Friday, October 8, 2021

No More

I am fine - a little sniffly and stuffy, but fine.
I don't always know where the words come from,
but have learned to pour them out when they come.

No More
by Lyn Marinello

I'm not being negative. Quite the opposite, in fact
I am simply pondering the weight, if any, of my impact
I try to live the motto: "Leave it better than it's found"
And, if you will allow me, I'll try further to expound
In the grand scheme of the universe, we're here merely for a blink
We need to focus more on action and far less on forcing what we think
If we spent the same amount of effort in acts of kindness and of grace
This little blue spinning marble would be a much more peaceful place
We cannot resurrect the dinosaurs, but we learn from when they were
The past is but a teaching tool, not a debt to be incurred
I've received what I have worked for. I've been passed over and passed by
It only spurred me to work harder; to try and try and try and try
There are things that I have done that I failed at really well
But I picked my sorry ass up each and every time I fell
There are things that I excelled at, so I strolled in that direction
Always pushing boundaries, challenging safety and protection
For nothing's ever gained from within your comfort zone
Both your mistakes and victories are things that you must own
So I walk eternally toward the light and I hope I shine on others, too
I'll gladly share my positivity, hoping a little adheres to you
I will share with you my struggles so you might not feel so all alone
I'll share my heart and my emotions. I am not a stoic stone
I will stand beside you when you need a little strength
And when you need to venture out, I'm but merely at arm's length
I will cheer your victories. I will care for you when you ache
I'll be steadfast by your side, know my support simply will not shake
We have truly very little that is really ours to give
Our word, our heart, our passion; an example in how we live
I've learned to walk away from the things that drag me down
And focus all my energy on the One that wears the crown
He's surrounded me with Angels, picked me up when things seemed mislaid
He's a constant, unconditional, blanket of blessing, love conveyed
You may judge my words and actions and that's within your right
But I've learned to walk within my truth in a pure and brilliant light
If you're within my circle, know you are etched upon my being
No matter to our differences, my love's not confined to agreeing
I will treat you pleasantly, respectfully and kind
Your soul is what I care about. I'm otherwise colorblind
Does a phrase of mine make you smile? What do you think when you hear "Lyn"?
Has my positivity lifted you up? My outlook lightened the trouble you're in?
If you've ever lifted my spirits, I am eternally in your debt
A kindness, however miniscule, is not something to forget
I've treasured every hug, every supportive word you've uttered
I'm appreciative of your clearing my path when it was cluttered
If you are my family, words can simply not define
The strength that you afford me; you are my heart, my soul, my spine
Shed no tears in my absence, I'm Home in the presence of something Great
Remember all the love we've shared. That'll make our reunion worth the wait
This is not written in depression, nor in a solemn state of mind
But to know that I'm content with the folks and the path that I've designed
I hope you've learned your value, your worth and the good in store
That you feel warmth and love with thoughts of me when I am here no more

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