Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am a most pliable human being. I adapt well and quickly to change. I can be taught to be molded into almost anything that's necessary. I have altered my speech for jobs, using "Ya'll" instead of "You Guys" when hostessing in the south. I learned to use my mouse with my left hand instead of my right cause the boss was left handed. I learned to drive a stick because that's the only car I could afford at the time. I taught myself how to create a web site. I have learned to become many things I never, in any of my wildest dreams, I ever thought I might be. I've absorbed much useful vocabulary but understand that the elbow is still the most potent form of attention! I adored my UPS job where, of course I did NOT do counter work. I loaded and unloaded all the trucks and tractor trailers. I've risen above whatever is wrong with my ears and continue to work out - even if it's in alterior ways. As much as I'm so much more comfortable around guys, I'm working on my estrogen skills every day! And, I have found that I can be a powerful instrument for a much grander purpose, should I allow that opportunity to flow through me.

We ALL have these abilities. We are all moldable, pliable, bendable, teachable, expandable, contractable, . . . capable!!! You can do whatever you put your mind to. You simply need to overcome your worst hurdle - which is self doubt! Remove that, which isn't easy, and you can achieve anything. You're Gumby dammit!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tiny Treasures

Yesterday was a great and bliss-filled day!

It began simply. I woke up at 5 am and refused to get out of bed. I actually and eventually fell back to sleep sometime around 7 til about 9. That NEVER happens. Usually, once the eyes open, the brain kicks into full gear and I can't ever find the sandman again. What a restful morning!

Had a beautiful morning answering emails and writing my blog when the phone rang with a beautiful voice from the past. One of my nearest and dearest girlfriends called to vent a little about her job and chat about life. We ended up gabbing for a very long time. Even though it's been forever since I've seen her, or talked to her, we picked up just like it was yesterday. She's one of those special folks that just brightens every room she enters, is about as honest as they come, and is as supportive a friend as you can have. She paved the way for the day!

I left here and went to the middle school to visit a teacher friend. No real purpose on the agenda, other than to simple catch up and give him a hug as I haven't seen him in a few weeks. He spent lunch and planning with me and it was just a tremendously warm and fuzzy afternoon in his presence. He is just a peach and I adore him.

From there, I trudged my way to the grocery store. I really don't mind it, since I know most of the folks there and always am greeted by smiling faces and/or hugs. But, was I shocked and surprised to run into someone I haven't seen in years. Our children attended elementary, middle, and high school together and we made sure we caught up on all five children, hubby stuff, and our own lives. She is just as sweet and wonderful as I always remember her being and the conversation was most memorable. I miss her!

Get the groceries home on a beautifully sunny afternoon and my poor, old pooch is just whining away at the back door. I figured he either needed to visit the back yard or get a drink from 'his swimming pool'. I walked him to the back door, but he just looked at me. I walked him to the pool, but he just looked at me. A little perplexed, I plopped myself into a chair and started scratching his ears. Tail-a-wagging, he euphorically laid at my feet and could not be happier. He just wanted a little love and attention. I happily gave it to him whilst enjoying the afternoon sunshine.

Sometimes, God just gives us a day full of gifts. Tiny little treasures to make us understand how good we have things or just to enjoy the things we have. Yesterday was a tiny treasures day. It was wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed all my treats. I am truly blessed! I hope, for today and always, you can look beyond your mayhem and see the tiny treasures that lie before you. They are always there; waiting to raise you up and give you hope and make you smile!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Just Surviving!

File this one under "the grass is always greener" category. We all have things we wish we were better at. There's always something that we admire so fiercely in other folks. We tend to not see what they might find so very attractive in us; because we are so very busy in wishing we were more one way or another.

I have a friend who is having a rough patch of life right now. You would never know it. She continues to work; be an incredible mom; coach; lead; profess faith; support others; and my 'envy' ~ run! Don't get me wrong, I could probably sprint circles around her, but she could just run from now til next Thursday and barely break a sweat. I so envy this capability. Ugh! I took all kinds of dance lessons from first grade through seventh grade, did gymnastics for six years after that, then turned to aerobics and weight training, played tennis, ran track, love football, racquetball, hiking, swimming, and all kinds of other activities; but I have no endurance! It makes me nutty!

