Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hey Mom!

Finder of all things lost.
Kisser of all boo boos.
Mender of all things broken.
Baker of all things yummy
Teacher of lots of life's lessons.
There is no task too grand for a mom.
There is no mountain too high, no hole too deep.
Never awaken Momma Bear - the result could get quite ugly.
There is something softly special and spectacularly super about a Mom.

We are blessed with little gifts,
no manuals, no handbooks,
just the love in our hearts with which to be guided.
We share each victory.
We agonize with every defeat.
We ache to make everything right.
And a simple "Love You Mom" is payment enough that brings tears to ones' eyes.

God bless you Moms out there.
God bless you Moms that are also Dads.
God bless you folks who stepped up to be Moms.
God bless you folks who have accepted this beautiful challenge;
for there is no greater achievement, no greater blessing,
than to create, shape, mold, and bring forth life.

Happy Mother's Day!

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