Monday, August 5, 2024

Who Are You?

The heat woke me up a couple nights ago. My own tropical moment for those of you that understand. Grabbed a glass of water, equalized and then had an inkling to get my pen and paper. This fell out. For you, Renata ...

Who Are You?
by Lyn Marinello 

The ways in which we behave; the paths we choose to take
Speak volumes to our character and the legacy we make. 
There are those that step up front. The spotlight's their domain. 
They lay claim to ask ideas and grasp at everything to claim. 
Their fifteen seconds come and go; smoke and mirrors never last
Self-centered "m-ego" narcissists quickly fade into the past. 
The cunning little cons are another woeful class, 
Whose good deeds are just stepping stones to the kudos they can amass.
"How can I look better?" The only purpose to their deeds. 
They're unconcerned with others; simply focused on their needs. 
And then there are the quiet ones, who seek nothing in return. 
Whose only want in serving is you reciprocate in turn 
To someone in the future who might need a helping hand; 
And that web of selfless kindness exponentially expand.
Compassion's not a weapon; you're not going to win a prize. 
Kindness isn't measured by its pricetag or it's size. 
Your motives carry weight. Your efforts shout about your soul. 
Do they speak of care and love? Or a dark and selfish hole?
Those that seek applause and the grandiosity of fame,
Are mere facades of generosity sprinkling stardust on their name. 
But those within the shadows; those that give sans expectation,
Are truly blessed and beautiful, cloaked in simple, pure elation.
They do not need the fanfare. They're not in search of praise, 
Just hopefully they are imitated in their kind and selfless ways. 
Do what you're able with what you've got. Pay it forward when you can.
Do not be concerned with accolades, but rather your fellow man.

And then I went back to sleep.

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