Tuesday, March 31, 2015


It is such pure joy to help someone else.
To know, with certainty, that they don't know the giver,
cannot repay you,
cannot personally thank you,
cannot tell others any more than . . .

a little angel came my way today.

Good stuff!
Mmmmm Mmm

Monday, March 30, 2015


This struck me as most potent, by Bruce Springsteen:

"The great challenge of adulthood
is holding on to your idealism
after you lose your innocence."

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Build Something Extraordinary

David Brinkley said:

A successful man is one
who can lay a firm foundation
with the bricks others have thrown at him.

Build Something Extraordinary!

Friday, March 27, 2015


Caught a snippet of a post and it hit home.
I could not agree more.
It stated:

We must prepare the child for the path,
not the path for the child.

Since my kids were little,
there seemed to be this huge push to reward them
for simply existing.
While every child is absolutely a gift,
we must teach them to find their talents,
hone them,
and give the gift back to others.
They learn nothing by trophies for showing up;
certificates of completion; or
parties for participation.
Loss and failure are necessary life lessons
that build strong, capable, hearty, resilient human beings.

Just a little something to make you go:


Thursday, March 26, 2015

This Too Shall Pass

This, among many others,
was one of my mother's favorite sayings.
She'd use this for just about every situation she came upon.
I've written about it before,
but I believe it is worth bringing up again.

It doesn't matter what you're dealing with.
It doesn't matter how painful it is,
how devastating it is,
how hurtful it is,
how much of a setback it might be . . .
This Too Shall Pass.

Pain is only temporary.
Character and tenacity are permanent.
There may be scars,
but they remind you of your strength.
Mistrust may come,
but this only makes you smarter.
This Too Shall Pass.

Chin Up.
Knees Down.
This Too Shall Pass.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The definition of you

You are not defined by your past.
You are not defined by mistakes you've made.
You are not defined by jobs lost.
You are not defined by angered friends.
You are not defined by pains inflicted upon you.
You are not defined by trials.
You are not defined by lies.
You are not defined by bad decisions.
You are not defined by losses.

The definition of you . . .

is how you have responded to each
and every one of those things.
is if you've allowed it to diminish you
or forge you into something better.
is victory in spite of battle.
is lessons learned.

The definition of you
is a scarred and careful,
tenacious and determined,
beautiful soul . . .

if you allow it to shine through.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


The world is filled with treats.
Some folks tend to not only see the glass half empty,
but also have issues with the unfiltered, metallic-tasting water.
I choose to see it half full and always thirst quenching.

I find bunny and dolphin sightings exhilarating.
I get excited about rainbows and rhythmic crashing waves.
I love to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.
I adore the fresh, crisp autumn air.
Puppy kisses are indefinably wonderful.
A baby's laughter is indescribably delicious.
A quiet day beside my husband is one of the best days ever.
Being silly with friends makes the world a better place.
Kindness and smiles and hugs are integral to your existence.

To find the simple joys and treats in the world,
you need only open your eyes.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung for most of us.
(Sorry my Northern friends.)

Along with Spring comes Spring cleaning.
We wander through our homes,
doing major overhauls and dusting and vacuuming
and scrubbing and cleansing.
We take great pains to get rid of the nastiness
that tends to build up over time.

Why not do this in your own little world as well.

Pitch the negativity.
Dispose of the things that bring you down.
Get rid of the nonsense and drama and insanity
that creates such havoc in your life.
Buff up the things that make you smile.
Dust 'em off and put them front and center.
Scrub the film of disdain from your heart.
Claim, once again, your happy place.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Again . . .

I believe I may have written about this prior.
A lot of what I write tends to repeat a lot of positive,
uplifting, beneficial information . . .
for by constant drumming, we learn the beat.

From MD Badcock:

Life is what we are alive to.
It is not length but breadth.
Be alive to
and eternal hope.

Now wasn't that worth repeating? 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Parenting . . . Phew!

Parenting is not for the faint of heart.
There needs to be boundaries with expectations;
limits without borders;
freedom with constant attachment.

It's a fine line to walk.
To instill fight and faith;
determination and release;
stamina and relaxation;
ferocity and kindness.

You give them everything you can.
You push them;
encourage them;
enlighten them;
deter them;
detain them;
forbid them;
forgive them;
teach them;
tempt them;
like them;
love them;
let them fly
and catch them.

It's completely exhausting . . .
and I'd rather do nothing else.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Reach Out

Sometimes there seems to be a lot of loss that surrounds us.
There is pain and there is suffering.
Sometimes, life is difficult.

One of the easiest ways to lift yourself from the mires
is to do the same for someone else.
Have you been thinking about someone?
Call them or visit them.
Give them a hug.
Share a day together . . . or a few brief moments.
You'll find that in the midst of being in their presence,
your heart becomes lighter and joy-filled.
Give to get.
Live to give.

I received a phone call last night.
Although my day was fairly spectacular on its own,
this phone call was the proverbial cherry on top.
What a blessing to spend a few moments
conversing with a beautiful dear old friend.
Those moments are the ones that last a lifetime.

Reach Out.
Make a difference.
For them . . . and for you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mish Mash of Magnificence

A couple of quotes expounded upon.
When they come separately and work together,
I am affirmed in knowing I should forward them on to you all.

Be not afraid of life.
Believe that life is worth living,
that you are worth living it,
and your belief will help create that fact.
Pick the day.
Enjoy it ~ to the hilt.
The day as it comes.
People as they come.
Moments as they happen.
Joy as it fills you.
Tears as they leave you.
The past, I think, has helped me
appreciate the present.
I don't want to spoil any of it
by fretting about the future.

