Saturday, January 23, 2016


There is nothing quite so sexy as a person in uniform.
Even more sexy is the code of ethics that they follow.
One of my favorite Marine codes is:

Improvise, Adapt, & Overcome

It might be because I watched my mother do this for eons.
It might be because that's the way she raised us.
But I truly believe that this is vital to one's existence.

There is no 'best' job; no lucky chair to sit at; no favorite pen to use;
or silly things like that.

You are given a set of circumstances every day.
Your task, of which you are MORE than capable,
is to do your job, to the best of your abilities,
with the tools you've been provided with,
in a timely, productive and positive manner.

I learned to operate a computer mouse with my left hand,
because the boss was left handed.
I wanted to play competitive golf, but there was no girl's team;
so I beat 20 boys to get on the travel boy's team.
You create your own limitations.

Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome!

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