Friday, August 30, 2024

Catch Memories

Thinking of you today, Sal.
Credit to Ariana:

Come sit with me
on the edge of the world,
where the calm
meets chaos
and we are met
by our dreams.
Let's watch as madness
swirls by our feet
and love and scars
and all that is beautiful
passes by,
and then we'll lean over
and catch memories
in our butterfly nets.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


Thankful to my dear friend, Susan,
who shared this wonderful bit of wisdom today.
Thought I'd keep it moving

Time is
the only currency
you spend
without ever knowing
your balance.
Use it wisely.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


There are those
that seek to control
situations, environments
and people.
This simply screams
of their self-esteem issues.
Once you are able
to see beyond your reaction,
you can recognize
their petty, almost comical,
behavior patterns.
Their baggage
need not become yours.
You were never meant
to fix or repair
what has broken them.
That is their bridge to cross.
You've got 
much bigger and brighter
adventures to tend to.
Get on with it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It is there

Making other things my own:

The voice of the sea
soothes the soul.
The whispers of the pines
calm the heart.
The quiet of the morning
smells of hope.
The kaleidoscope of dusk
paints of love.
Look around. 
Look within.
That thing you're looking for ...
it is there.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Quality Ashe

From one Arthur Ashe:

where you are.
what you have.
what you can.

Make it a good week, friends.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Simple as that.

No one to credit for this,
but ... simple as that.

If it doesn't bring you
love, peace or
positive energy,
stop engaging with it.
Simple as that.

Friday, August 23, 2024

To rise

These were the words - and whole stanzas - that woke me up a few nights ago.
Before you get excited and start checking up on me ... please know that I am fine.

I do not always know where this comes from - I just write what is given.
Sometimes it is, I'm sure, a compilation of listening to friends,
family, and others who are having a hard time.
Just know that it is written in first person for ease - and nothing more.
And ... if it helps just one person ... I'm a raving success.

Would love to know whatcha think.

To rise

by Lyn Marinello

A million little pin pricks, shattered hopes and body shamed.

Broken hearts and battered dreams, betrayals and ego-maimed.

The friends who never were. Hopes so painfully dashed.

Once so fiercely driven; far too frequently I’ve crashed.

Memories of ache; turmoil bubbling just below.

Discontent and angry. Smothering woefully slow.

Fractured little plans, wasted efforts, stunted growth,

Windless sails and stolen breaths; yet glued to my own oath.

No matter the mountain before me or the chasm I’ll need to traverse;

The weight I’ll need to carry, or the internal self I’ll need to coerce.

The actions of other people do not dictate who I’ll be.

Each day’s an opportunity to define a brand new me.

I will sift through mangled pieces. I will filter all the waste.

I will be a better human - indifferent to adversity’s taste.

I’m too tenacious in my soul to stay cowering when attacked.

I’m undeterred, though cautious; splintered though still intact.

I’m no longer debased by scars - on my skin or on my heart.

They are marks that I have earned; filled with wisdom to impart.

I’m not a ‘me too’ movement, nor will you ‘hear me roar’.

It’s more - ‘Look what you’ve created. You’ve no idea what is in store.’

You can chip off many chunks; speak lies in hopes of my demise;

But you cannot clip the wings of the Phoenix born to rise.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Michelangelo Mantra

I saw the Angel
in the marble
and carved
until I set him free.

It is the same
with each of us.
Carve, baby.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


From one Dan Millman:

You don't have to
control your thoughts,
you just have to stop
letting them
control you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Loosely Mark 6:31

Come with me

by yourselves 

to a quiet place

and rest.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Voila Viola!

Viola Davis stated:

I believe
that the privilege
of a lifetime
is being
who you are.

Thank you, Viola.
You're welcome, friends.

Now go make the most
of your privilege.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The business of kindness

This one is so necessary.
Far too many folks confuse the two.

If you're helping someone
and expecting
something in return;
you are doing business,
not kindness.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Socrates Special

Here's a dandy bit of advice for you:

The secret of happiness,
you see,
is not found
in seeking more;
but in developing
the capacity
to enjoy less.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Each Day

I did not write this,
but I believe it.

An unhealed person
can find offense
in pretty much anything
someone else does.
A healed person
that the actions of others
have nothing to do
with them
Each day
you get to decide
which person 
you will be.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Double Whammy

This is two fantastic tidbits
mashed into one.

She distanced herself
to save herself.
If there is no wind ...

