Thursday, September 30, 2021

All Of This

This is being shared and re-shared and clipped and amended.
I hope it finds the hearts and heads it needs to fill today.

I've been struggling with a lot of things lately,
and I thought maybe writing them down and putting them out into the universe
will help heal some emotional wounds of my own and maybe for some others, too.

I've learned a lot over the past few years. Some good things, some not so good things.
But, I'm sharing them all. 

No matter how good you are to some people, they will turn their backs on you.
Don't take it personally. Just keep being good to people.

You're the villain in someone's story. And that's ok.
Everyone has their truth. Stick to yours and don't try to defend yourself.
Your actions speak much louder than your words ever will.
No matter how nice your pictures are, some people just won't hit the like button. Because it's you.
Post anyway. Share your pictures. And, your stories. They put a smile on someone's face.
Not everyone has the same heart as you.
Just because you will do it for them, doesn't mean they will do it for you.
And, it's unfair to both of you to expect that.
You will be excluded. And, it will hurt. A lot.
You'll never understand why. But, you will remember the pain of being left out,
and you will make sure to include everyone so no one has to feel the way that you did.
Your kids (or future kids) will be excluded. And trust me, that hurts even more.
But, it's a great teachable opportunity.
When you put good out into the world, good comes back. 
If you are kind, kindness will flood your doorsteps.
Friends come and go, unfortunately. It's life.
Sometimes friendships you thought would last forever end abruptly and you're left wondering why.
Stop wondering.
You're never going to feel satisfied with any answer they give you.
Own your part in it, learn from it, and then close that door.
That chapter has ended. Allow a new one to begin.

A simple text just to see how someone is doing, can mean the world.
Just to know someone is thinking about you and cares, can turn a whole day around.
Send the text.
No one owes you anything.
Forgive even if you don't get an apology.
You can't begin to heal while you're still holding on to the hurt.
Let it hurt for a moment. Forgive, and let it go.
You're going to be too much for some people.
Too loud. Too opinionated. Too talkative. Too positive. Too passionate.
Those people will never get you. Find the ones who do... and love them hard!
People are going to talk about you. Give them good material.
Extend grace to those who need it. We all struggle sometimes.
Life is tough. It's messy. And it's ugly at times.
But, its also so beautiful. And exciting. And full of adventure. Absorb it all!
Be a light. Don't let anyone dull your shine.
You never know who may be looking to you for a little bit of joy. Be that joy.

And, most importantly learn to love yourself.
And forgive yourself for not being perfect. Perfect is boring.


  1. Perfect yet so true! We'll spoken💕🥰💕

    1. I didn't spoke it. Wish I did. But it is incredibly and indelibly true.
