Thursday, July 30, 2020


No. Ugh!
Not personal protective equipment.
I'm talking about Precious People Everywhere!

A subject I'm much better equipped to speak about.
Each of us is unique.
Each of us is inspiring.
Each of us is a marvel.
Each of us has a story.
Each of us has a journey.
Each of us loves differently.
Each of us shares subjectively.
Each of us oozes individuality.
Each of us matters.
Each of us make a difference.
Each of us has talents.
Each of us sees from our own perspective.
Each of us grows from our experiences.
Each of us is brilliantly beautiful.
Each of us envelopes hope.
Each of us can change the world.
Each of us is loved.
Each of us is love.
Each of us is precious.

Go out into the world and be your precious self.
And, while you're out there, 
be certain you take note of every other precious soul.
There are Precious People Everywhere!

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