Wednesday, July 31, 2024

There is

There is strength in silence. 

There is beauty in bravery. 

There is grace in generosity.

There is compassion in kindness.

There is power in peace.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Today is International Friendship Day!

Now, whether that means we're supposed to have friends abroad or to simply share the love no matter where you are or with whomever might need it ... give either AND both a shot. 

Be the friend you have always needed or wanted. 

Enjoy the day.

Monday, July 29, 2024

No one

Saw this today and it just reached out

and grabbed me. 

No one

is too old

for fairytales.

Enjoy the magic

that thrives around you.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The chance

 From one Mark Twain:

Give every day the chance

to become the most beautiful day

of your life.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Even Though

From life I have learned: 

that even though I think I'm right, 

I should still listen. 

That even though I am passionate, 

that topic may hold no meaning for you. 

That even though I'm hurting, 

I can heal someone else. 

That even though I'm angry, 

being vengeful doesn't help.

That even though I have been crushed, 

I can still choose to be kind.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday

 Thankful Thursday! 

So grateful for the opportunity to share, 

the chance to better myself, 

the gift of helping others however I can, 

the choice to be kind. 

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 During times of opposition, be it personal, physical, technical or otherwise, sometimes it is best to simply walk away and recenter yourself. Retail therapy never hurt either. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Master's Peace

And so ...
the words finally came together.
This is nearly a month in the making.
I truly impress myself.
I really like this one. Hope you do, too.
Feel free to share your thoughts ....

The Master's Peace
by Lyn Marinello

As daylight gently tickles the very edge of night
A glow so faint and minimal draws a hopeful line of light
The pinkish hue of sunrise tugs the covers off the eve
And the quietude's awakened as the darkness finds reprieve
Nocturnal wispy slivers are bullied from the sky
The moon slips quietly away as nighttime doth comply
The yawning stretch of daybreak tosses yellow onto gray
With intermittent orange seeping deep into the fray
Pearly little dewdrops like diamonds sparkle on the grass
As sunflowers turn to face the glow; garden worshippers en masse
Sweet winds caress the landscape granting speech to leaves and trees
And ripples quake the stillness that once met the cypress knees
Mid-day meets the mountains; abundant life within emerges
The sun is full and high and bright as afternoon from morn diverges
The ocean waves find solace in the sandy shore's embrace
And still, inviting pathways into the deep woods promise space
To the plains, the swaying wheat, seem to wave at ravines adjacent
The frenetic energy of all of it is chaotically complacent
The sunlight then plays hide and seek as daylight tires of its hold
And angel escalators lead from earth to paradise extolled
Across the canopy of evening, the painter's wares are splashed
Wayward watercolors, artwork unabashed
As Heaven prepares to celebrate another twenty-four come and gone
Clouds receive an effulgent trace as bedroom lights upstairs go on
And the tentacles of twilight stretch across horizon's sky
Another glorious day of blessings slip away on a night breeze sigh
The comforter of slumber drapes the day in prayers unsaid
As a zillion twinkling nightlights dot the ceiling overhead.

Monday, July 22, 2024


Good morning, friends!

Here's hoping you had a relaxing
and recuperative weekend.

Be on the look out
for all of the words
that have been rolling around
in me old noggin'.
I'm really excited
for what was given to me.
I hope I've done it justice.

Make this week
a week worth living.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Be loving.
Be the best version
of you!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Gentle Reminder

There are plenty of us
that need to hear this.

Listen up ...

are amazing
just as you are ...
more beautiful
than you can see,
than you feel,
than you imagine,
and more worthy
than you will ever know.

Yes ... YOU!

Friday, July 19, 2024


This is simply fantastic!
There are so very many of us
that need to see and read and ingest this.
I hope it finds its people.

Stop judging yourself
so harshly
for how you chose
to survive.
It's good
that you are here
and that you
were strong enough
to do what
was necessary.

You are worthy and important.
You are loved.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

My new diet

The Elimination Diet:

Remove anger,
and blame.

The pounds may remain
but, boy howdy,
will your health and life improve.

