Monday, October 8, 2018


After an overwhelming response to finish (or expand) this,
it is done.
This comes from so many levels, is truly multi-faceted,
and contains within it an incredible amount of angst and peace.
I am kind of proud of this one!  :-)


You do not know your neighbor's woes
Not every wound is one that shows
Their smile is a false façade
That cloaks the weight with which they plod
A bravado that is Botox born
Wielded to mend a heart that's torn
Caked-on make-up to mask the guilt
Dermabrasion to cleanse the silt
Enhancements to overcompensate
A sad attempt to squelch self-hate
Tuck the tummy and slim the nose
The doubt of worth that only grows
Medicate to ease the pain
Attired in pretense to conceal the stain
The mirror shows, with monstrous dread,
The insecurities within the head
We judge instead of holding dear
Another - or our own - human life in fear
You do not know your neighbor's woes
Not every wound is one that shows


  1. Hmm, why is it facade ( fa sahd ) but charade ( sha raid ), oh yeah they don't rhyme at any time, so much for the Lingua Franca, although I don't want to rain on your parade or imply we're two in a pod ! Peas don't take offense, although I guess I'm pretty dense ?!
