Monday, December 31, 2018


2018 is drawing to a close.

You can fixate on your woes.
You can focus on your failures.
You can flounder in your falters.
Or . . .
You can embrace your imperfections.
You can grow from your experiences.
You can learn from vital lessons.


Make wise choices, friends.
Life is far too short
to wallow in madness, mayhem,
and misinformation.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Auld Lang Syne

Literally translated from Scottish lore as:
Old Long Since
More understandably translated as:
Days Gone By or Times Gone By.

However you make sense of it,
take a moment and ponder on
the blessings and the moments
that have meant the most to you.
Celebrate those times.
Celebrate those moments.
Celebrate those memories.
And whether you raise a glass
or not,
keep within your heart
the deeds and actions of others
that have made your days
a little better.
Celebrate THAT!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Pondering . . .

It is my belief
that we are placed in this world
of wonders and beauty
with a special ability
to appreciate them.
If you are lucky,
you can share what you see
with someone else.
If you are blessed,
you can show someone
what you see.
And the greatest gift,
beyond the wonder
and the beauty
is to share yourself;
your laughter,
your heart,
your self.
The wonder and the beauty
that is you.

(I took a little of a quote from someone else
and really, truly made it my own!)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Best Present Ever

The best present
I was ever given
was the gift of learning
to embrace my self.
To realize I am human.
I am not perfect.
I no longer try to be.
I fail. I fall short.
I am humbled daily.
And I love it.
It is so enabling.
This is me.
I am broken and beautiful.
I am shattered and strong.
I am flawed and fabulous.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Memories

This is written about the beach,
but holds much more meaning
that the picture it creates.

The tide recedes, but leaves behind
bright seashells on the sand
The sun goes down, but gentle warmth
still lingers on the land
The music stops, yet echoes on
in sweet, soulful refrains.
For every joy that passes,
something beautiful remains.

Hold memories in your heart
and the love remains forever!

Monday, December 24, 2018


This quote is from Sterling K. Brown:

Empathy begins with understanding life
from another person's perspective.
Nobody has
an objective experience of reality.
It is all through
our own individual prisms.

I am who I am
because the course of my life
has forged me into this person.
Your journey
is your own personal adventure.
My prism, as I choose it,
provides colors and rainbows
and facets
of unbelievably incredible beauty.

What does your prism show?

Saturday, December 22, 2018


Firmly plant yourself
in faith and ethics and morals.
Water yourself
with affection and fortitude.
Drape yourself
with kindness and joy.
Embellish yourself
with adventure and education.
Light yourself
with hope and generosity.
Surround yourself
with laughter and love.
Give of yourself
providing shelter and security.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Step Outside

Nothing is more damaging
to the adventurous spirit
than to live
in conformity, security and conservation.

Step Outside
your comfort zone,
your norm,
your parameters,
your bubble.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


I cannot stand the theory
of giving everyone a trophy,
especially just for participating.
I think it breeds complacency
and a lack of energy and enthusiasm.

I do, however, advocate intently
for praise . . .

You look great today!
What a great speech!
Super sweater!
What a stunning smile!
Awesome kicks!
Nice job!
Thanks for holding the door!

It doesn't take an ounce of effort
to be a decent human being;
and if we all tried just a wee bit harder
to do just that
the world would be an entirely different place.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


I did not write this in its entirety.
I have embellished a few things here and there.

Forgiveness is not easy.
At times,
it feels more painful
than the wound we suffered.
It is more draining
than reacting to the infliction.
It is more severe
than witnessing and wiping tears.
It is more brutal
than removing the inciter.
And yet,
there is no peace
without forgiveness.
We must absolve
the wrongdoer
to save ourselves.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


While you can,
when you're able,
See what's out there.
You don't have to go far
to find beauty and adventure,
but if you can experience
different things,
different people,
different places,
do it.
The extraordinary
is everywhere.
Go wander
and find it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What You Sow

More than you understand,
what you sow
so shall you reap!

Plant seeds of kindness.
Water them with generosity and love.
Nurture new growth with positivity.
Fertilize with integrity and tenacity.
Shine on it with praise.
And when that flower blooms,
admire its beauty
and encourage it to spread
far and wide.

Be the reason
there is beauty in the world.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Look For The Good

A vast majority of us
succumb to human nature
and we gripe.
We complain about traffic.
We complain about low wages.
We complain about long hours.
We complain about high costs.
We complain about sniffles.
We complain about weight.
We complain about struggles.
We complain about a great many things.

How about . . .
we Look For The Good?!

We've got a car.
We've got a job.
We pay our bills.
We can get well.
We can exercise.
We can overcome.

We are miracles!
Created to do great things.
In existence to help one another.
Look For The Good!

Saturday, December 8, 2018


When life is hurried,
I wish you calm.
When life is loud,
I wish you quiet.
When life is draining,
I wish you strength.
When life is maddening,
I wish you pleasure.
When life is weighty,
I wish you light.
When life is cruel,
I wish you love.
When life is hectic,
I wish you peace.

Friday, December 7, 2018


Sealed With A Kiss

Today is National Write a Letter Day.
Take a moment,
find some paper,
grab a pen
(or pencil or heck, even a crayon)
and scribble a few lines.
a little love in an envelope
makes a person smile,
perks up a day,
changes perspective,
lightens the weight of worries.
To know that someone is thinking of you
is a beautiful gift.
Share the love.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


If you've been gifted with the opportunity
of a brand new day,
the rest is your choice!

Choose happy over crappy.
Choose laughter over tears.
Choose hope over angst.
Choose praise over criticism.
Choose good over bad.
Choose right over wrong.
Choose compassion over indifference.
Choose help over hurt.
Choose confidence over doubt.
Choose jubilation over desperation.
Choose love over hate.

The circumstance does not matter.
The choice is yours.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Christmastime, I realize,
can be a painful and lonely time
for some folks.
There are people
that I wish were still here,
that I wish were still part of my life,
that I wish were closer.
The joy, however,
comes with memories,
with lessons learned,
with voices and laughter.
As much as there is always
something to be thankful for . . .
there is even more to be joyful about.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Wait for it . . .

life doesn't give you
what you want,
not because
you don't deserve it,
but because
you deserve

Monday, December 3, 2018


Hello fans!  :-)
What do you do
when you see something wrong?
I'm not talking about jumping on
every single hashtag fiasco that goes on.
I mean something local, personal.
Something that really touches you -
deep in your heart.
We don't need to have big bucks
to make a difference.
We don't have to have
the power of the masses.
the simplest and kindest of gestures
make the biggest, most immense impact.
What we attempt to mend in others
we usually mend within ourselves.

I was away. Now I'm back.
I will be away next week, as well.
Just so you know.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


As in a good foundation,
the tendrils we share with others
are kind of amazing.
We are bound together by
laughter, love, memories,
pain, struggle, hope, faith.
Sometimes, those tendrils become
fragile and frayed.
They may break.
Some are so thick and so strong
there will never be a nick.
But they are there.
Dusty, hidden, twisted, gnarled.
But there.
I am so blessed by the tendrils
that I have offered and
those that have been offered to me.
We are knotted.
We are connected.
We support one another.
We help in each other's growth.
Be aware of what your tendrils
are tied to.

Monday, November 26, 2018


I don't need thousands of dollars
and a tour guide
to have an adventure.
I find adventure everywhere!
In the woods in front of my home.
In the meadow behind my home.
On a car ride with my husband.
Through the eyes of my grown children.
In the laughter of a baby.
In a trip to the grocery store.
Allow the wonder
of absolutely everything
to wash over you.
Absorb the colors, the smells, the sounds.
Take note of the quiet or the busyness.
Learn to love every second of every day.
It is all a gift.
It is all an adventure.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

My Own Spin

Those that know me well,
know that I almost always put my own spin
on just about everything I do/say/write.
If there's a specific recipe . . .
it's more of a guideline.
If there's imperative directions . . .
it's more of a guideline.
So . . . today's quote was taken
from one Carly Fiorina and . . .
it's more of a guideline.
I made it my own!!!

Life is measured
in love and positive contributions.