When I made mention, to this person, how I admired her dedication to running and how impressed I am with all her triathlons, 5K's, and races, her very simple and humble response was, and nearly immediate, "I'm not doing anything honorable, it's cheaper than therapy and I'm just trying to survive." And . . . poof . . . I was MORE enamored and impressed than EVER before! What a kind and gracious soul she has! She's simply beautiful!

And then, I realized this was one of those age-old life lessons about never judging a book by its cover. You never know what incites someone to do what they are doing. And you never know what hurdles they might literally be jumping. Our purpose is to simply cheer them on and support them. I support this incredible person with everything I am. She inspires me and countless others. She's a Ch-Angel in her own right and today, and every day, I wish her sunshine to run in and faith & blessings be her companions!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Juggling and Hope

In an attempt to juggle so many things every day; life can sometimes feel just a tiny bit overwhelming. (Did you sense the sarcasm there?) I am no different than most folks, but let's observe the few items I, myself, am currently attempting to keep aloft!

House & home; bills; two children trying to make adult decisions; nieces and nephews, as dear to my heart as my own children, with life decisions in the process; step-dad in and out of rehab and the hospital; conflicted hubby; aging dog; diet & exercise; massive fundraising project for All Children's Hospital; print and graphic work for nearly every aspect of that project; brothers; finding sponsors and donors for that project; food and liquor vendors for that project; visiting relatives; being a good reference for several friends' projects; staying in touch with folks I truly don't want to fall out of touch with; remembering to support those who have always supported me; contemplating fundraising for friends with medical needs; remembering to send birthday & anniversary cards out on time (everyone deserves their due recognition); just a moment or two for me; and time for prayer and faith. There's probably a couple things I left off, but I'm not perfect!

What keeps me going, besides my mom's blessings of sheer grit, determination, and a never-give-up attitude, is knowing that most of these 'balls' that I'm juggling will bounce! Sometimes, even, I can actually put one down for a moment and concentrate on others. Juggling also requires a bit of calculated judgement. If I was transfixed equally on all my projects and people, I might literally implode. I, along with each of you, need to remember that. And no matter what I'm currently juggling, I always needs to stand on hope!

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible!

Friday, February 24, 2012


No holy roller speech here! That's not the 'praise' I'm talking about today. Today, I'm referring to the almighty word, not of the Bible, but what comes tumbling out of your mouth!

"Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it."

Simple praise of a job well done, an effort well pursued, and idea fulfilled; can lead to amazing things. Conversely, negativity can subdue, subvert, and even cripple a person - on many levels. It is often easy to point out what could be done better or more proficiently. Wouldn't it be amazing, though, to raise up the endeavors of someone so they may be spurred on to attempt something else? A little encouragement can have a tremendous effect.

Mind your mouth, today. Realize that verbal viciousness is harmful, not only to those that are on the receiving end, but inevitably for those that dish it out. Praise, however, promotes praise. The vicious cycle is ended and a wonderful ripple is sent upon its way. Praise someone today and see what radiant ripples come back to you!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today I am wishing I could, for all I'm worth, open up the hearts and heads of a few young people and stuff all my knowledge in there. If I could forsake their pain, their anxieties, their frets and let them know that life trudges onward; I would do it! If I could shove the years of learning, hurting, growing, crying, jubilance, rebellion, defiance, love, and acceptance into their in-the-now brains . . . I'd suffer whatever consequences might come with it.

Don't try to grow up too quick. Life is going to happen whether you rush it or not. Enjoy your youth. Enjoy your friends, jerking around, being silly, and hanging out. Don't rush adulthood. There are far too many responsibilities that come with it, that you aren't even aware of.

Don't denounce your family just because you think you're the only sane person from your blood line. You will grow to learn that family is THE single most precious commodity on earth! Your relatives may be a little off-kilter, but they will move mountains for you. Differences of opinion and beliefs are healthy and open the door to communication. They are not a motive to shut down and sequester yourself.

Running off, babies having babies, playing house, cutting communication will cause more chaos and destruction than you ever imagined. Why work at rebuilding bridges or repairing fences, when a few moments of open-minded communication and humility will keep those structures as pristine as ever? It is because in the infinite wisdom of youth; we are emboldened with the joys of omnipotence. And it is a wonderful thing until we realize we are lost on some island without a way home ~ and that is always where we want to go.