You matter!
Take care of YOU!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.

Appreciate where you are
in your journey,
even if it's not
where you want to be.
Every season
serves a purpose.

Monday, August 12, 2024


It makes my heart so very sad

to see folks

who have been friends for decades

so ugly and hateful towards one another

because of politics. 

You can scroll past differences of opinion

like you walk past a restaurant

serving food you do not like. 

You can allow a variety of thoughts to exist

without losing your own. 

We need not be so vile and nasty. 

We can easily coexist 

by simply respecting one another

no matter which wing of the bird

you choose to flap on.

It's the same dadgum bird.

Let's try a little love.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Be thankful 
every chance you get. 
Not because your life
has been easy or simple
or perfect;
but because 
the life you've had
has led you here.
You are a survivor.
You are strong.
You have overcome
all the things that have
haunted you.
You are here ... today.
Be thankful.

Friday, August 9, 2024



is not

the opposite of wealth. 

It is the door

to the riches

you already own.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Don't Be Afraid

While watching Olympic coverage yesterday, there was a snippet in reference to a Norwegian track and field coach. 

The one thing that stuck out to his athlete was this: 

Do not be afraid of losing;

be afraid of not evolving.

This just really struck me. 

Hope it finds whoever needs it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Daily Reminder:

Just in case you are confused or uncertain ...

let me clarify ...

1. You are beautiful. 

2. You are worthy.

3. You are brave and strong.

4. You deserve kindness and happiness.

5. You have all the tools within you to fight any battles you are facing. 

6. You are not defined by your past.

7. You are integral to the fabric of this world.

8. You are loved.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Becoming less

Becoming less ...









Sometimes, growth comes -

not from gaining more-

but by becoming less.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Who Are You?

The heat woke me up a couple nights ago. My own tropical moment for those of you that understand. Grabbed a glass of water, equalized and then had an inkling to get my pen and paper. This fell out. For you, Renata ...

Who Are You?
by Lyn Marinello 

The ways in which we behave; the paths we choose to take
Speak volumes to our character and the legacy we make. 
There are those that step up front. The spotlight's their domain. 
They lay claim to ask ideas and grasp at everything to claim. 
Their fifteen seconds come and go; smoke and mirrors never last
Self-centered "m-ego" narcissists quickly fade into the past. 
The cunning little cons are another woeful class, 
Whose good deeds are just stepping stones to the kudos they can amass.
"How can I look better?" The only purpose to their deeds. 
They're unconcerned with others; simply focused on their needs. 
And then there are the quiet ones, who seek nothing in return. 
Whose only want in serving is you reciprocate in turn 
To someone in the future who might need a helping hand; 
And that web of selfless kindness exponentially expand.
Compassion's not a weapon; you're not going to win a prize. 
Kindness isn't measured by its pricetag or it's size. 
Your motives carry weight. Your efforts shout about your soul. 
Do they speak of care and love? Or a dark and selfish hole?
Those that seek applause and the grandiosity of fame,
Are mere facades of generosity sprinkling stardust on their name. 
But those within the shadows; those that give sans expectation,
Are truly blessed and beautiful, cloaked in simple, pure elation.
They do not need the fanfare. They're not in search of praise, 
Just hopefully they are imitated in their kind and selfless ways. 
Do what you're able with what you've got. Pay it forward when you can.
Do not be concerned with accolades, but rather your fellow man.

And then I went back to sleep.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

All Around Gold

I so enjoy

the emotional stories

of the Olympic athletes.

Not just the set up stories

of where they've come from, 

or things they've overcome, 

(which are extraordinary) 

but the sheer joy

of their accomplishments

and the occasional surprise

of how amazing they truly are. 

We may not all be Olympians, 

but we are each outstanding

and capable of feats of wonder.

Friday, August 2, 2024


This is not mine and I do not have anyone to credit for it, but it's fantastic so I'm sharing!

Your purpose

is not just the thing you do. 

It's the thing that happens to others

when you do what you do. 

It's how you make people feel

and remember you

by doing what you do. 

It's the experience

that your energy leaves upon them. 

By mastering your unique gifts, 

you step into the realm

of infinite possibilities. 

The greatest blessing

you can give to humanity

is owning your purpose

and inspiring others

to courageously own theirs.

Enjoy your day. 

Own and inspire!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Be Willing

From one M. Eckhardt ...

Be willing

to be a beginner




Leave yesterday's baggage there. 

It was not meant to be carried

into today. 