It really is no more complicated
than that.
Folks, make it simple.
Keep it simple.
Do the right thing, all the time.

Positive contributions.

Enjoy your weekend.

Friday, November 23, 2018

You're Welcome!

Today is
You're Welcoming Day!
Imagine that.
A holiday with manners.

Be grateful for all your blessings.
Be thankful for what you have.
Be humbled by the goodness.
Never forget your
You're Welcome.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thankful Heart

With a thankful heart
I greet the day.

Thankful for family.
Thankful for friends.
Thankful for laughter.
Thankful for hard work.
Thankful for joy.
Thankful for blessings.
Thankful for a new day.
Thankful for adventures.
Thankful for memories.
Thankful for gifts.
Thankful for hugs.
Thankful for life.
Thankful for love.
Thankful for


Wednesday, November 21, 2018


See what I did there?

Each of us is infused
with innate and undeniable gifts.
Talents we can cultivate
and give to one another.
Blessings bestowed
with the intention of sharing.

We are each
full of greatness.
Yes, you!
You are full of greatness!
Go and share all that you are.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


The first step to gratitude
is to realize
how very blessed you are.
You're awake.
You're alive.
You're moving.
You're thinking.
You're interacting.
You're feeling.
You're loving.
Don't take these things for granted.
Realize the value of

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Cost

The cost of not following your heart
is spending the rest of your life
wishing you had.

Take baby steps.
Learn new things.
No regrets . . .

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Take A Hike

No, really!
Today is National Take A Hike Day!

So whether it is down a country road,
along a sandy beach,
through a quiet forest . . .
get out there!


Take A Hike!

Friday, November 16, 2018


Something to ponder
especially in these volatile times . . .

Consider how hard it is
to change yourself
and you'll understand
what little chance you have
in trying to change others.

That is all.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


I-ncentive to

Today is National Philanthropy Day!

Whether it is stuff you don't use,
money that you can live without,
time to share your talents . . .
GIVE it today.

Your kindness begins a ripple
that flows much further
than you could ever know.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


My Facebook page's meme says:

Never be ashamed of a scar.
It simply means you were stronger
than whatever tried to hurt you.

We all have scars.
Some, sadly, are visible.
I tend to call them battle wounds . . .
from fights in which I've been victorious.
Some, more sadly, are not visible.
These are inflicted on the heart,
in the psyche,
on the soul.
Much more tragic.
But the victory over them is magnified ten fold.
You always have the option
to succumb to your wounds or battle through them.
Even when you are having a bad day,
when everything seems to be against you,
when bad luck might be your only luck,
that you have been triumphant over every bad day so far.
Your track record is pretty good.
You are stronger than you think,
and braver than you know.
Go ahead . . . show those scars!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

World Kindness Day

Today is World Kindness Day.

No matter where you are.
No matter what you're doing.
No matter who you're with.
No matter how you're feeling.
No matter the weather.
No matter the circumstance.

Be Kind!

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Big Three

I kind of really like this quote.
it seems a great majority of us,
can only juggle two of these.
We struggle so hard
to grasp and deal with all three.
Let's try a little harder, eh?

There are three constants in life:

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Enjoy Every Second

Time is so fragile,
so precious,
so fleeting.
See what you can see.
Do what you can do.
Laugh. Love. Live.
Embrace each moment.
Revel in each victory.
Learn from each defeat.
Listen to every story.
Share what you have learned.
Relish your worth.
Absorb each minute.
Snuggle whenever you're able.
Enjoy every second.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Hey! I Know You!

I know you!
You're that amazing person
who does extraordinary things
with great passion
paired with grand kindness
to be a better person
than you were yesterday
and to leave the world
just a little more full of love
than you found it.
Thank you.
For being here.
For being you.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Gotta Love Benny

A fabulous quote from Benjamin Franklin ~

Life's tragedy
is that we get old too soon
and wise too late.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


There will always be differences among folks.
Some will believe Point A.
Some will believe Point B.
There are even some Point C and D folks, too.
And that's ok.
What we need to come to realize
is that beneath the race, the color, the religion,
the points . . .
we are all of the same bones.
We all believe we should take care of each other.
We just believe in different paths.
We all believe we should be healthy.
We just believe in different paths.
We all believe in the pursuit of happiness.
We just believe in different paths.
And that's ok.
It's nothing to fight over.
It's nothing to get ugly over.
If we could come together for the common belief,
instead of reaching 'yours' or 'mine',
we'd all be better off.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


     ~ by Lyn Marinello

The strength it takes to say goodbye is strength beyond compare
The abyss you face in solitude is deep and dark and bare
Nothing to hold on to, vacancy below
An emptiness without escape, affection with no place to go
A pain that aches beyond mere words, a void that can never be filled
A longing that cannot be found, countless tears forever spilled
A yet, the second hand continues. Time just marches on
This big blue ball keeps spinning. It doesn't stop because they're gone
The hurt begins to ebb, the flow always returns
A song, a phrase, a moment, rekindles misery that burns
Grab a hold of memories, minutes etched upon your soul
Precious bits of things you shared, frayed threads that keep you whole
Keep those close at heart, they are yours and yours alone
Harvest every ounce of good from the seeds that you have sown
Do not mistake your grief as a sign that you are frail
Let the desolation cleanse you, a release in every wail
Remember during dismal times, not to wallow in deep despair
Dwell, instead, in the blessing of the time you were allowed to share.

for Holly, and Tonya, and Susan, and Nancy, and Mary, 
and so many others . . .
and for me.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Fall in Love

Fall in Love
with waking up
with exercise
with relaxation
with reading
with art
with pictures
with listening
with hugging
with hope
with learning
with exploring
with compassion
with inclusion
with thinking
with kindness
with civility
with laughter
with love
with each other.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Every single day
you have a choice.

How do you approach a brand new 24 hours?
How do you deal with less than common sense?
How do you deal with blessings?
How do you deal with hatred?
How do you deal with love?
How do you deal with ignorance?
How do you deal with knowledge?

Each question set is separate and yet, inclusive.
How you choose to perceive things
makes a massive difference.
If it benefits you, are you grateful?
If it diminishes you, are you mournful?
I will always choose to try to see the good.
I will always choose to find the positive.

Things may make me angry, or sad, or befuddled,
but I will always take the course toward happy
whether it is bumpy, full of pot holes,
or strewn with detours.
The final destination
is a much better place to be.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Every! Day!

There are miracles.
There are blessings.
There is hope.
There is beauty.
There is kindness.
There is love.
Every. Day!

If you're having trouble
seeing those things;
then BE those things.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Be That Person

It is November - National Inspirational Role Model Month.
I want to remind you,
as we greet this beautiful month,
that any person can be a role model.
You don't need money or fancy things.
You just have to care and live in that moment - always.
None of us are perfect.
We all fall short, and that's ok.
Doesn't matter your upbringing.

Be the person you needed
when you were younger.

Such a beautiful and simple concept.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


So short.
So sweet.
So spot on.

to let the world
corrupt you.

Let that one sink in.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Are You Willing

So, not my normal
rainbows and unicorns.
This is a little more
thought provoking.

Are you willing
to listen
to learn
to wait
to lose
to want
to cry
to filter
to be wrong
to begin again?

Are you willing?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Ahhh persistence

So I lived in Florida for many moons.
I loved the beach and water.
I also love my woods and tranquility.
However, today, I will allow my
water-loving side to come forward
because I really am enamored with this quote:

There is nothing more beautiful
than the way the ocean refuses
to stop kissing the shoreline
no matter how many times
it is sent away.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Friday, October 26, 2018

Sure is Special

This oath quote is from/for
Special Olympics athletes,
but . . .
if I dare . . .
it is surely for

Let me win
But if I cannot win
Let me be brave
in the attempt

Thursday, October 25, 2018

All About the Treats

As Halloween approaches,
although I'm far removed from the
door-to-door event of acquiring candy,
I am all about the treats!

Treating people properly.
Treating people kindly.
Treating people respectfully.
Treating people with dignity.
Treating people inclusively.
Treating people lovingly.

Now . . .
if that comes with a Kit-Kat bar . . .

