Friday, January 28, 2022


For those of you
who might be struggling
with your worth ...

You're not 'just' a wife (husband).
You're a partner,
a co-owner,
half of a beautiful marriage
creating a warm and inviting home.

You're not 'just' a mom (dad).
You're responsible for a human.
You're caring and nurturing
and raising and molding a tiny person.
When in doubt,
remember how you melt
when that baby looks at you and smiles.

You're not 'just' a cashier,
or a secretary, or an assistant.
You are the glue,
you are the core, the substance
upon which that business thrives.
No one is irreplaceable,
but you are vital and integral.

You're not 'just' bones and flesh.
You are a soul with a purpose
who is loved and needed and admired
and inspiring and beautiful.

You are 'just' extraordinary.