to blow up birthday balloons
because we know they can pop.
We cannot be afraid to take the training wheels off
because we know we could fall.
We cannot be afraid to try something new
because we know we might fail.

Failure isn't final.
It's winning, working on its finesse game.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Simple Things

It seems to me that the world is all tangled up
in wanting the biggest tv's,
the smartest phones,
the largest pay checks,
the fanciest cars.

They've forgotten the simple things.
They've forgotten how vital and refreshing
the simple things are.
A hug.
A phone call.
A little quiet company.
A handwritten letter.
A dinner with laughter.
A gentle smile.
A hand held.
An I love you.

Let's get back to the Simple Things.

Friday, October 14, 2016

For Others

So often, in the midst of our troubles,
we question the invisible with a desperate "Why?"
We barter our health,
our fortunes,
our breath
for answers and positive outcomes.
Having been there, on multiple occasions,
I can tell you the best 'chip' you've got to barter with
is your ability to be available for others.
Your experience is a gift.
Your tenacity is a security blanket.
Your weakness is a welcome chink in the armor
we're supposed to don.
Your faith is a pillar for others to see.
Your outlook is the life-preserver they're looking to cling to.

I believe we fight battles for many reasons.
Sometimes the most beneficial right hook you can give
is by simply being open and honest with others.
Let them know you understand.
Let them know you feel their pain.
Let them know you'll fight beside them.
Let them know you'll cry with them
Let them know you're there.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

To My Warriors

I've seen this before.
I loved it then. I love it now.
And it is so very appropriate for so many of my warrior friends.

Fate screams to the warrior:
"You cannot withstand the storm."
and the warrior whispers back:
"I am the storm!"

Whatever you are facing,
remember that you ARE a warrior!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Worth the Wait

Sometimes the simple unfolding of a day
is a grand lesson of life.

Here, in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina,
my mornings begin filled with fog
and a brisk chill to the air.
I cannot see the house across the hills.
I do not venture out to walk the dog without a jacket.
By mid-afternoon,
the veil of mist has lifted and the view is spectacular.
The temperature simmers at a gorgeous 78 degrees
with no humidity.
It is stunning and worth the wait.

Remember that.

Whatever troubles your morning may bring,
know that something better is there for you
and it's . . .

worth the wait.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Your Goal

There are those that truly leave their mark on the world.
They are not famous or rich.
They simply did a few things to improve the lives
and self-esteems of others.

When it is your time - here is your goal:

Those that loved her lost so much in her passing,
yet gained so very much at her living.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Learn a Little

Each day, learn a little.
Do something new.
Go someplace unexplored.
Read something interesting.
Love someone unloved.

The benefits are extraordinary.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Do Good

"The greatest good you can do for another
is not just to share your riches
but to reveal to him his own."

Take a moment today
to give someone the gift of self assurance.
It is a priceless and immeasurable blessing . . .
for them
and you!

Friday, October 7, 2016

March On

If you enjoy music at all, you know it sets the tone.
It can incite you.
It can soothe you.
It can bring a smile.
It can conjure a tear.
It is powerful.

Life is much the same.
Look for the pattern that creates your happy.
Look for the base line that suits your soul.
Whether it is rockin' and wild;
or bluesy and chill;
or perhaps a bit of both.

Find your rhythm
and march on.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Breathe Easy

Find what comforts you.
Seek out what lovingly envelopes you.
Search for what makes your heart happy.

Grab that.
Hold on.

Breathe Easy!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Today and ALWAYS

Although today is designated as such,
this should be done every second
of every minute
of every hour
of every day.

It is National Do Something Nice Day!!!

Wherever you go, there are opportunities.
Open a door for someone.
Buy a coffee for the person behind you.
Chip in some cash for the grocery shopper next in line.
Lend an unexpected hand to someone in need.
Allow that crazy driver to merge.
Smile at a total stranger.
Freely give a compliment.
It truly takes minimal effort
and the effect can last a lifetime.

Do Something Nice!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Thank You

When you realize how thankful you should be,
you realize how blessed you are.

Thankful to have greeted a new day.
Thankful to have a roof over my head.
Thankful to enjoy a cup o' joe.
Thankful to have company.
Thankful to look out on such beauty and peace.
Thankful to be able to walk out and sit on a patio.
Thankful to jump in my car for errands.
Thankful to mostly have my health - aches and pains and sniffles aside.
Thankful to connect with friends and family.
Thankful to know I'm never alone.
Thankful to know I matter.
Thankful to have love and support.
Thankful to realize I can rise to any task.
Thankful to feel unique and special.
Thankful to have you in my life.

Thank You!

Monday, October 3, 2016

A good Monday question

I don't know where I saw this,
but I simply had to share.

As you immerse yourself
in the beauty of the world;
the beauty of the world
immerses itself in you.

With little expectation
but grand hopes;
with limited vision
but beautiful vistas;
with disjointed dreams
but much faith;
I find serenity and joy and peace.

What will you immerse yourself in?

Saturday, October 1, 2016


About a thousand years ago, whilst in my Amway phase,
I was given "The Power of Positive Thinking"  book to read.
It made an impact.
I'm not sure it sculpted my thought process, but it certainly
made me pause to ponder how to react to things.
It is normal to be angry when someone does you wrong.
It is normal to be disappointed when someone lets you down.
It is normal to be devastated when you are betrayed.
BUT . . .
In the grand scheme of things, how does it really effect you?

When someone does me wrong,
it speaks volumes about who they are, not me.
When someone lets me down,
it speaks to their inabilities, not my own.
When someone betrays me,
it is a flaw within their character, not mine.

I am not perfect, but how I respond to others and their behavior
makes a tremendous difference.
A positive mind is a happy mind.
A positive soul is a joyous soul.
A positive heart attracts the same.

The Power of Positive Thinking really works!
Go B Positive