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Best View

The best view
is found after the hardest climb.
Through the thickets,
over the rocks,
squeeze through the crevices,
crawl under obstructions,
fight your way through brush,
jumping across the holes,
strolling about the flats,
sweating up the cliffs.
And just when you're ready
to throw in the towel . . .
you reach the pinnacle and
oooooooooooh baby!
What a view!
The colors, the expanse,
the glory, the joy, the beauty.
It is incredible.
Works pretty well with hiking, too.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Can You Hear Me Now

Oh what a joy it is
to get a phone call from someone special.
To vent to an nonjudgmental ear.
To hear a voice that warms your heart.
To listen with all kinds of love.
To laugh out loud in reality
instead of typing three letters on a keyboard.
To hear an "I love you"
just makes the day unbreakably fabulous.
To know that on the other end of the line
there is a special person so dearly loved
thinking there is a special person so dearly loved
on the other end of the line.
It is a circle of comfort; of trust; of peace.
It is a simple act. Dial and share.
It is an undaunting task for either person;
for any person.

Monday, October 22, 2018


Nelson Mandela:

There is no passion to be found playing small -
in settling for a life that is less
than the one you are capable of living.

Let me repeat that . . .

than the one you are CAPABLE of living

Your life is yours.
Create what you want.
Go where you will.
See what excites you.
Do what thrills you.
Share what you are passionate about.
Don't settle for what you're
supposed to do;
expected to have;
presumed to be.

Go . . . Live.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Road Less Trampled

This is a public service announcement . . .


You are, I'm guessing,
an intelligent human being.
Please do not believe everything
that you see and hear and read.
Take a moment and educate yourself.
Listen without filters.
Read between the lines.
Really see the big picture.
You are not a sheep.
You are not a tree.
You need not baaa with the flock.
You need not stay where you are uncomfortable.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Take The Detour

Some of the best things in life
will be found beyond the exit ramp
of your comfort zone.
(Didn't write it. Wish I had.)

When you dare to step beyond
what you've always known
and what you've always done
and what you're comfortable doing
you will find a certain sort of
tangible anxious excitement
that emanates from learning
from growing
from exploring
from stretching
from actually being alive.
Being alive to newness
to challenges
to experience
to broadening
everything about you.

Take the detour.
It's more than worth it.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


like kindness,
costs you nothing.
Its benefits, however,
are simply extraordinary.
A few small words
can change the entire day.
A brief smile and nod
can refuel the endeavor.
A positive cheer
can reaffirm the effort.
Be the voice you'd like to hear
when you're hard at work.
Be the lift you'd like to have
when you are being diligent.
Be the support you wish was there
when you were in desperate need of it.
Encouragement, sincerely given,
it is a life changer.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Seuss or Pooh

Came across this quote
and although the quote itself didn't really pull me in,
it was the way it was said that drew me.
I cannot decide if it's more Dr. Seuss or Winnie the Pooh:

Life is a mirror
and will reflect back to the thinker
what he thinks into it.

I believe it is the "what he thinks into it" that gets me.
Such a simple concept, but so unused by so many.
Think positive into your life.
Think wellness into your life.
Think happy into your life.
Think beautiful into your life.
Think good people into your life.
Think laughter into your life.
Think peace into your life.
Think love into your life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

You've earned your cape!

strength does not lie in numbers.
strength lies in fortitude;
the ability to continue each day
despite challenges and hardships,
doing the right thing,
because it's the right thing -
not perhaps the most popular or fun thing.
To face the world
in a constant state of beast mode,
for the betterment of those around you,
is a selfless, noble, strength-filled act.
I applaud those of you doing this.
Waking each morning,
with very little sleep,
to care for, work for, and exist for
It is exhausting.
It does not go unnoticed.
You've earned your cape!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Ch-Angel Candace

So, during one's lifetime,
we cross the paths of thousands of people.
Some we just bump into.
Some we befriend.
Some are just absolute blessings.
This Ch-Angel, my giggling friend,
is just this beautiful soul
that people literally clamor to be around.
She exudes kindness and gentleness;
understanding and compassion;
bravado and boldness;
simplicity and sweetness;
joy and jubilance;
with just a smidge of crazy!
She embraces everyone.
She's an encourager, a cheerleader,
a warm and fuzzy comfort.
It has been an honor to work for you
and a privilege to befriend you.
Thanks for making life better
for everyone you touch.
Thanks for being you ~
and what a beautiful you you are!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Be The Hero

You don't need a cape.
You don't need a secret lair.
(Although that might be pretty nifty.)
You don't need a bunch of money.
You don't need all kinds of muscles.
You don't need to be a giant.
You don't need to a fancy costume.

You simply need to be kind.

Be Available.
Be Kind!

Be The Hero
that dwells within you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Key is Kindness

Today is National Stop Bullying Day!
The key to this is be kindness.
To the victim, of course,
but perhaps even more importantly . . .
to the perpetrator.
They are, in every sense,
weaker than the victim.
They are lashing out.
Seeking attention.
Trying to garner strength
as they wallow in their own shortcomings.
Just as we try to enforce the fact that
you cannot shine brighter by
dimming the light of another;
you cannot change the actions of a bully
without changing the heart.
Let's love EVERY one through today.
It is the only way to really effect change.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


The tangible things of this world;
the money,
the gadgets,
the vehicles,
the homes,
the notoriety,
cannot hold a candle
to a singular beautiful memory.

Enjoy them.
Make more.

Monday, October 8, 2018


After an overwhelming response to finish (or expand) this,
it is done.
This comes from so many levels, is truly multi-faceted,
and contains within it an incredible amount of angst and peace.
I am kind of proud of this one!  :-)


You do not know your neighbor's woes
Not every wound is one that shows
Their smile is a false façade
That cloaks the weight with which they plod
A bravado that is Botox born
Wielded to mend a heart that's torn
Caked-on make-up to mask the guilt
Dermabrasion to cleanse the silt
Enhancements to overcompensate
A sad attempt to squelch self-hate
Tuck the tummy and slim the nose
The doubt of worth that only grows
Medicate to ease the pain
Attired in pretense to conceal the stain
The mirror shows, with monstrous dread,
The insecurities within the head
We judge instead of holding dear
Another - or our own - human life in fear
You do not know your neighbor's woes
Not every wound is one that shows

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Saw this quote
and knew it needed to be shared.
More often than not,
simple and straightforward
is the best way to go.
No static. No bs. No nonsense.

One chance is all you need.

And it really is.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Testing . . .

Life will always be testing you;
throwing you curve balls,
knocking you down,
harshing your mellow,
pushing your buttons,
doing some eye-poking,
stubbing your big toe,
and the like.
Not everyone
will behave as you would like them to,
treat you as you'd treat them,
have the heart that you possess,
care as much as you do.
The answer to passing the test?
It certainly isn't easy.
It's one of the hardest things you'll ever
thank yourself for later.
Continue to be you.
Continue to be kind.
Continue to be fair.
Continue to be sweet.
Continue to be generous.
Their actions are theirs to carry.
You just ace this test called life,
remember how genuine and real feels,
and know how extraordinary you are.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


In music,
it makes for incredible audible magic.
In life, however,
it seems to be far more difficult.
When the morning's met with thankfulness,
there is a harmony to your day.
When you greet friends and strangers the same,
there is a harmony to your heart.
When you share your talents and gifts freely,
there is a harmony in your soul.
When you allow and embrace differences,
there is a harmony in your life.
When you realize your own value
along with the value of others
there is a harmony in your existence.
Rise above the chaos.
See beyond the static.
Speak without the gossip.
Love without condition.
Harmony is a magic made for more than music.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Today is a great day
to begin.

Begin writing.
Begin reading.
Begin walking.
Begin exercising.
Begin classes.
Begin singing.
Begin a new job.
Begin a new hobby.
Begin tackling a fear.
Begin exorcising demons.
Begin stopping bad habits.
Begin listening.
Begin hoping.
Begin praying.
Begin helping.
Begin loving.
Begin being the amazing you
you sre meant to be.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

All the beautiful things . . .

