Friday, September 20, 2024


Emily Maroutian with a Lyn-spin:

If you want to know
where to find
your contribution
to the world,
look to your wounds.
When you have learned
how to heal them
and move beyond them,
teach others.
It is in our frailty
that we share strength.
It is in our struggles
that we share tenacity.
It is in our weakness
that we share fortitude.
When we crack,
we allow the light
both in and out.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


Giving you a double whammy today
if you see both my FB posts and this blog,
but ... sometimes ...
that's just what we need.

Greetings Thankful Thursday!
So nice to see you again.
I love to come to you and acknowledge
all of the good and wonderful things
and people in my life.
I am grateful for the strong women
who surround me and support me;
the mother figures, the role models,
and bold and the seemingly fearless.
I am encouraged by your bravery
and buoyed by your strength.
I am thankful for the kind souls
that touch my days in ways
they simply do not understand.
A soft, sweet word
makes so very much slip away.
I appreciate my health, my family, and hope.
Thursdays make me pause and ponder
the many blessings that abound around me.
Yes ... there are always things to work on,
nonsense to push through,
and troubling mountains to climb ...
but there are also Thursdays!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wild Things

From one William Hornaday
with a little Lyn spin:

The wild things
of this earth
are not ours ...
they have been
given to us
in trust ...
this includes
forests, seas,
creatures, and

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Which Way Are You Going?

All we can do
is our best.
Show up to our lives
every day.
Remain humble,
loyal, and 
live with integrity.
Spread hope
and kindness.
Let love
be your compass.

~ E. Hicks

I love this quote.
I only changed one little word.
It has been Lynified!

Enjoy your day.
Choose your path wisely.

Monday, September 16, 2024


In the chaos of today's climate,
there are many words that are ridiculously overused ~
gaslighting, empathy, inclusion, triggers, identify ~
let's add a nice new one ...
with much better context:

Glimmers are
those moments in your day
that make you feel
joy, happiness, peace or gratitude.
Once you
train your brain
to be on the lookout for glimmers,
your "triggers" will be fewer
and these beautiful moments
will multiply.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Your Saturday Tolkien

Here's a tidbit
that truly resonates with me ...

All we have
to decide
is what to do
with the time
that is
given us.

Short, sweet
and tremendously powerful.

(like me!)  LOL

Friday, September 13, 2024


This quote,
which did not give me
anyone to credit,
seems incredibly poignant
in the current climate
we are in.

Accept people
as they are,
but place them
where they belong.

Enjoy your day
and what's around you.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


From one Eddie Pinero:

Let the light
within you
be brighter
than the storm
around you.

The choice is yours.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


In these tumultuous times,
let us assert a few truths ...

We are not

We are

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday Jones

I will always give credit when I can find it to give.
I don't normally rely on quotes to share positivity.
Yesterday, I found meaning in Mr. Graham's words.
And, since we are celebrating Mr. James Earl Jones today,
I thought I'd share some of his ...
(in that deep, rich, velvety, booming voice ...)

One of the hardest things
in life
is having words
in your heart
that you
can't utter.

Find a way to speak ...

Monday, September 9, 2024

A little Monday Graham

Billy Graham was asked:

If Christianity is valid,
why is there so much evil
in the world?

To this he replied:

With so much soap,
why are there so many
dirty people in the world?
Christianity, like soap,
must be personally applied
if it is to make a difference
in our lives.

Let's get to scrubbing ...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

R U Ok?

Here's your challenge for today ...

ask another person - 
any person -
if they are ok.

It can be a family member.
It can be a friend.
It can be a total stranger.
Just check in.
And ... here's the hard part ...
to the answer.

If you can help, help.
If they need a hug, give them one.
If you can just be a sounding board, be that.
If they just need you to coexist with them, do that.

We are all in this together,
and no one's getting out alive.
Might as well make it comfortable.

R U Ok?

Friday, September 6, 2024

In Love

So very much needed
in this current climate
from every side
and every angle.

Wherever you are,
and whatever you do,
do in love.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

You Decide

This little quip
is quite powerful.

Faith and Fear
both demand
that you believe
in something
you cannot

You Decide
what you'd like
to believe in.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Light

From one Wayne Dyer:

the light
in others;
treat them
as if
that is all
you see.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Find Yourself

By Rumi:

Your heart
is the size
of an ocean.
Go find yourself
within its hidden depths.

Why try so hard
to fit in,
when you are so clearly
created to stand out.

Dive deep.
Fly high.
It is all within you.

Monday, September 2, 2024

How Old Are You?

Saw this and thought I'd give it a twist:

Grandchild:    Grandpa, how old are you?
Grandpa:         Well ... let me tell you.
                          I'm so old that 
                          I used to have friends
                          and had no idea
                          what religion they were
                          or political party they belonged to.
Grandchild:    Wow!
                         Well then, what did you argue about?
Grandpa:        We didn't.
                         We just gathered and talked,
                         checked in with one another,
                         and took care of each other.
Grandchild:    Sounds like you're 
                         making stuff up again, Grandpa.
Grandpa:        It's been so long, pal,
                         maybe I am.

How old are you?