Home is where family is. Home is safety. Home is security. Home is love and warmth and acceptance and endurance; and yes . . . just a dash or two of insanity. Home is love.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the Bold!

Billy Graham once said, "Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as adversity has done."

Truer words could not be said! Think back through your life when you have faced strife and troubles and doubt. If you're still around, it is because you rose to the occasion and chose to fight through those hard times and become stronger; defying the odds and the circumstances. That perseverance and fortitude brought you beyond your situation; in whatever methods it took. Some folks write through their troubles. Some create songs. Some invent. Some enlighten. Some stories of overcoming create historical moments on which others can lean and learn.

Do not be broken by what lies in your path. Create a bridge; dig a tunnel; run around it; or plow straight through it. Your adversity holds within it a bigger, better, stronger, more vibrant you!

Mr. Graham went on to say, "Out of suffering and tears have come the greatest spirits and the most blessed lives." I wish you great spirit and many blessings!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Ch-Angel Tracy

There is a woman I have befriended who is not only a Ch-Angel, she is amazing!

This woman has owned her own business, continues to work in the same field; but not as an owner. She is a mom, a friend, a grandma, and a HUGE supporter of things that affect her life. Her grandson; who is 2-1/2 and speaks as though he's 10, is one of the cutest little guys you will ever come across and, coming from ME, that says a LOT! You know how I feel about my Miles! This little guy also has OI or brittle bone disease! In his short little life, he has broken his legs more than ten times already! He continues to attempt to be a regular kid though; wants to play and toddle around as much as he's able. He's a real trooper!

His grandma, however, displays ~ on a daily basis ~ strength, determination, grit, tenacity, and perseverance for him to follow. She not only continues to work, helps out in his treatment and care, but has also been an integral member of Make-A-Wish in the past and is an essential component of the All Children's Hospital group that I am currently leading. She displays strength beyond belief and, with emotions on her sleeve, warms your heart with the devotion she delivers to all she meets!

It's folks like Tracy that buoy my spirit. I see the drive in her and am spurred to do the same. I feed off her energy and will work twice as hard to accomplish whatever task is at hand. I thank you so much, Tracy, for your spirit, your passion, your courage, and your faith. You make me want to be a better person. You've earned your wings and your 'Ch-Angel' status! God bless you . . . and your little grandson!

Monday, February 20, 2012


People are inspired by many things. Some are inspired by God. Some are inspired by beautiful scenery. Some by births; and some by deaths. Some find inspiration in tragedies and some find inspiration in miracles. Some folks are inspired by attaining near unreachable goals. Some are inspired by leaving a legacy. Some are inspired by music; some by art; some by dance. Some are inspired by children and some are inspired by the incredible stories and tales of the aged. Some are inspired by helping others. Some are inspired by helping themselves. Some are inspired by simple joys and other find tremendous joys in solving intricate problems.

There is inspiration in nearly every thing you see and do. You need to simply find what inspires you and make it matter. What matters most is that you thrive throughout your inspiration. It is not about becoming rich and famous. It is not about your name in lights or celebrity status. It is about loving to do what you do. Inspiration is a stepping stone to happiness.

Today, I am wishing you inspiration. I am hoping you might take a step into the unknown, the unchartered, the unstable possibilities of what you don't know you're very capable of doing! Be inspired!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


First and foremost . . . Happy Birthday to my most incredible and fabulous husband, Victor. You make every day better and you make me a stronger, more resilient, more capable person. I love you! Enjoy your day!

And now . . . Celebrate!

Of course we're going to celebrate Victor's birthday. He's a terrific husband and a super dad. We are grateful he was born, so we will celebrate! But don't wait til special occasions to celebrate!

Every day holds so many things to celebrate. I hate to hear about folks who work excessive hours, eat, sleep, and do it all over again. There seems to be no happiness in their voice and nothing that they look forward to. It makes my heart hurt!

Sunrise. Morning dew. Fresh mown grass. A neighbor's wave. A cup o' joe. A job to go to. Earning a paycheck. A break for lunch. Chatter amongst friends. The workday's end. Dinner with family. Or dinner alone! A chocolately dessert. A good night kiss - tangible or heaven-sent. A beautiful moon. And a million things beyond all that.

