Tuesday, February 28, 2023


As we acknowledge Rare Disease Awareness Day
here's a little something
that I, of course, made my own ...

There is nothing more rare,
nor more stunning,
than a person who is
unapologetically his or her self;
comfortable in
their perfect imperfection,
beautiful in
their rare uniqueness.

Monday, February 27, 2023


A very wise Rodney Eiland said:

The words we say
to our children today
will be the whispers
they hear
when we are gone.

Whisper wisely.

Saturday, February 25, 2023


At the end of a rather lengthy story
that I recently received
was this summarization.
It is superb!
I hope you absorb its depth
and exude its purpose.

is not a destination.
It is a journey.
is not tomorrow.
It is now.
is not a dependency.
It is a decision.
is not an achievement.
It is a choice.

This whole statement
is just me.
What about you?

Friday, February 24, 2023


Now HERE is something
to ponder on.

You are NOT
a drop in the ocean.
are the entire ocean
in a drop.

You are worthy
and amazing
and vital
and loved.

(that is a Rumi quote, btw)

Thursday, February 23, 2023


I do not know
if this should garner
to anyone in particular,
but ... this is how
I choose to live.

I have chosen
to be happy
because it's good
for my health.

Does not mean
that I don't see the ugly,
am not harmed by the hate,
am not angered by injustice,
or saddened by the division.

It means that
I have chosen 
to be happy
because it's good
for my health.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Beautiful Things

For whomever
might need to read/see this.

The next time
you are thinking
of beautiful things,
don't forget
to include your most
amazing self.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


A little truth from
Marie Kondo.

Imagine yourself
living in a space
that contains only things
that spark joy.

You are in control,
the master of your domain,
the keyholder,
the 'thing' collector.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Zigging this Monday

A little Zig Ziglar
for you this Presidents' Day.

One thing is certain:
if you never take
the first step,
you will never
take the second.

Saturday, February 18, 2023


So we just celebrated RAK.
(Random Acts of Kindness Day)
Today ...
something almost even better ...


Happy Birthday, Victor!
My dear hubby ...
may the day greet you warmly,
treat you kindly,
and bless you abundantly!
You deserve all the love,
all the feels,
all the happy.
all the cake!

Enjoy Absolutely Everything!!!

If you'd like to comment here,
I'll be sure he sees them.

Friday, February 17, 2023


by Lyn Marinello

It takes such little effort
to simply hold a door,
to offer up a compliment,
to do a little more.
It doesn't cost a single cent
to inexplicably be kind,
to help another human
is a joy for both, you'll find.
It doesn't take much time
to comment on a beautiful smile,
to really listen to a story,
to go the extra mile.
In these random acts of kindness,
we start an amazing wave,
bringing tiny ripples far and wide
to folks we didn't know we'd save.
You've no idea how vital
your simple actions are,
so miniscule to one
is momentous to another by far. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023


Not sure who said this, but ...
LOVE this!

Stop trying
to calm the storm.
Calm yourself.
The storm will pass.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


I have seen this before,
but it just came back to me.
When things recur,
I've learned to listen and share.
Someone (maybe me)
needs to see this, share this,
know this.
To my besties ... thank you
for knowing my song.

A friend is someone who knows
the song in your heart,
and can sing it back to you
when you've forgotten the words.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Whoever you are celebrating today,
do it with gusto!
Spouse, partner, friend, co-worker,

Share the love!
Share your heart!
Share your self!

are the love
you're looking for!

Celebrate YOU!!!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Monday Moment

Stop what you are doing.
Whatever it is ... stop.

Sit down,
put your hands in your lap,
close your eyes,
breathe in deeply,
exhale slowly,
be aware of the sounds around you,
the sun (or raindrops or snowflakes) on your skin,
the air in your lungs,
birds chirping and chatting,
the aromas around you,
the absence of chaos,
the sweet simplicity of simply existing,
and know, my friend,
that you are loved.

Have a wonderful week.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Palindromic Saturday

From one Robert Byrne:

The purpose of life
is a life of purpose.

You're welcome.
Hope your team wins it
if they're ins it.


Friday, February 10, 2023


Not sure
who to give credit to
for this,
but ... dadgumit ...
it sure is true!

It all begins and ends
in your mind.
What you give power to,
has power over you,
if you allow it.

Choose wisely.

Thursday, February 9, 2023


A Birthday Ch-Angel!

Today I celebrate
my 'nother mother.
So embedded in my life
and in my growth
and in my heart.
You have pushed me,
pulled me,
laughed with me,
cried with me,
helped me,
held me,
loved me.
I cannot begin to thank you
for all that you are
to me.
So ... when it feels
as though you are underappreciated,
or if you are feeling lonely,
remember that I love you
more than you'll ever comprehend.
You are so special
and so admired
and so respected
and so very inspiring.
Happy Happy Birthday my 'nother mother.
God bless you Ch-Angel Susie!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A little Annie for ya

Not the 'sun will come out' one,
but Annie Ernaux.
Same general thought process,
but said quite differently.

What counts
is not the things that happen,
but what we do with them.

Life is all about choices.
How we behave.
How we respond.
How we react.
How we treat others.

There just is no excuse
to behave poorly.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Which are you?

Some people
look for a beautiful place.
make the place beautiful.
Some people
search for peace.
bring peace with them.
Some people
seek out acceptance.
envelope all.
Some people
look for love.
are love.

Which are you?

Monday, February 6, 2023


my baby boy turns THIRTY!

has always taken the road less travelled.
He has proven himself time and again
as a powerful, positive, extraordinary human.
With humility and humor,
grit and grace,
chaos and charm ...
he walks through life 
with an army of amazing friends
because he's an amazing friend.
Couldn't be more proud
of the spectacularly special soul
that you've carved yourself to be.
Enjoy your day
and every little thing in it!!!

Happy 30!!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Education vs Experience

Pete Seeger put this wonderfully:

Do you know the difference
between education and experience?
Education is 
when you read the fine print;
experience is what you get
when you don't.

Made me chuckle this morning.

Friday, February 3, 2023

For my givers ...

You all know who you are.
This little nugget jumped right at me.
Thought I'd better share.

Check on yourself
as much as you
check on Instagram.

Thursday, February 2, 2023


This is missing.
This is something
we all need to remember.

We do not have to agree
to be kind to one another.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


This quote by Heraclitus
is one of those that just makes you think
and then think some more
and then some more.

No man ever steps
in the same river twice,
for it's not the same river
and he's not the same man.

What do you think about that?