Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thank You!

I am a very thankful person.
I have learned an important life lesson.
I have learned to be grateful for ALL the people in my life.
Not just the ones who love me and care about me and support me.
I am appreciatve of those folks who told me "No!";
of those folks who teased me;
of those folks who judged me;
of those folks who belittled me;
of those folks who betrayed me;
of those folks who lied to me;
of those folks who cheated me.

Those that love and care and support are my foundation.
They are my core, my heart, my soul.

Those that have done the other things,
they taught me strength;
and resilience;
and compassion;
and self-reliance;
and tenacity;
and honesty;
and independence.

You may have hurt me momentarily,
but you built someone with an extraordinary gentle ferocity.
I embrace your shortcomings,
your need to demean,
your pitiful actions.

Thank You!

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