Holding Hands
Sandy Beaches
Wooded Pathways
Scenic Vistas
Great Music
Good Reads

Monday, October 1, 2018

Light It Up!

Some say sit down.
Some say be quiet.
Some say behave.
Some say be one.
Some say go dark.

That is not me!
I have never been ANY of those things!

If you've got a story to tell, tell it.
If you've got a message to share, share it.
If you've got a song to sing, sing it.
If you've got a wrong to right, right it.
If you've got a light to shine . . . shine it!

No contempt.
No motives.
No deceit.
No evil.
No hate.

Just shine your light.
You are a beacon.
Your light will not shine brighter
if you dim another.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Your Choice

If you are lucky enough
to greet another day,
you are lucky enough.

Now the hard part comes.
Will you be happy or crappy?
Will you share joy or spread misery?
Will you smile or frown?
Will you be kind or be a bully?
Will you share hope or spread doom?
Will you be uplifting or demeaning?
Will you be an individual or a lemming?
Will you embrace all or despise each?
Will you listen or will you hear?
Will you converse or will you scream?
Will you observe or will you judge?
Will you give or will you take?
Will you teach or will you order?
Will you love or will you hate?

It is that simple.
It is your choice.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Seven little letters.
Strength beyond belief.

Defined as:
The quality of mind or spirit
that enables a person to face
difficulty, danger, pain, etc.
without fear.
I'm not so sure about the 'without fear' part.

It can be that leap from one job to the next.
It can be the grasping of an opportunity
with an unknown future.
It can be the audition just outside your comfort zone.
It can be speaking to someone you admire.
It can be simply speaking up.
It can be standing up to things or people.
It can be stepping back from things or people.
It can be running a marathon.
It can be just one more step.
It is courage.
It is different for different people.
But it exists in each of us.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Just One

If your singing makes just one person happy,
If your photographs make just one person happy,
If your art makes just one person happy,
If your writing makes just one person happy,
If your listening makes just one person happy,
If your hug makes just one person happy,
If your existence makes just one person happy,
If your love makes just one person happy,
You make a difference.
You are integral and beautiful and important and worthy.
And know that there is Just One of YOU!
YOU make the world better.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Letters Matter

Four of my favorite are:  U, R, I, and M

UR amazing.
UR important.
UR extraordinary.
UR loved.
UR talented.
UR brave.
UR unique.
UR beautiful.
IM all those same things.

Recite this . . . daily!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Feed Your Soul

Refuse to let the world corrupt you.
See the beauty in everyone.
Let us not grow weary while doing good.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


I found a quote . . . but I only like half of it.
So, I will share and embellish.

Unlike a drop of water
which loses its identity
when it joins the ocean,
man does not lose his being
when he joins society.

Each of us accentuates
and enhances the world
and those around us.
Singularly, we are minute, but together -
even in the glory of all our differences -
we can create a wave
of something beautiful.

Friday, September 21, 2018


To be beautiful means
to be yourself.
You don't need to be
accepted by others.
You need
to accept yourself.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

A World Without

Listen without judgement.
Pray without ceasing.
Care without necessity.
See without separation.
Envelop without pretense.
Give without expectation.
Love without condition.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Great Eight

1. Everything can . . . and will . . . change.
2. You've overcome challenges before.
3. It's all a learning experience.
4. Not getting what you want can be a blessing.
5. Allow yourself to have some fun.
6. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.
7. Other's people's negativity isn't worth worrying about.
8. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

And, as I ponder my existence,
I have realized that they are all true.
Some carry more weight at specific times,
but every single one of them
is absolutely true.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


There is strength
and there is being strong.
Two very different things.
I have dabbled with the first.
I was forced into the second.
We never really understand
the fortitude that lies within us,
until we're tested.
Our faith in things beyond us
give us cause to climb above,
to reach past,
to rise to heights
we never anticipated -
because we have to.
The belief that you can,
supplies the stamina
to realize you will.
We all possess it.
It's in there.
Go . . . find it.
And when you do,
share it.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Go . . .

Because, somehow,
we've raised two wanderers . . .
and those who wander
are really not always lost . . .
I give you some favorites.

I find myself becoming greedy.
Greedy for new experiences,
new sights and cities.
I've become an addict for adventure,
and I'm afraid there is no cure.

Jobs fill your pocket.
Adventures fill your soul.

Wherever you go
becomes a part of you somehow.

Spend your life with the people
who make even going to the grocery store
an adventure.

And if travel is like love, it is, in the end,
mostly because it's a heightened state of awareness,
in which we are mindful, receptive,
undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed.
That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs,
never really end.


Saturday, September 15, 2018


As children we are taught to share.
Share our toys, our snacks, our time.
What happens?

We need to get back to some of our childhood ethics.
Share a smile.
Share the kindness.
Share the hope.
Share your generosity.
Share some goodness.
Share your compassion.
Share the love.

Or I'll put you in time out!  :-)

Friday, September 14, 2018


It is such a precious commodity.
We naively rush through it,
hurry it along,
and sometimes wish it away.
We do not realize its value
til it is gone.
Til we no longer have any.
Til the chair is empty.
Til the phone doesn't ring.
Til we are alone.
So . . .
If you woke up this morning,
make it a point
with all sorts of purpose
to reach out;
to communicate;
to be kind;
to listen;
to hold;
to share;
to love;
to be

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ch-Angel LBC

Back to those folks
who, without hesitation,
give with their heart,
accept without condition,
love with their entire being.
Thank you my Ch-Angel
for being your very special self.
It is appreciated.
It is heartwarming.
It is genuine.
It is beautiful.

Like you!

Go be a Ch-Angel today!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Don't Fence Me In

Now that you're knee deep in that song . . .

Today's blog is more about
inclusion and acceptance
than cottonwood trees
and old saddles.

I will NOT be defined
by political party,
religious belief,
procreation thoughts,
morals and ethics.
You CANNOT put me
in a box and label me.
I am so very much
more than that.
And you are
smarter than that.

Don't Fence Me In!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

An Empty Bench

there is an empty bench
where someone should be sitting.
there's a name on a monument
that is said to be befitting.
there is an empty bench
that's void of conversation.
it stands in solitude
in remembrance of the devastation.
there is an empty bench
that used to seat a working crowd.
it is a sacred shrine
to what will never again be allowed.
there is an empty bench
where friends would surely have met.
is September 11th,
a day we will Never Forget.

Monday, September 10, 2018


To bask
in the delight of memories
is to twist time
in the favor of joy.
To raise up a long ago moment
and give it new life
is to open your heart
to forgotten love.
To shed a tear
for a departed soul
is to share their worth
with the world.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Adapt and Overcome

Had a blog written
and it wouldn't publish.
Isn't technology fun?

And so . . .
I will change it up
and make sure you understand
that no matter what comes your way
you can create something new
and different
and better!

Put your head down,
put one foot in front of the other
and get to where you need to go.
You can do
whatever you choose to do.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Gogh On

If you hear a voice within you say,
'You cannot paint,'
then by all means . . . paint . . .
and that voice will be silenced.

For those of you that might be
'hard of reading'
this is not necessarily about painting!

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Back To It

Back to the basics.
Back to the root.
Back to what drove me to start this blog.


Those folks who go above and beyond
without expectation or notoriety,
to benefit another person
for definite or sometimes indefinable reasons.

There are Ch-Angels everywhere.
I believe it is by choice that we see them.
We tend to see what we want to see.
If we want to see bad . . . we find fault.
If we want to see good . . . we find favor.
The change begins within each of us.

Take a step today toward being a Ch-Angel.
Do something you don't normally do.
Find a needy soul, and fill the void.
The wings are there.
We simply need to dust them off.
Shine up those halos and be the beacon
that others might follow.

Be a Ch-Angel!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Giving Thanks

Believe me,
I'm NOT rushing holidays.
I just wanted to take a moment,
as we all should every day,
to give thanks!

Thank you for another day.
Thank you for my amazing family.
Thank you for my incredible friends.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for hope.
Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for love.

In a world where far too many
are continuously asking for things,
I want to make sure that
I am giving thanks
for all the blessings and abundances I have.

