Sunday, May 28, 2017

All Gave Some. Some Gave All.

I do apologize for those unaware that I was going off-grid for a few days.
I am back and back to blogging.
Here's hoping you enjoy today's offering . . .

Happy Memorial Day!

A day and weekend where most enjoy outdoor activities,
family gatherings, and bar-b-ques.
Let's not forget, however, the real reason for the holiday.

Let us commemorate and hold high the sacrifices
made by so very, very many in our Armed Forces.
Folks who volunteered and served in the defense
and for the betterment of our great nation.
Folks who sacrified everything for our freedoms.
Patriotism deserves a resurgence.
These selfless souls deserve our respect and reverence.

Today, and every day,
remember that you are free because of the brave!

Thank you for your service!

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