Monday, February 10, 2020

The Big Why IMHO

Why are we here?

Here's my take ...

We each exist
to make an impact, to leave a legacy, to do something.
What sort is up to you.
I believe we should choose good, positive, uplifting.
If you think you're doing that and degrading or belittling others in the process.

Ummm, you're not doing a very good job.

You can speak your mind and leave it at that.
You can make your point and leave it at that.
You can be accomplished and leave it at that.
You will not shine brighter by dimming others.
You will not rise higher by stepping on others.
You will not be happier by demoralizing others.

Your experiences shape you, mold you, define your tenacity.
Use them to create a positive experience for someone else.
Your successes are a joyful accomplishment.
Now teach and guide others to do the same.
Your contentment is not a weapon to be wielded.
It is a net to gather those less fortunate and help them rise again.

Why are we here?
To help each other. To guide each other. To teach each other.
To love each other.


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