Thank You!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Good Day to You

As I sit here this morning, super sleepy,
rubbing my eyes and knowing full well
that this long day is going to be painful,
I am ok.

I am greeting a new morning.
I get to see another sunrise.
I am allowed to give the world my best.
I am granted a chance to do the right thing.

Is everything perfect in my world?
Is life just ducky and dandy without setbacks?
Do parts randomly ache and hurt and creak?
Do I wish some folks would behave better?

But . . . I am here . . .
blessed to write and share and empower
and lift others up and be kind and be joyful
in spite of any and every issue.
And so . . .

Good Day to You!
Make it absolutely anything
and everything you'd like it to be.

Monday, September 3, 2018


Life is far too short to spend your time
trying to be like someone else.
Don't try to dress like this person;
do your make-up like that person;
dance like so-and-so;
sing like this musician;
speak like this orator;
or anything like anyone

You, my friend, are an Original
with a capital O!
You are unique and beautiful
and gifted and blessed
and incredible and amazing.
Be the most you-est you you can be.
The world waited for you.
The world was finally graced with you.
Now share the special you that you are!

Do you!
Be you!
Do Be Do Be You!

Saturday, September 1, 2018


As life continues to ebb and flow,
we are sometimes left
with only memories;
precious bits of time
captured in our thoughts,
secured within our souls,
offering us a respite
from the craziness
in a beautifully comfortable
happy place.

Enjoy yours.

Friday, August 31, 2018


We are all bound to one another.
Whether family by blood
or through happenstance and bonding
or circumstance and passion.
The acceptance of one another
should be simple.
we have muddied the waters;
blurred inclusion and acceptance;
laid expectations and stipulations.
Can we not just be?
Can we not just be together?
Bound (this bound) does not mean tied up.
It means tethered to -
regardless of a great many differences.
We are one.
We are bound.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Sun Will Rise

Does your world seem dark?
A little gloomy or foggy?
Troubles darkening your doorstep?
Rain clouds following you?
Life's waters muddied?
Do not worry.
Do not stress.
Rest easy.
Rest assured.
The Sun Will Rise.

see what I did there?  :-)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Found this quote
and thought I'd share . . .
for myself
and for others
who may need to hear it today.

I am learning
to love the sound
of my feet
walking away
from things
not meant for me.

It is an incredibly empowering stroll!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I am thankful
for another morning;
for family and friends;
for (mostly) health;
for laughter;
for beauty;
for connecting;
for listening and learning;
for grit and perseverance;
for love;
for hope;
for faith.

I am thankful.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Here's Your Sign

Often times,
if you are a person of faith,
there are moments
that you realize are bliss bombs
from The Man Upstairs.
Little hints and cues
to help us, guide us, keep us.
Sometimes, though,
as we ask 'for a sign'
He really knows we're being difficult
and answers quite literally.
This past weekend,
in the mountains of north Georgia,
I 'saw a sign'!
I thought I'd share . . .

You cannot stumble
from your knees.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


It does not take a lot of effort to speak.
It takes less effort to speak kindly.
It causes more emotion and elation
than you will ever know.

I received quite a few birthday cards.
Thank you one and all.
One of them had a little handwritten note.
It said . . . simply . . .

Do you know what a difference you make
every day?

Now this pal has had some serious impact on our lives.
She has walked us through some incredibly rough patches.
She has brightened dark days.
She has lifted my kids up more times than I can count.
She has lifted me up even more than that.
She's just a Ch-Angel beyond description.
And she says that I make a difference?
What a beautiful gift that card is.
Keeps making me cry.
Thank you.

The point?
What you say matters.
What you do matters.
You have no idea how or who you may impact.
Words matter. Use them for good.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Great Find

I did not write this.
I wish I did.
I am, however,
completely smitten with it:

May you have
Heaven in your heart;
Starlight in your soul;
Angels all around you.

Yes, please.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


I'm a big advocate of KISS
(Keep It Simple Stupid).

Short and poignant quips
that dive straight to the heart
and deliver something great.

Are you ready???

One chance
is all you need.

Not months of strategizing.
Not years of well planned efforts.
Sometimes . . .
just a simple leap of faith . . .

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Be An Angel

Today is Be An Angel Day!

Take a moment today,
to move beyond yourself,
outside your comfort zone,
and do something fabulous
for someone who cannot thank you
without a chance or expectation
of being rewarded.

Be An Angel!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


This is a quote by Anne Frank.
It is brief.
It is purposeful.
It is fantastic!

How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait
a single moment
before starting
to improve the world.

Monday, August 20, 2018


No matter what you see
when you look in the mirror,
I see someone of value;
someone of worth;
someone integral;
someone important;
someone I love.

There are times when each of us
feels used,

But broken crayons still color.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Good Happens

I hope no one takes offense to this.
Actually . . . I don't care!

Recently, a high school chum had come upon some hard times.
This person is going through work issues, health issues, and
quite possibly, depression issues.
A dynamic duo decided to do something about it.
They organized a secret on-line page and shared this hardship.
Folks were encouraged to help an old friend out.
There was ZERO political debate.
There was ZERO religious nonsense.
There was ZERO monetary expectation.
There was ZERO personal static.
We each took whatever time was available,
whatever resources were available,
whatever talents were available,
whatever love we could squish in a package,
and tried to lift the spirits of someone
who needed a little lifting.
It worked!

When we put aside the white noise
that seems to be filling our lives these days;
when we forget to 'pick a side' or 'point a finger';
when we realize we can actually make a difference,
good happens.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Good Morning

What a fabulous day
to have a fabulous day!
It's a little foggy here,
the sun has not yet peeked through,
a smidge damp out,
and I didn't sleep too well.


A good morning
is not made by your surroundings.
A good morning
is made by opening your eyes.

Make this day magnificent.
Make today a beautiful bouquet of hours.
Fill it with laughter and memories.
It is what you make it.
Make it a

Good Morning!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Lesson #4307

So I sometimes write about
hard life lessons.
Things I have to teach and reteach myself
over and over.
Hoping that someone else
might benefit by my sharing.
I'm definitely getting better at this one.
Walking away from the drama and static
is getting easier and easier.
Realizing who and what depletes me
is a grand step.
Removing them . . . harder but essential.

Forget about what has hurt you, but
forget what it has taught you.

Fortitude and tenacity
were traits I never knew I had
until I needed to have them.
I wish no one harm,
but I deserve my own happiness.

As do you . . .

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Today is National Relaxation Day.
Good thing it wasn't yesterday.
I would have really messed up.

and every now and then,
you just need to chill and out
and do a whole lot of nothing.
Watch the birds.
Sit in the sand.
Wait for critters.
Enjoy the air.
Embrace the quiet.

Today's a good day
to do just that.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


So I absolutely stole this
from a Ch-Angel's Facebook.
Thank you KK.

You can lie down
for people to walk on you
and they will still complain
that you're not flat enough.

You are in charge of you.
Do not permit other's perceptions
dictate who you become.
What you allow
becomes the norm.

You are a miracle.
You are a blessing.
You are extraordinary.
Live the life
that you were destined to live.
Live Out Loud!

Monday, August 13, 2018


Tears are NOT a sign of weakness.
Tears are NOT a tale of defeat.

Tears come
to cleanse,
to grieve,
to release,
to speak wordlessly,
to care,
to pray,
to envelope,
to clear our vision,
to make way
for smiles.

Fear not the tears.
As with any storm,
the rainbow after
is always extraordinary.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Sons and Daughters

In celebrating National Sons and Daughters Day,
I am terribly blessed with the gifts I have been given.
My children are Ch-Angels!
As an only daughter,
to a mother who had six sons,
I was blessed to be among them.
Whether you have them or are one . . .
enjoy it all.
Hold tight.
Embrace the exceptional gift
that is given to you.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Step Back

life seems a little like
having some wine,
putting on a straightjacket,
and a blind fold, and then
trying to spar with Conor McGregor.
It's a little messy.

we've got to learn to step back . . .
to see a broader view
instead of the tiny hole
that we've seemed to stick ourselves in.
We have to realize our value.
We have to understand
how very important we each are.
We have to comprehend
just how many lives we've touched
and that every single one of those lives
is better for you having touched them.

