Saturday, January 4, 2020


We've undoubtedly all suffered loss.
We've hobbled through hurt.
We've bawled through betrayal.
Schuller best put it when he said:

Never look at what you have lost.
Always look at what you have left.

The things and the people you have lost,
may have made remarkable impacts on you,
on your life, on your psyche, on your soul.
The pain of loss is unbearable, but those impacts are leftovers.
Savor them. Cherish them. Live them.
The hurt you have suffered is crippling,
but you've emerged from it.
You are a different person learning to be;
stronger, wiser, bolder, braver.
That hurt was unbearable, but those lessons are leftovers.
Savor them. Cherish them. Live them.
The betrayal cut you to the bone,
but you realized your value and your worth;
your integrity and morals; your boundaries and your expectations.
The backstabbing was brutal, but those scars carry in them
your resilience, tenacity and fortitude and are your leftovers.
Savor them. Cherish them. Live them.

Never look at what you have lost.
Always look at what you have left.

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