Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ch-Angel Sue

It's been a hot minute
since I dialed in on any one Ch-Angel,
but this one is all over my thoughts this morning.
Ch-Angel Sue is in every essence,
my 'nother mother.
Friends with my Momma for eons,
I have memories of them singing together,
playing together,
chatting together,
laughing together.
When I see Sue, 
my heart is full of love and faith and strength.
She's an amazing mom to her own kids,
but always has had more than enough love
to share that love with countless others.
She pushes me to write and rhyme,
and always has.
She offers guidance and support,
laughter and strong shoulders.
I have been so blessed with my 'nother mother.
She's not only earned her wings,
but has a beautiful shiny halo to match.
Wishing her the happiest of birthdays
and just an inkling of all the love she so freely gives
showered back to her today ... and every day.
Love You and Happy Birthday
Ch-Angel Sue!

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