Mmmmmm. Good stuff!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ch-Angel Wings

As you stumble through life,
you come across some folks who simply impact you much more than others.
Although elementary school was rough in our household,
it opened our hearts and our eyes to the multitude of Ch-Angels out there.
We were literally inundated with supportive, gentle, kind, and caring folks
who helped us traverse a truly bumpy road.
One of these incredibly special people is gathering up her Ch-Angel Wings
and preparing to head on Home.
To our Ch-Angel . . . JM . . . to teach is to touch a life.
What you have done as a teacher far exceeds molding and shaping youngsters.
You gathered up an army of kids who respected you, listened to you, and were
inspired by you.
You impacted siblings and parents as well.
You not only touched lives . . . you changed them.
You guided and cared and taught so much more than fifth grade.
As tears fall because we will be without your incredibly beautiful presence here,
I am overjoyed that you will be spending the rest of eternity in peace and perfection.
I am appreciative for your service to our community.
I am privileged to call you my friend.
I am thankful for your tender hand in our lives.
Gather up your Ch-Angel Wings
and fly on Home!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Have a Blessed Day

There is a little Ch-Angel at work that I thoroughly enjoy working beside
although it happens far too infrequently.
Her parting comment to most every guest:

"Have a Blessed Day!"

It just puts a smile on my face every single time I hear it.
To wish someone blessings . . .
it's so easy and simple . . .
and yet most of us are too wrapped up in nonsense
we cannot take the time to do this.

The last day I worked, it was crazy and hectic and stressful.
I wish my Ch-Angel was up front, but she was working elsewhere.
I did see her and got my hug, but I missed her presence on 'the front lines'.
And then . . . a wee little guest appeared.
She did not have many items.
She had waited in a lengthy line.
She didn't have a coupon.
She approached quietly, smiled broadly and responded politely
when I asked how she was and if she had found everything she wanted.
She paid for her items, looked me in the eyes,
covered my hand with hers and said,

"Have a Blessed Day!"

A simple gesture. A nominal kindness.
Completely changed my day.
Thank you!

Go . . . Have a Blessed Day.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Sometimes, I get my daily quotes or scriptures
and they really grab my attention.
For some reason, this morning, when I read this . . .


like a board to the forehead!
Good stuff!

"Without passion,
man is a mere latent force and possibility,
like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron
before it can give forth its spark."
~ Henri Frederick Amiel


Friday, March 13, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015


We have no choice with family.
They are family no matter what.
But friends . . .
friends are a special breed of people.

These are folks that build us up;
steady us;
cheer us on;
listen to us;
pray with us;
help us fly;
keep us grounded;
support us;
walk with us;
laugh with us;
love us.

I am blessed with some amazing friends.
I hope that you are as well.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


There are two little quips that keep popping up for me.
Two of my favorites, actually.

Don't look backward. You're not going there.

Don't stumble on things behind you.

They are powerfully simple and simply powerful statements.
Press on.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


This quote from Marva Collins reminds me very much
of something that my gymnastics coach would have said.
Anne was spectacular at guiding us well
and her insight was enlightening.

"Excellence is not an act but a habit.
The things you do the most
are the things you will do the best."

Go . . .
Be Excellent!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Be You

YOU are incredible.
YOU are outstanding.
YOU are an individual.

There are so very many people who continue to try to 'reinvent' themselves.
There are those who try to mimic others.
There are those who try to pass themselves off as something they are not.
There are those who change themselves in accordance with who they are with.

This is sad!

YOU are unique!
YOU are beautiful!
YOU are phenomenal!

And it is YOU that is all those things.
Not you TRYING to be like someone else.
Be the gloriously perfect, most amazing creature God meant for you to be.


Friday, March 6, 2015


By Michelangelo Buonarroti:

"The greater danger for most of us
lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short;
but in setting our aim too low,
and achieving our mark."

Your aspirations and dreams matter.
Take hold of what you want.
It is within your grasp.
Grasp it!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


There are those of you that question faith.
That is your choice.
That is your right.
I believe it is precisely what has given me life.

I have been faced with many trials.
Some since very early on.
Even way back then, I squared up my shoulders,
put down my head, and plowed forward.
I was and am still certain that I've got a great force
that backs me up constantly.

I believe I face challenges to gain knowledge
and empathy.
I believe I overcome them to offer assistance
and hope.
I cry. I freak out. I get anxious.
And then I realize, as Momma always said,
that this too shall pass.
I may be changed and different afterward,
but it will all be well.

Today, I wish you faith!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Life is precious.
Life is beautiful.
Life is fragile.
Life is delicate.
Life is limited.
Life is love.

Grab those dearest to you
and let them know
how very precious they are!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


From Lupe Fiasco:

That should be the measure of success for everyone.
It's not money, it's not fame, it's not celebrity;
my index of success is happiness.

Come on . . . get happy!

Monday, March 2, 2015


Oh boy!
My to-do list is ginormous.
And expanding.
As I've aged,
I've realized that lists are my friend.
I've managed to stay on top of everything
because I literally scratch off what needs to get finished.
I've also learned,
thanks to my Momma,
that you HAVE to find time to RELAX.

Take a moment for a walk.
Sit outside and drink your coffee.
Breathe in the sights.
Play a game.
Savor the silliness.
Let laughter wash over you.
Enjoy what exists all around you.

Your work will always be there.
Your sanity, however, is fleeting.
Feed it. Fuel it. Refresh it.