Blooming flowers. Blessings. The sun's warmth. A fresh snow. Good fishing. Bad fishing! An eagle on the golf course. An eagle on the golf course. LOL! A bike ride. The ocean. The woods. The mountains. Chirping birds. Your pet. A good sale. Windfalls! Babies. Parents. Siblings. Spouses. Butterflies. Blue skies. Rainy days. Laughter. Smiles. Holding hands.

Today . . . Celebrate! Not just Victor's birthday, but every joyous moment of your day. And then, do it again tomorrow; and the day after, and the day after that, and the day after that. You will find that your step is a little lighter, your heart's a little happier, and your life just might be a little better.


Friday, February 17, 2012

What shoes are you wearing?

Restaurant folks where slip-resistant shoes to avoid falls. Shoreside fishermen wear hip-waders to evade excessive sogginess and 'things' in the water. Fed-Ex folks don steel-toed boots to fend off heavy boxes. Ballerinas tie themselves into pretty slippers. Construction people wear boots to combat most any element. Football players wear cleats for traction and making those juke cuts on defenders. Models wear heels to better display their assets.

Me? I wear my faith shoes!

Each day, I put 'em on and walk out that door knowing that no matter what I come across, I'm good. I've got my faith shoes on. They will take me where I should be going and if I think I'm in the wrong place, I'm most assuredly supposed to do something to make it a better place. My faith shoes keep me on the straight and narrow. They give me incredible support and the ability to dance circles around any obstruction I might meet. My faith shoes are comfortable and protect me from injury. They go with any and every outfit and not only make my assets look better; but they help to improve my flaws. I stride with the confidence of knowing no matter my fashion sense, my shoes are always the perfect accessory!

What shoes are you wearing?

Thursday, February 16, 2012


It has been said that if you look back at your youth, there is almost certainly at least ONE teacher who stands out in your mind as having truly made a difference in your life. I was lucky to have had many. Elementary school had Mr. Fuhr and Mrs. Schnortendorf (or however you spell it - it was just a few years ago people - 2nd grade). Middle school was full of fabulous folks who empowered me and dared me to excel ~ Mr. Bartle, Mr. Green, Mrs. Canniff, Mrs. Acton, and more. High school was terrific with Mr. Ayers, Mrs. Bartle, Mr. Lemyre, Mr. Hasselin, and many others. They not only taught academics; but always seemed to take a more personal interest in the lives of their students. They helped to mold me into who I am today! I thank them and cherish them for their efforts!

As much as I appreciate academia, however, we are all teachers!

There are those folks who teach you to never give up; to face your fears; to dream in 3D IMAX; to soar; to lose gracefully; to fight for what's right; to be the most amazing you that you can be! These folks are your parents, your siblings, relatives, friends, enemies, bosses, and children.

There are lessons to be learned each and every day. Patience, fortitude, determination, persistence, humility, faith, boldness, daring, awareness, charisma, peace, strength, and more! The classroom is the world; your fellow humans are your teachers. Do not judge a person by their appearance, as they may teach you an abundance through their trials. Do not judge a person by their wealth, as their happiness is not always in proportion. Learn! Take today to engage someone and learn a little something new. I finally commented on a woman at work who just brightens every day. She is bubbly, vivacious, personable and infectiously charismatic! She appreciated the compliment and said, "Thanks, I am a recent breast cancer survivor. Every day is a celebration." What a lesson!

And maybe this will be today's lesson . . . YOU, too, are a teacher! You are not just a student of life. You have the opportunity every day to make a difference ~ in your speech, in your actions, in your passions. Someone is always watching you and you just don't ever know when you will create that spark for them to make a difference somewhere else. The ripple effect is a very strong one. Create positive ripples by being a good student AND a grand teacher!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nice and Safe

Here's to hoping everyone is all loved to pieces as we traverse this Wednesday and see where it leads. I hope your Valentine's Day was everything you wanted it to be.

And, as a residual of that, there are two things most people really, truly search for . . . to be nice and safe! Such simple things, really, but far too overcomplicated! Etiquette lessons and fancy alarm systems truly overload the senses and make things far more difficult than they need to be.

The NICEST place that you could be . . . is in someone's thoughts!

The SAFEST place that you could be . . . is in someone's prayers!

Today, I hope you all are 'nice and safe'. Be well, my friends! Thanks DS!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Greatest of These is Love!