Step Back.
See how special you are.
See how integral you are.
See how loved you are.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Think! Think! Think!

With the new Christopher Robin movie coming out,
I'm brought back to childhood days
with one of my favorites . . . Winnie the Pooh.

(Few know this, but I was 'Lynnie the Pooh' which
then became 'Pooh' which then became 'Pooker'.
You're welcome for the history lesson!)

I adored when he would sit on a log,
bopping his little head
with his meaty little paw
"Think! Think! Think!"

Where is Pooh now?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Happiness Happens

Today is National Happiness Happens Day!

Go forth.

Be Happy.
Do Happy.
Make Happy.

Happiness Happens
and it begins with

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Be polite.
Be nice.
Be genuine.
Be helpful.
Be silly.
Be sincere.
Be hopeful.
Be kind.
Be supportive.
Be happy.
Be bold.
Be brave.
Be gracious.
Be grateful.
Be beautiful.
Be loving.
Be caring.
Be tenacious.
Be spontaneous.
Be lieve.
Be you.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Enjoy. Every. Second.

When we are young,
we cannot wait to have freedom.
As we enter early adulthood,
we are grasping at opportunities.
As parents,
we prepare our kids to thrive on their own
and never really want them to leave.
As our forties and fifties approach,
we are yearning for youth.
As parents pass away,
we seek to savor memories.

We wish for time to hurry up,
then pray that time would just slow down.

If you wake up, be thankful.
Bask in the sunshine.
Absorb the scenery.
Envelop friends.
Embrace family.
Breathe deep.

Enjoy. Every. Second.

Saturday, August 4, 2018


A little something
I've been toying with . . .

You do not know
your neighbor's woes
Not every wound
is one that shows
Their smile is
a false façade
That cloaks the weight
with which they plod.

Should I leave it,
or pursue it?
What say you . . .

Friday, August 3, 2018


I have been sick.
I have been very healthy.
I have been poor.
I have been very comfortable.
I have been devastated.
I have been euphoric.
I have been angry.
I have been just giddy.
I have been judged.
I have been vindicated.
I have been anxious.
I have been unencumbered.
I have been betrayed.
I have been amazingly supported.
I have been lost.
I have been beautifully found.

I am grateful
for every single second.
It is all a gift.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Hey! Listen Up!

Everything is beautiful
in it's own way
like a starry summer night
on a snow covered winter's day
and everybody's beautiful
in their own way
under God's Heaven
the world's gonna find the way

You're welcome.
Continue singing . . .

and Being Beautiful!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cowboys . . .

I happened upon a cooking show last night
that pitted four grill masters against one another.
They were from all over the place.
One was a cowboy - a real, literal cowboy.
I have learned that these are seriously
humble, respectful, genuine, gracious folk.
This cowboy was in the finale, but lost.
His closing statement:

A man is only as strong
as the woman who holds him.
I am very strong.

Just wow!
On a dadgum cooking show . . .

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Right View

There are times
when we can get down on ourselves;
we feel less than adequate;
we crumble under the weight of hardships;
we question almost everything.

Perhaps . . .
just perhaps . . .
this will change your outlook.

I have not failed.
I have found
ten thousand ways
that WON'T work.

Monday, July 30, 2018


Saw this and thought . . . wow!
Far too many of us
chase something that dwells within.

In the past,
I thought love was about
finding the right person.
In reality,
love is about 
becoming the right person.
Don't look for the person
you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Become the person
you want to spend your life with.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Different Keyboards

You tickle the ivories
I play with qwerty
You are 'the maestro'
I am 'the wordie'
You strike a chord
I forge prose
You soothe the savage beast
I alleviate the woes
You sing a story
I write emotion
You play from your very soul
I rhyme with deep devotion
Maybe I'm your major 7th
As you compose life's melody
You paint with tonal images
For blinded hearts to see
You're my constant inspiration
To use the gifts you've given me
A verbal protégé in art
Your loquacious harmony
We may use different keyboards
As I sit in retrospect
But both, in tune, we seek the same
A blissfully peaceful effect

Friday, July 27, 2018

Even Me

Sometimes, these blogs are directed
toward a specific person.
Sometimes, someone very unexpected
responds to these blogs.
The purpose of any and all of them
is to simply start your day off
on a positive and uplifting note.
Sometimes these blogs are written
for me
and help some other folks along the way.
It's a win-win!

I was attacked by the
bitterness monster.
There were beautiful moments,
but that beast was always lurking.
I, however, will always persevere.
I hope you will, too.

If you have a question; ask it.
If you have doubts; clarify things.
If you are angry; confront your problem.
If you are belittled; stand up to your bully.
If you are hurt; dust yourself off and move along.
Your perception of you is of greater import than anyone else's.
If other folks cannot grasp how amazing you are,
they really just don't deserve all that fabulousness.
Go and share it where it's appreciated!

Have an incredible day!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Step Forward

This is one of those life lessons
that  is terribly difficult
to learn and to do.
It is, however,
critically important to your survival ~
physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Sometimes . . . 
walking away
is a step forward.

Have a beautiful day ~
wherever you are stepping.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

An interesting spin

So I came across this little tidbit yesterday.
My sarcastic self just loved it.
My positive self kind of questioned it.
But . . . in the end . . .
if you spin it right (that silver lining thing)
it's all good!

No person is useless.
He/She can serve to be
a bad example.

Be the best you you can be.
Enjoy the day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Sing it with me:

Reach out and touch
somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
if you can

Hold a hand.
Touch a heart.
Share a hug.
Touch a soul.

It only takes a moment
to make a moment.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Be the Reason

OK - so I am a thief.
Saw this on someone's post and
simply thought more people needed to see it.
I did, however, elaborate on it just a smidge . . .
So . . . enjoy and please forgive me.

Be the reason
someone believes
in the goodness of people.
Be the reason
someone believes
in hope.
Be the reason
someone believes
in kindness.
Be the reason
someone believes
in generosity.
Be the reason 
someone believes
in love.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Be Somebody

Today is National Be Somebody Day.

This, to me, is silly.
You are ALWAYS somebody.
You are ALWAYS special.
You are ALWAYS important.
You are ALWAYS vital.
You are ALWAYS gifted.
You are ALWAYS amazing.
You are ALWAYS loved.

So . . . go ahead . . .
Go be somebody . . .

Be Your Own Incredible SELF!

Friday, July 20, 2018


I am an enormous advocate of working out.
I love how I feel after a good sweaty bit at the gym.
Zumba and aerobics can have me dancing for days.
Lifting weights gives me focus to attain goals.

But . . .

There is a tenacity
that can not be found in a studio or a gym.
There is a fortitude
unattainable by bench-pressing or squatting.
There is a power
you cannot find in dancing yourself half to death.

This strength comes
from humility;
from embracing your flaws;
from accepting yourself;
from asking for help;
from realizing you're ok;
from helping others;
from faith;
from within your own
very amazing and incredible

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Find Your Happy You

People will always tell you:
"Find your happy place."
A happy place is of no use
if you are miserable.

If you can do what makes your heart happy,
chase a passion,
follow a dream,
laugh and be at ease,
breathe deeply,
sleep soundly,
ooze gratefulness,
smile contently,
rejoice in dance,
quietly reflect,
and exist in peace . . .
it really doesn't matter where you are.

Find Your Happy You!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


A little reaffirmation.

What is a Ch-Angel?
It is an Angel of Change.

Someone who
makes the world a better place
with their thoughts
their actions
their efforts
their heart
their soul
their self.

I am so incredibly blessed
to be surrounded and supported
by such a beautiful plethora of Ch-Angels!

Go and earn your wings today.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Love You!

Yes. You!

You don't have to find the cure for cancer.
You don't have to win a Nobel Peace Prize.
You don't have to build a kid's rec center.
You don't have to perform some super-human feat.
You simply have to be You!

You are special.
You are bold.
You are brave.
You are beautiful.
You are worthy.
You are gifted.
You are strong.
You are amazing.

And . . .

You are Loved!

Monday, July 16, 2018


Yes - two blogs in one morning.

