Friday, July 17, 2015

My Ch-Angel Nancy

Beside family, my earliest Ch-Angel recollection
easily goes to my Ch-Angel Nancy.
She kept the bullies at bay on the school bus.
She listened to my woes.
She laughed at my silly jokes.
She enveloped me into her family (like they needed any more people).
She was with me since I can remember ~ elementary school
and probably before then.
She went to Sunday school with me.
We eagerly re-connected thanks to Facebook and it's as if there was
never a lapse.
She supported me when my mother passed.
She's just been one of those constant, beautiful, positive souls
who grabs a spot in your life and never lets go.
And . . . I am so thankful for that.
You have no idea how grateful I am for your presence . . .
for all these many years.
I am blessed with my Ch-Angel Nancy.

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