Firstly, happiest of birthdays to my brothers Cal and Dan. Both born on Valentine's Day, but two years apart. Extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary men.

And now . . . these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
                                                                                    ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13

On this Valentine's Day, remember to have faith that your soul mate awaits you ~ if you haven't already found him/her. Hope, please, that you have the intelligence, humility, and tenacity to follow that faith and reach for that happiness. And, when you have found that faith and hoped for its success . . . the end result is love!

Faith is the process through which we move to find another soul. We may have our hearts broken; but faith is in the sharing it again. We may have our feelings hurt; but faith is in the gathering up of them and offering them to someone else. Faith is strength to try again!

Hope is the labyrinth through which we traverse to 'get to the cheese'. Hope is in our actions, in our speech, in our hearts. Hope is the offering up of ourselves in the faith that our counterpart is doing the same thing. Hope is humble pie we eat when apologizing. Hope is the persistence of pursuit. Hope is following your heart.

But the greatest of these . . . is love!

It is the gift beyond your faith and at the edge of hope. It lies within the soul of your partner for whom you solely hold the key. Faith is an amazing tool of strength. Hope is that lifeboat that leads you to the shore. And love is that warmth that fills you when you stand within the presence of the heart that beats in synchronicity with yours.

When all else fails, these three remain: faith, hope, and love.

But the greatest of these . . . is love!

Today . . . I wish you all of these and more; but mostly . . . love!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love You Forever

There is a children's book, written by Robert Munsch, that I instantly fell in love with when someone gave it as a gift when I had Deanna. I strongly believe in reading to children, and this book just turned in to one of my favorites! My other favorite thing, having grown up in a very musical family, is that music has amazing effects on the mind and therefore . . . for better or worse . . . I used to sing to my children all the time, too. And so it goes that I sang this book to my children time and time and time again!

If you've never read this book, whether you have children or not, go get it! It truly transcends time and generations. It's beautiful! And there are times when, even now, when my 'baby' is 19, that I will break out into the tune from the book:

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."

I won't ruin the book, for those of you unfamiliar with it, but I truly cherish its simple story and the values that it teaches. I know, from my own perspective, that this book is as true as can be. It touches me more deeply now than it did those many years ago when my babies were truly babies. I wish this story for all of you . . .

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ah, Ignorance!

Firstly, Happy Birthday brother Jim! Enjoy the day! Hope it's everything you would like it to be. Love ya bunches!

And now, down to business . . .

Sometimes, it is very difficult to stay positive. When I was younger, I wanted to dance. I took tap, jazz, ballet, modern dance, and gymnastics for many years before finally deciding on gymnastics. It was super to have all that background, but my body is just best suited for gymnastics. But, I had a loud voice telling me that I could never do any fo it - for one reason or another. Thank goodness I ignored that voice!

I moved a thousand miles from home with my boyfriend. He turned out to NOT be such a good idea. I decided to stay put and not run home. It was hard and there the 'X' was telling me I couldn't do it. Thank goodness I ignored him! I would have never met my husband if I listened to the overbearing, booming voice of self-contrived intelligence.

Folks were awfully mean to my boy who had ballooned from steroids. They never thought to inquire about WHY he might be heavy; only pursued a constant barrage of insults and hurtful actions because they believed that they knew best. I wrote to alleviate my stresses and to try to open their eyes a little. They said, I'd never get published. Again, I'm thankful for ignoring them. My message has been heard by hundreds and if it changed just one opine ~ then that is fantastic!

Taxes, religion, and politics are the other platforms where folks tend to talk louder and louder to be 'righter'. It makes no sense. It is not about bullying tactics, or booming your opinions through whatever mediums you're able. I may not agree with you . . . and that is ok. I don't have to. I'm not going to argue with you til you agree with me. That's ludicrous! But I am certainly not going to listen to your rhetoric with any feigned interest if all you're going to do is bad-mouth, yell, and intimidate. That earns you no points and makes less sense than what you're saying!

Each view point is an opinion. Equal and earnest! Don't tell me I don't know something or I'm wrong ~ because it opposes your view point. Man up and realize that the louder you scream, the less folks listen. Ignorance - in this case - truly is bliss. I choose to ignore the rantings and ravings of the crude and the crass. Shovel your shiznit somewhere else!

