Monday, March 9, 2020


Growing up with six brothers,
I learned very early on about survival.
Female or not,
if I wanted something,
I was taught to either work or fight for it.
There were no barriers,
only mental hurdles and social roadblocks.
Nothing I couldn't find a way around.
Yesterday was International Women's Day.
Yay! Go women.
Do you know what every other day should be?
International Support People With A Pulse Day!!!
We want to be an inclusive society.
Everyone wants to be accepted as they are.
They why do we continue to
separate, label and detach ourselves?
We should embrace, uplift, and empower one another
each and every single day.
Why forget half the population?
Why celebrate only certain ethnicities?
Why decree honors to only certain choices?
How about Happy People Day?!
Let's just celebrate each other,
because we're here;
because time is fleeting;
because we're all unique;
because life is an incredible gift.

*Off grid for a smidge. Back next week. 
Be nice to each other.

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