Not mine, but I have made it mine.
Have a beautiful day.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


From one very smart Dan Millman:

You don't
have to control
your thoughts;
you just have
to stop letting them
control you.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What If ...

Another Lynification of a Greg McKeown quote:

What if
we stopped celebrating
being busy
as a measurement of importance?
What if
instead ...
we celebrated how much
time we had spent listening,
pondering, and meditating;
being still
and allowing the 
beauty of what surrounds us
to seep deep into our souls;
practicing and sharing
the gifts and talents
we've been graced with;
laughing, loving,
and enjoying time
with the most important
people in our lives?

What If ...

Monday, July 15, 2024


A quote by Stewart Udall
that I have Lynified.

Hope you enjoy!

Cherish sunsets,
barefoot strolls,
the lulling of waves,
the quiet of the woods,
the color of every little thing,
wild creatures and wild places.
Have a love affair
with the wonder and beauty
of the earth.

Enjoy your Monday, friends.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

This Dance

This Dance
by Lyn Marinello

The restaurant we met at does not stand there any more.
It's been replaced by office space and burger shacks and stores.
The bars we used to frequent have been revamped, demolished, razed.
And we just start another day completely undeterred or phased.
We've shared full-on belly laughter. We've wept way too many tears.
We have clung tight to one another facing foreign, frantic fears.
We've rejoiced at countless weddings. Sat stoic for many a funeral mass.
We have buoyed one another when we've run entirely out of gas.
We've been overwhelmed at births. Been sidelined by failing health.
Suffered through the 'old person's room,' and been comfortable in our wealth.
We've watched the world get wacky. We've seen devastation, loss and grief.
We've lost parents, friends and siblings; time is often a heartless thief.
We have stabilized one another as the storms of life set in.
We've crumbled under untold weight, much to our chagrin.
We've wandered near and far; stood on mountains, swam in seas.
We froze in an unheated living room; melted at games in a hundred degrees.
We've been lifting at the gym. Racquetball-ed ourselves to death.
There's not a day that we have shared where your dimples don't catch my breath.
"Pool Boy," "Dead-End Daddy," "Mr. Calm and In Control."
"Punkinhead" and "Pop Pop" and my favorite Seminole.
There're conversations in our glances; words need not be spoken.
I just cannot express enough, the satisfaction when you fix what's broken.
I am thankful for your grace; enmeshed in your skewed romance.
I am humbled by your tenacity. I am grateful for This Dance.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


the feeling that what is wanted
can be had
or that events will turn out
for the best.

Although I am
very much human
and occasionally weighed down
by the static and chaos
of a crazy world,
I am ever more
the optimist.
I see good.
I see strength.
I see opportunity.
I see love.
I see hope.

To become entangled
in anything else
is to simply waste
the precious seconds
we are gifted here.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Something More

Some Nancy Thayer for you on this fine Friday morning ...

The universe
is always speaking to us.
Sending us
little messages,
causing coincidences
and serendipities,
reminding us
to stop,
to look around,
to believe
in something else,
something more.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Let this take its Tolle

A word for you
from Eckhart Tolle:

The little saying,
'Be still and know that I am God'
contains the entire wisdom
of religion
in those few words.

When the chaos
and noise
becomes overwhelming ...
be still.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Do More

No one to credit,
but we can all say it
AND should do it:

Do more things
that make you forget
to check your phone.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Be Happier

Joshua Becker said it beautifully:

You don't
have to live
like everybody else.
In fact,
you'll probably
be happier
if you don't.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Let It Go

Please don't start singing that song.
Perhaps this will put a new tune
in your soul.

By one Victoria Erickson:

Let it go.
Let the sky
take it.
Let the water
carry it.
Let the earth
hold it.
you don't have to
any more.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Wonderful Places

With an unknown author,
there is no one to credit for this.
It is, though, one of my favorites ...

The most wonderful places
to be in the world are:

In someone's thoughts.
In someone's prayers.
And in someone's heart.

Know that you're in mine.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


On this Independence Day,
I hope you heal
from whatever it is
that hinders you.

The body heals
with play.
The mind heals
with laughter.
the spirit heals
with joy.