Friday, February 10, 2012


In speaking with a business-woman yesterday, in regard to the All Children's Hospital project that I'm working on, she revealed that she was 'in the weeds'. That's a restaurant term I learned while working for my husband some 20+ years ago, that means you are very overwhelmed with all the obligations that are requiring a little piece of you.

I tried to divert the conversation a little and get her to decompress a little, but there was obviously a ton of stuff on her plate and she was just trying to get all her ducks in a row before mowing 'em down! I expressed to her that I appreciate her efforts on behalf of the children, in hopes that she might at least feel good about her tiny obligations toward our group. That didn't help either.

So, I asked her outright, if she wanted to quit. She said, "I can't leave my bosses in that predicament." Obviously, this person is outstanding! Working through myriads of time lines and pressures and still dedicated to those folks who employ her. What she said next, truly hit a chord with me. I decided right then and there, that I truly adore this woman! She's my kind of person and I just admire and respect the bejeepers out of her.

She said, "When I really get too stressed out, I will take my break, walk to the park across the way and swing. I revive my inner 3-year old." And that was my little life lesson for yesterday that I hope I can remember when I'm feeling a little pressured and overwhelmed. What a fabulous outlook. I think that if a few more of us took her advice, the world might be a little more pleasant. Now, I know, the swingset is not everyone's favorite. Perhaps you'd rather hit the merry-go-round, or the slide, or perhaps just run through a sprinkler. What freedom of joy could be found if only we all 'revived our inner 3-year old'.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bliss Bombs

In retrospect of being thankful for different things, I was walking through yesterday with 'thanks' on my mind. I realized all sorts of little gifts that happened during the day, that truly perked me up, made me smile, and changed the course of events.

There was a show on the tv and someone asked, "Why did you marry me?" I was in the kitchen and happened to be looking for a smooch from hubby when that line was spoken. I looked up at him and he said, "Because you're beautiful!" Completely unsolicited bliss bomb!

Had a question about a donation I had made last year and figured it would take quite a while to get the answer I was looking for. I was certain the unearthing of figures would take hours. I got a text within ten minutes of inquiring . . . bliss bomb!

Went to work and was stuck in a department that I'm not too familiar with. I went to put my purse away and ran into the very first person who befriended me there . . . and whom I'd be working with all night. Bliss bomb!

Nearing shift end and got a text. I figured it was a grocery list for dinner as it was nearing 7 pm. It sure was! Hubby said, "Get salmon. I'll grill!" Atomic bliss bomb!

Eagerly headed to grocery store to gather up what would surely be a delicious dinner and ran into a dear friend who I don't see nearly enough. Big, huge hug and super special bliss bomb!  :-)

Got home and received a phone call from a work acquaintance. Seems the evil lady, whom I'd previously written about wanting to beat with a hanger . . . lost her job for maltreatment of customers and coworkers. Sad she's out of work, but bliss bomb for me!

The days are full of little presents if you will merely open your eyes and heart to receive them. Today, I wish for you a plethora of bliss bombs! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It isn't very hard to say "Please" for the things that we might desire. It is, in most of us, ingrained in our adolescent rearing. We see items that we find alluring, and we ask our parents, significant other, or friend, "Please? Can I have that? It's so pretty?" When we're down on our luck and play the lotto, I don't think there isn't a soul out there who hasn't looked up and whispered, "Please, just five of six numbers would be great." Or how about after a night of binge drinking, "Please let me make it through the night, and I'll never touch another bottle again." The 'please's' slide fairly easily off the tongue.

It is the "Thank You" that most of us forget! When you're racing out of the house because you woke up late, but you still get to work on time because every stop light was green, do you say 'Thanks'? When you find that long lost $20 crumpled up in a jacket pocket, do you run away to the mall to spend it, or say 'Thanks' for the unexpected windfall? When you hit every red light on your way to work, know you're gonna get in trouble, but have just missed a six car accident because of it, do you say "Thanks"?

Even more simply, when you wake up in the morning . . . "Thanks!" Do you have the opportunity to make a difference today? "Thanks!" Do you have a job to go to? "Thanks!" Do you have the chance to find a job you're gonna thrive in? "Thanks!" Do you hear the laughter of children during your day? "Thanks!" Do you have the love of a spouse at the end of your day? "Thanks!" If there's no spouse, do you have friends to spend your evening with? "Thanks!" And, if you're home alone, how about the sweet serenity that surrounds you? "Thanks!"

