Wednesday, June 26, 2024


by Lyn Marinello

Oppression is a weighted chain, shackling many hands and feet;
seeking nothing in particular, but voracious; indiscreet.
This mighty beast is colorblind, without concern for age or gender.
It is heartless and relentless; an equal opportunity offender.
Doesn't matter your ethnicity. It could care less about your race.
Its sole and only purpose is to demean and to debase.
This monster's old as time and also reborn every day
in the hatred that we spew and in the ugliness we say.
It is not owned by any people. There's no claim laid by any caste.
No purpose in pointed fingers, there's too many travesties amassed.
We each become combatants in the crusade against this brute.
Our greatest failure in this conflict is that far too many remain mute.
We need not destroy cities, that disruption's unproductive.
It's just another facet of our anger, and equally obstructive.
The depths of our depression can corrode and can dissolve,
or we glean resilience and compassion and let it strengthen our resolve.
A wise and knowing man once said, "Only light can drive out dark,"
and if we truly want to do so, we must collectively embark.
We all have more in common than things that cause divergence,
and within our similarities there must be a re-emergence.
We're each skeleton, skin and blood. We're indifferent in that regard,
and every single one of us need to heal those who're scarred.
We scramble in this race of rats, overwhelmed and often mindless.
Take a moment; stop and breathe. Let's all try a little kindness.
The choice lies deep within us; in what we say and how we act.
A prism's just a shape til it's given opportunity to refract.
We cannot ask for pure inclusion while we pass judgement in distaste.
Oppression must be loved to death while our diversities are embraced.

I will be semi-off-grid for a bit, kids. If I am inspired, I may pop back on,
but I regrouping, recharging, reconnecting.
Please feel free to let me know what you think of the above poem.
I love hearing your opinions.
Have a great little bit and thanks for being you.

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