Saturday, January 1, 2022

The beginning of ...

So, amid a sea of people that I work in,
I am gifted with an interesting vantage point.
I can actually see what a positive attitude can do.
Folks will wait in line to see a happy person
rather than go through a speedy/grumpy experience.
I was able, on Christmas Eve, to purchase a few folks' items.
The reactions ranged from tears, to disbelief, 
to one woman exclaiming, "Thank You, Jesus! I'm paying it forward!"
One of my goals, during each shift,
is to truly and sincerely compliment people.
Sometimes, it gets nutty and crazy and busy,
but when I catch myself getting caught up in the mayhem,
I stop for a minute, breathe, really look at who is in front of me,
and find something positive to say.
Yesterday, on New Year's Eve,
(which was busy, but not as busy as Christmas Eve),
a young lady came through my line after a frenzy.
When I was giving her her change, I was truly taken aback
by her smile.
I simply stated, "Wow! What a beautiful smile you have!"
And I meant it. And she could tell.
She stopped in the gathering of her things, looked at me and said,
"That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time."
This actually turned into a small conversation about her finding
a young man who will appreciate that smile and I assured her he's out there.
We were both buoyed by this conversation and the laughter that ensued.
She felt good. I felt good. It took so little.
People ...
Find the positives. Speak the positives. Be the positives.
2021 is O-V-E-R!
This could be the beginning of ...