Friday, December 17, 2021

Baby Boy

You kids that get the blog get a sneak peek at this.

Baby Boy
by Lyn Marinello

'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the land
Spirits seemed heavy, perhaps a bit bland
Confounded with wearing these dang covid masks
It hid all the smiles accompanying holiday tasks
The children were hoping that school would soon end
But sat rapt in algebra, or so they pretend
Dad in the car line; I'm checking on files
The Amazon driver just keeps leaving piles
When all of a sudden, a brief, fleeting thought,
Perhaps Christmas memories don't have to be bought
Away to the Publix I drove like a fool
I just had to beat those kids home from school
I grabbed us some popcorn and movies galore
Sorry, Checkers and Twister, we'd play on the floor
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But all kinds of baking stuff, the mission was clear
Behind an old driver, neither lively nor quick
I raced right around him, he shared a festive one-finger flick
I pulled in the drive, grabbed every bag, box and can
Rushed in the house and set forth my plan
Now honey! Now children! And even the hound!
They all looked right at me and made not a sound
From the top of the counter to the dining room table
They cleared it all off so we would be able
They popped all the popcorn but none of them fed
They grabbed needle and string and made garland instead
We played many games and laughed the whole while
And it struck me how gifted I am with each smile
Next day, we baked. Made cake, cookies and fudge
Friends called and texted, but not one kid budged
They stayed and requested making Christmas treat platters
They said, "It's not the receiving, but the giving that matters!"
So we all dressed up festive, holiday masks as we should
And delivered great cheer wherever we could
A carload of goodies, just trying to give back
Kind of like Santa, just opening his sack
Their eyes, how they twinkled! Their smiles, how merry!
"What do we do now?" was the children's next query
We pondered a moment and came up with a scheme
We couldn't do it alone, we'd have to work as a team
We went to the church and asked who was in need
We had our directive and we'd meet it indeed
There was a young family with quite a big brood
Both parents were jobless, in a destitute mood
We took a big wish list, shopped till we collapsed
Then took it all home, bagged it, boxed it and wrapped
Dad dressed in a suit, a right jolly old elf
Snuck all of those presents on their porch by himself
The parents peered out, just a silhouette of each head
And they hugged one another, they had nothing to dread
And as we lay down on that cold Christmas eve
We reveled in knowing that because we believe
In the real and true Christmas meaning and reason
Those children, and ours, would have a memorable season
Of laughter and kindness and of faith and of joy
Merry Christmas and thank you, sweet swaddled Baby Boy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow so beautiful! 💕🎅🤶☃️🌲💕