There is SO much to be thankful for. So very much of it, we take for granted. Don't ever stop using "Please" when you are inquiring of something; but moreso, remember to ALWAYS say "Thanks!" for absolutely everything! Thanks, my friends, for taking the time to read this today. I am thankful for you and for the ability to read and write and for the internet to reach out and stay connected. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Slow and steady

One of my favorite fable-type stories is the Tortoise and the Hare; made even more popular by Bugs Bunny and Cecile the turtle. We've all heard, slow and steady wins the race; but we rarely follow those guidelines.

We are all so consumed with our lists of hundreds of things to accomplish each day, that we take the sprinting bunny mode and run ourselves into oblivion for a short while. The list gets a few scratches and we are exhausted. We sit, we eat lunch, and off we go, sprinting again, just to scratch off only a few more items. It never seems to end and its a very vicious circle. We are Bugs - full of youth and vigor and energy.

I have found, more and more, that Cecile really had the right idea. Steadfast and focused really do get you where you're going. Bugs might pass you once or twice, leaping either in delight or while gloating, but eventually . . . e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y . . . your grit, tenacity, and determination will bring you to your desired goal and destination! Of course, it didn't hurt that Cecile had a few helpers, but, in theory: slow and steady really does win the race!

Today, I wish you Bugs' energy to doggedly pursue your dreams to meet up with Cecile on the finish line! Ready? Set . . .

Monday, February 6, 2012


Obviously, to the New York Giants . . . congratulations! A strenuous season, a hard-fought battle, and now . . . SuperBowl Champions! A tremendous accomplishment. A terribly stressful game, but victors none-the-less! Yahoo!

On a whole 'nother plane . . .

My husband's name is Victor. Translated . . . it means 'conqueror'! He is! He's a warrior and a winner - on more levels than I could ever explain here. He's the rock of my life, and the champion of my heart!

My son's name is Miles Vinson. Translated . . . 'merciful son of the conqueror'! It could not suit him any better! Literally, since birth, he's been fighting! He decided to show up only hours after the doc said it'd be another week before we met him. At the hospital, he decided . . . maybe an entrance isn't in the cards, so I'll just hang out in here with this lovely cord as a scarf. Doc said, "Push or I'm cutting!" At ten months he spent several days in the hospital with croup. I laid IN a hospital crib bed with him for many sleepless nights. At nine years old, he was diagnosed with a life-threatening auto-immune disease. In some respects, he is more a 'conqueror' than 'merciful'. He showed none of those trials and complications ANY mercy. He marched on . . . as verile, valiant, and vibrant as could be. He is the epitome of 'victor' - everything his father is . . . and more!

Put him, however, in a room of underprivileged or ill children; or perhaps in the position of fundraiser and champion of worthy causes; and his mercy shines through as brilliant as the Florida sun. He is fair, forgiving, frank, fun, and fearless! He makes my heart happy! He is a victor a thousand times over and I am certain he will accomplish any feat before him. I am such a better person because of him and all he's been through. He gives me strength and helps me soar. He is also nineteen years old today. Happy Birthday, son. You make your parents proud! Continue your victories . . .

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It IS just a game!

On the eve of Superbowl Sunday, I know there are masses of folks heading for the chip aisle, buying out the deli counter, and getting the grill prepared for a fabulous day of football! Whatever team you are rooting for (please, I hope it's the right one!); remember that it IS just a game! No matter the depth of your admiration for a certain player, your statistician superlatives, your deep-rooted team spirit since days before the womb . . . it is NOT justification to act like a idiot!

The folks rooting for the opposing team feel just as deeply. They are just as enamored with their players, have armed themselves with ratings and figures and facts; and their dedication is just as deeply instilled as yours. There is no right or wrong team to root for, just hopes of a good game where there are plenty of good catches and great hits ~ although we're hoping no one gets injured! It IS just a game!

Remember your manners. Remember your dignity. Remember your alcoholic limits. Remember your inside voice. Remember, mostly, that nowadays there are cameras on cell phones and one stupid idea might go viral by Monday! Folks, use your brains and play nice. It IS just a game!

