Friday, January 3, 2014


Just like the chiropractor improves your health by realigning your spine, and the masseuse realigns most everything else, there is almost nothing more invigorating that to get yourself realigned.

For some, that may mean heading to the chiropractor and/or the masseuse.
For me, although I kind of enjoy seeing both those folks, my realignment comes when my family is all in tact and together.

Yesterday, my daughter and her beau, my son, hubby and myself were all together for the day.
We may have had a second Christmas, but simply being together was just absolutely the best.

To hear all the kids laughing together; to listen to excited chatter about gifts and people and plans and hopes; to spend a flippin' hour in CVS waiting to get to see the doc and get some drugs was neither painful or stressful. We were our typical silly selves - playing with toy cars, taking goofy pictures and laughable videos, discussing how much Miles looks like Jessie Pinkman, reading all the magazines and wreaking general havoc throughout the store. Oh what a wonderful day!

Realign yourselves today.
Do what works for you.
Create a space and time for you to get things in order.
It's a beautiful day to start again . . .

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