Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Being in the retail world, you tend to converse with about a billion people a day.
That doesn't include chatting and interacting with friends and family and being on social media, too.
Although I tend to gravitate toward positive people,
it is impossible to get away from all of the sad, whining, complaining people in the world.

Here's my thoughts . . .

Are you on the right side of the grass?
Then you're doing better than a whole lot of folks and you should be thankful.
You're sore and tired and recovering from an ailment, surgery, or perhaps even a disease?
You're doing better than a whole lot of folks and you should be thankful.
You can't do all the activities you used to do thirty and forty years ago?
You're doing better than a whole lot of folks and you should be thankful.

Folks complain about having to drag their mother out to buy her new clothes.
I would do anything to be able to take my mother anywhere again.
Folks complain about having to rush from here to there without a moment's pause.
Hey people . . . you create your own schedule. Prioritize!
Folks whine about not being able to afford the latest iPhones or gadgets out there.
If you've got a roof over your head, use a rotary when you get home and shut your pie hole.

You'll never be happy with 'more'.
You'll never find contentment in chasing tangibles.
You'll never find the finish line in a rat race.

If you woke up today, you are blessed. Make the most of it.
If you're sore, tired, aching, not feeling well, you are blessed. You're still here. Make the most of it.
If you've got to spend the day with a house full of crazy family, you are blessed. Make the most of it.

You don't realize what you have until it's gone.
Treasure it all. Cherish every moment.
Absorb each ray of sunshine, drop of rain, giggle of laughter, trickling tear, battle toward courage, cringe in fear, each hug you get and each hug you give, every person in your life (good and bad).
They are blessings.
Be richly blessed ~ today and always!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE THANKFUL and GO BLESS SOMEONE!!! YOU JUST BLESSED ME WITH THESE WISE WORDS!!!!!!!!!