The last one was a bit too dark
and sad and unhappy for me.
So . . .
I'm turning my frown upside down.
Sometimes, one just needs
to let the ugly out and get right again.
Well . . . there ya go!

I will spread joy.
I will share happiness.
I will open my arms
and my heart
and my life.
I will lift others up.
I will show kindness
and generosity.
I will give of my time
and my talents and my self.
I will not allow the negative in.
My light will shine
unimpacted by darkness.
What will you choose to do?
Will I choose happy?

There is so much anger.
So much division.
So much hate.
So much disdain.
So much hurt.
And people just keep adding to it.
They think they are
'speaking their mind',
'educating others',
'sharing opinions',
'being funny'.
They are doing NONE of those things.
They are only furthering the pain.
I will NOT be joining you
on this train of distrust,
this journey of injustice,
this barbarous branding.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Side by Side

For my older friends - enjoy!
For my younger friends - enjoy!

Oh we ain't got a barrel of money,
Maybe we're ragged and funny
But we'll travel along
Singing a song
Side by side
I don't know what's coming tomorrow
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow
But we'll travel the road
Sharing the load
Side by side
Through all kinds of weather
What if the sky should fall
Just as long as we're together
It really doesn't matter at all
When they've had quarrels and parted
We'll be the same as we started
Just traveling along
Singing our song
Side by side

Friday, July 13, 2018

Do Good-er

If someone is rude to you,
be pleasant.
If someone is mean to you,
be nice.
If someone is cold to you,
be warm.
If someone is selfish,
be generous.
If someone is disrespectful,
be uplifting.
If someone is hateful,
be loving.
If someone is a liar,
be honest.
If someone is a threat,
be a haven.

Your behavior is a reflection of your character.
Their behavior is a reflection of theirs.

Do Good-er.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Worth It!

Came across this little tidbit
and just loved it.
Hope it will help you
in whatever battles
you might currently be facing.

Being brave means knowing something is
scary, difficult, and dangerous,
and doing it anyway
the possibility of winning the fight
is worth the chance of losing it.

And to add . . .

Being brave doesn't mean
you have to leap off buildings,
it is simply taking one more step.

and . . .

Losing anything is not defeat,
but instead a lesson,
a tool,
fuel to push you further.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

What An Opportunity

Today is
National Cheer Up The Lonely Day.

What An Opportunity!

It is so simple to smile.
So easy to help.
So humbling to give.
So educational to listen.
So gratifying to assist.
So uplifting to hug.
Try one.
Try them all!
You have an opportunity today
to begin a daily journey
of something truly beautiful!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

My Heart

What a wonderful and fragile item;
My Heart.

It walks around
in the shape of a young woman
and in the shape of a young man.
It beats with every step
of my best friend and husband.
It envelopes friends and family.
It breaks with betrayal.
It rages at injustices.
It races with anticipation.
It aches with loss.
It skips with joy.
It is dirtied on my sleeve.
It is cleansed by faith.

Monday, July 9, 2018


A river cuts through rock
not because of its power
because of its persistence!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Use It

Maybe it was the way Momma taught me.
Maybe it was just watching her.
Maybe it was a matter of simple survival.
Maybe it is just a matter of choice.

Do you ever get angry?
Do you ever feel neglected?
Do you ever feel overlooked?
Do you ever feel under appreciated?
Do you ever feel betrayed?
Do you ever feel abused?
Do you ever feel unloved?
Do you ever feel unworthy?
Do you ever feel uncertain?

Well - stop it!
Whatever is causing all of that toxicity
is coming from outside.
YOU are in charge of YOU!
Take all that energy ~
the good, the bad, the balled up,
the coiled, the compressed . . .
and let it loose!
Redefine yourself.
Improve yourself.
Teach yourself.
Educate yourself.
Compliment yourself.
Treat yourself.

Use the negative energy of others
to improve your already amazing self.
Use It!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Do You See What I See?

This sounds familiar to me.
Could just be that I like the song.
But even if I've written about it prior,
it still rings true today.

Do you see what I see?
I see your beautiful smile.
I see your gracious ways.
I see your kind heart.
Do you hear what I hear?
I hear your infectious giggles.
I hear your engrossing tales.
I hear your enveloping tones.
Do you know what I know?
I know your genuine soul.
I know your unique wit.
I know your steady ways.

You are extraordinary.
Do not be swayed by passing fads and fancies.
Do not be altered by shiny things.
Stay your course.
Share your special self.
The world is better
because you're in it.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Oh My ~ YES!

Happened upon a favorite TV show
and heard this line.
It obviously made an impact
because I grabbed a pen and wrote it down
and now I'm blogging about it.
Of course, there will be those . . .
but I'm just willing to err on the side of 'what if'.

Care less about
who you might offend,
and much more about
who you might inspire!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Be a Sunflower

If you've ever had the pleasure
of growing or seeing planted sunflowers
you know that they face the sun.
They will adjust themselves
throughout the day,
to always face the sun.
Now . . .
if a silly little plant can do it,
why can't you?

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Make Good Choices!

You have a choice.
You always have a choice.

Happy or Crappy.
Kind or Cruel.
Generous or Selfish.
Loving or Hateful.
Helpful or Hurtful.
Correct or Easy.
Honest or Fibbing.

Which will you do?

Make good choices!

Monday, July 2, 2018

I am not boxable

Don't misunderstand that title.
I could destroy you with a wicked right cross.
What this means is you cannot label me.
I am not someone you can package up
and stick on a shelf.
I have beliefs and ethics and morals.
I stick to them.
They do not match any one agenda ~
except my own!
I will never be a victim.
I will never be a bully.
I will speak up when it is necessary.
I will pass you by when it is best.
I will not engage in stupidity.
(Unless it's the fun kind with my kids/hubby.)
I will be silly.
I will be generous.
I will be kind.
I will be thoughtful.
I will not be walked on.
I will sometimes walk away.
I will argue.
I will also be silent - as that is sometimes
the most appropriate and effective form of arguing.
Be who YOU are.
Be true to you and your beliefs and ethics and morals.
Do not force them on others.
Do not succumb to the force of others.
Be your intelligent, amazing, beautiful YOU.
Have the right cross ready . . .
Do NOT be boxable.

Saturday, June 30, 2018


This was a favorite 'Mom-spression'.
She would use it in all kinds of facets.
If there was a bad situation:  Next!
If you celebrated a good time:  Next!
If you were facing an issue:  Next!

It kind of falls in line with:
This too shall pass.

But I'm thinking she willed it on
just a wee bit quicker with her Next!
I'm thinking, too, that she was teaching
that you are never idle.
Don't wallow at the pity party
and don't take up space at the victory table.
Go find your new adventure.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Yes! This!!!

In doing service for others,
we often find
answers to our own questions
solutions to our own problems.

My mantra for life!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Every Little Thing

Is Gonna Be Alright!
Don't Worry.
'Bout A Thing.
Cause Every Little Thing
Is Gonna Be Alright!

This is my message to you-ou-ou!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


It's a really good song,
but it is not promised to any one.

So, take a moment.

Share your heart.
Spread joy.
Give generously.
Be kind.
Do the right thing.
Be at peace.

Monday, June 25, 2018

How Will You Read?

I saw this quote last week
and it truly struck a chord with me.
Sometimes, things just do that.

In the end,
we all become stories.

So, will you be a . . .
Page turner?
Action packed?

I'm pretty sure we can all say
that any given chapter may include
a bit of each,
but I'm striving for the last two.

How 'bout you?

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Throughout life,
as we dodge, dip, dive, duck and dodge
from whatever is thrown at us,
I believe these things:

1. We are given what we can handle.
2. We are stronger than we think.
3. There is a reason for your struggle.
4. You can now be a witness.
5. You will emerge different - and better.

This little quote says it all:

You have been assigned this mountain
to show others it can be moved.

Just like you.

Friday, June 22, 2018


There is a tremendous difference
between a human being
and being human.

Thursday, June 21, 2018


It is completely extraordinary
what a simple note can do.
Not a text.
Not an email.
A moment out of someone's day,
to put their heart on paper,
to lift your spirits
and let you know you're special.

