Monday, September 2, 2024

How Old Are You?

Saw this and thought I'd give it a twist:

Grandchild:    Grandpa, how old are you?
Grandpa:         Well ... let me tell you.
                          I'm so old that 
                          I used to have friends
                          and had no idea
                          what religion they were
                          or political party they belonged to.
Grandchild:    Wow!
                         Well then, what did you argue about?
Grandpa:        We didn't.
                         We just gathered and talked,
                         checked in with one another,
                         and took care of each other.
Grandchild:    Sounds like you're 
                         making stuff up again, Grandpa.
Grandpa:        It's been so long, pal,
                         maybe I am.

How old are you?

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