The reasoning behind this blog today comes from experience. I had a t-shirt on for a Florida team. I went to the grocery store at half time for some goodies. I was verbally assaulted, like never before, by a person wearing the opposing team's shirt. I was buying bananas. WTH??? I was called names and told to do things I wouldn't say or wish on my worst enemies. People . . . it IS just a game!


Friday, February 3, 2012

It was glorious!

I have written prior about "Billy Bots" moments. Yesterday, I had a Poppa/Momma moment all rolled into one. It was glorious!

To set a brief stage for you . . . Poppa (Lillian Botsakos) was a tiny little woman that was about as fierce as they come. She would help just about any person out there, but do NOT make her mad. She would tear you up as soon as look at you. She made no bones about letting you know her thoughts and . . . quite directly, I might add. Now, Momma, as you know, had that same ferocity but played a much better mind game with that tenacity. She'd let you run amuk and then snap that chain at the last second, hurtling you backwards into unwitting confusion! Again . . . glorious!

I had to approach a subject that was a little touchy. A great person with wonderful product, but not an inch of wiggle room in his approach. He wanted my backing and all I would give him was my understanding. I disagreed with his approach and stood firm in that thought. Those that know me, know that I usually will cave, or cry, or lay down by the door with a big WELCOME printed on me. I did none of those things. I spoke earnestly, sincerely, precisely, and concisely. I certainly surprised myself and really didn't understand who was actually speaking. It was a beautiful moment of those beautiful Botsakos genes running rampant and finding an opportune outlet. Yay Me!

It was glorious!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pick a Brother . . .

With all the brothers' birthdays just passed or on their way, I am whisked away to yesterdays and silly memories. Take a trip with me . . .

To renting out the hall in Stone Ridge so all the boys could have their parties together. THAT was a recipe for large gatherings ~ like 30 to 50 kids! I remember playing the shoe game where everyone took off their shoes and the parents made a giant pile in the middle of the facility. And, by giant, I mean like literally three to four feet deep in sneakers ~ or so it seemed to a little sister. Then we had to all line up around the perimeter of the room. At the sound of "Go!" we all raced toward the shoe pile and you had to, first of all, find your shoes, and then you had to put them on and tie them up. First one done won a prize. It was craziness. Some kids had the same style of shoes but when they got back to their spot to put them on, they realized the shoe they grabbed was four sizes too big or too small. There were knocked heads as kids dove into the pile and there was scratching and clawing and just plain silliness.

I remember simple fun like musical chairs and just dancing to music. I remember giant games of tag and always . . . tons and tons of food! As I look back, I am somewhat melancholy about those times. I don't think they'll ever be enjoyed again like that. I would love to have another big party and rent out that same hall and invite all my brother's friends and shower my brothers with festivities and family. How much fun would that be? Not many families can pull off a feat of that magnitude . . . then or now. I will simply hold tight to my memories of the union, the togetherness, the simple times, and the laughter. I love you all.  Happy Birthday to each one of you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Share the love!

Ahhhhhhhh, February! The month of loooooooooove!

It's also the month in which I go half broke doing the greeting card gig for friends and family! In just 5 days, my incredibly amazing son turns all of NINETEEN years old. He is just a joy! He also has several astro twins that share his birth date, Don, Tina, and Lisa. Then there's brother Jim on the 11th, who shares the day with cousin Jacob on Vic's side. The 14th, Valentine's Day, we celebrate brothers Cal and Dan ~ born on the same day but two years apart! Pretty cool, eh? The 15th is the anniversary of our friends, The Murphy's. The 16th marks the birthday of my very missed grandmother, Poppa. And I believe the 16th was also the date of my highest score on floor exercise of an 8.5 many, many, many moons ago. The 18th brings about the anniversary of my aunt and uncle, and the fabulous day the world welcomed my much loved husband!!! The 19th we acknowledge Tana ~ who could be a second mom to me. The 24th is the anniversary of my "other" mom and her hubby, Sue and Bob. And the 27th celebrates my friend's and neighbor's anniversary, Dawn & Joe. Sprinkle in there four or five other birthdays of various friends and folks who are like family, and Hallmark makes a fortune!

It is a pleasure and an honor to celebrate such milestones with friends and family. These are days to cherish and celebrate. Days of either gracing the earth with your presence, or finding that one person who you can spend an eternity with. It truly is a month of love! Enjoy your days and share the love!