If you can find a smidge of time today,
let someone know you care.
Stuff a little bit of yourself
into an envelope
and send a little love their way.

(Sealed With A Little Bit Of Love!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Tiny word. Big definition.

You are fierce in your stance.
Perhaps you don't know all the information.
You are bold in your defiance.
Perhaps you're unaware of all the facts.
You are adamant in your decision.
Perhaps you haven't asked all the questions.
You are firm in your conviction.
Perhaps you are not seeing the whole picture.

Listening to only one source;
Limiting your intake;
Deciding based on gossip, pictures or clips;
Referencing only selective choice info;
Perhaps . . .
Just perhaps
You're not making a sound choice.

This relates to nothing in particular,
but more like . . .
everything in general.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Remember When . . .

Life was simple?
We ate dinner together - at a table?
We enjoyed each other's company?
The news told us what was happening
and not what to think?
We were kind to strangers?
We took pride in our behavior?
Marriage was sacred?
Honesty was the norm?
Generosity did not hope for reciprocity?
Love dwelled in our very core?
Hope was not a tag line?
Laughter filled the air?
Conversation was common?

I remember it well.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Speak or Shhhhhhh!

I am a very strong advocate
of opening your pie hole when the need arises.
Situations will never change
if someone doesn't speak their mind.

However . . .

I have also learned that:

Silence can never be misquoted.

I have used both tactics.
I have taken some flack for doing both.
I've been ousted and rejected.
I would absolutely do it all over again.
So, either factually speak your mind

But do something.
Even if it's nothing.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


It is Father's Day tomorrow.
I had three dads and a father-in-law.
Each had positive qualities.
Each had flaws.
I'm a little jealous of those folks
who have/had those real close father/daughter relationships.
(Like my husband and my daughter.)
It's a beautiful thing to see and witness.
But I have to be thankful and grateful for what I did have.
I have learned to filter the bad
and maintain the good.
My children are terribly blessed.
They've only had one dad,
but he's been kind of extraordinary.
Whatever kind of dad you are -
biological, step, foster, in-law, big-brother, or even mom -
remember that you are shaping our future.
You have a big responsibility.
I am thanking you in advance
for doing an amazing job.
Go . . . do Dad things.

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


We are all aware of
Random Acts of Kindness Day.
Well, today is:
Random Acts of Light Day!

Edith Wharton said it best:

There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle
or the mirror that reflects it.

Which will you choose today?
Shine on . . .

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Loving Day

Can you believe it?
Today is National Loving Day!

call me crazy,
but I thought that
is Loving Day!

Get out there
and do some lovin'!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Make Life Beautiful

Today is National Make Life Beautiful Day!

So . . .

Be honest.
Be genuine.
Be selfless.
Be hopeful.
Be grateful.
Be kind.
Be compassionate.
Be considerate.
Be helpful.
Be generous.
Be sweet.
Be loving.
Be YOU tiful!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

You Matter

Here is a quote from RWE
that I really want you to ponder on today.

You Matter!

You make a difference.
You are important.
You are amazing.

The creation of a thousand forests
is in one acorn.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Own It. Move On.

Whether it is a mistake,
a social faux pas,
bad judgement,
poor behavior -
Own It.
Apologize and move on.

If it is a goal you've achieved,
a dream you've reached,
a comfort zone you've stepped beyond,
an accomplishment realized -
Own It.
Set new objectives and move on.

Own what you say.
Own what you do.
Learn from defeat.
Cherish the victory.
Don't wallow or relax in either.
Move On!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


We often times wonder
why we are dealt with the hand we are given.
Why is this person sick?
Why do I have to go through this?
Why am I struggling so much?
Why am I dealing with so much pain?
Why so much stress?
And the answer is . . .

drumroll please . . .

To Help!

Our 'experiences and lessons'
enable us to offer assistance to others.
We are never given more than we can handle.
We are enabled with the skills to survive.
And then, it is a gift and an honor and a privilege,
to use those skills to aid others
as they traverse their rough times.
You can empathize, sympathize, and realize
that while you're giving back, you're growing.
Not only have you overcome your own obstacles,
you're helping others to hurdle theirs.

Breathe. Work through the issues.
Then put it all to good use.

Monday, June 4, 2018

There Is Love

The world these days
seems awfully full of
and violence.

Know what else?

There Is Love.

It is a choice.
As long as you keep making
the right one
you will impact your little corner.
No matter what comes at you.
Choose Love.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


When the world knocks you down;
claw your way back up.
When the brick wall seems insurmountable;
build a door.
When the chasm seems too deep;
create a bridge.
When the storm clouds seem to multiply;
grab a life vest and learn to sail.
When the curve ball's coming fast;
swing for the fence.
There is nothing coming at you
that you cannot re-interpret, rearrange, redistribute, or reimagine.
Make it work in your favor.
You are strong and resilient and tenacious.
You are built for beautiful things.
Chin up.
Knees down.
Even diamonds meet pressure
to become what they are destined to be.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Get Out

June is Great Outdoors Month.
So . . . Get Out!

Get Out on the beach.
Get Out in the woods.
Get Out on the course.
Get Out on a trail.
Get Out for a spin.
Get Out on a stroll.
Get Out and enjoy
all there is to do and see.

The outdoors really are great!

Thursday, May 31, 2018


Today is National Smile Day!

A smile
can change the whole direction
of someone's day.
A little display
of sincere kindness and happiness
can overwhelm another person.
A glimmer of goodness
from a face full of joy.
But not just any smile.
We all know those 'forced' jobs.
You'll want to ensure fortitude
in that grin.
Smile, not just with your mouth.
Smile with your eyes.
Smile with your whole heart.
Smile with your entire being.
It is not only infectious.
It is comforting.
It is healing.
It is beautiful.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Pope John XXIII voiced this:

Consult not your fears,
but your hopes and your dreams.
Think not about your frustrations,
but about your unfulfilled potential.
Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,
but with what is still possible for you to do.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


I didn't just mash a bunch of keys
and call it a blog.
It is an acronym.

Leave It Better Than You Found It

This is a crucial life lesson.
I believe it started in the National Parks,
where you are to leave nothing but footprints
and take nothing but pictures.
Leave the beauty for the next soul.
But . . . it is infinitely expandable
throughout the entirety of life.

A work place.
Nothing changes if you don't voice your concerns.
A community.
A little love and attention does amazing things.
A charity.
Every hand that gently, lovingly, selflessly steers it
makes for tremendous waves of positivity.
A stranger.
Smile. Be kind. You've no idea the impact.

Remove the negative.
Dispose of the ugly.
Bring peace and hope and faith and love.
It changes everything.


Monday, May 28, 2018

At Ease

This Memorial Day,
we acknowledge all of the brave men and women
that have given absolutely everything
in service to this country
and in protection of our freedom.
Proud cannot scratch the surface;
admiration is far too meek a word;
inspirational doesn't bring justice;
Respect, in its grandest form,
is what is owed to you.
And while we honor you
and acknowledge your efforts
and pay homage to your sacrifice . . .

At Ease.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


You can spend all your time
learning how to impress
or how to empower
or how to wheel and deal
or how to climb
or how to sell


You can go DO those things.

Be inspired by your victories.
Be motivated by your failures.
Be ignited by your passions.
Be fierce in your convictions.

Time ticks by.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Reach Out

Reach out and touch
somebody's hand.
Make this world a better place
if you can.

Remember that song?
Great tune!

And now that it's stuck in your head,
maybe you'll go do it.

A life that touches others
goes on forever.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Oh, the Lessons we Learn

A little Seuss-ical?

But, I believe that every person
should work just a brief time in either
retail or hospitality.

Oh, the Lessons we Learn!
Math skills
Conversational skills
Personal worth
People skills
What really matters
What doesn't matter at all

I've been in customer service for over 40 years.
I'm still alive.
And better for it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Excellence is not a skill.
It is an attitude.

Go ahead.
Read that again.
Let it sink in.

Believing that you are capable
is much more than half the battle.
It is the key piece to every battle.
Practice is simply
the physical manifestation
of belief in yourself.

go be excellent.