Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I have told you before that when things pop up repeatedly,
I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to do something with it.
This morning alone, I've seen the word 'worry' about a dozen times.
Maybe it's a message to me.
Maybe it's for me to send a message.

It is a normal, natural emotion to worry.
We fret about a great many things.
Does it ever help?
Does it ever make us feel better?
Does it make the situation improve?

It only robs this moment of its joy.
It dilutes the day's blessings.
It obscures the opportunities before us.

Today, I'm taking the hint.
I received a prayer box for my birthday.
I'm taking my tiny pen and my tiny stack of paper
and I'm giving my worries over to God.
I can't do anything with them.
I will focus instead on the great blessings that surround me.
I will focus on the positives.
I will focus on faith and family and friends and frivolity.

What will you do?


  1. Amen!!!!!!!!! A prayer box is a wonderful way to remember to give those worries to God! Thank you for the reminder!!!!!

    1. It really was quite liberating to get them off my heart and leave them for Someone who can actually do something with them. God bless.
