Saturday, February 27, 2016

Little Gifts

So in the midst of day two of ick yesterday,
I got a text message at lunch that a friend was at the store.
I ran out of the break room, stole a hug, chatted, caught up and got another hug.
What a beautiful breath of fresh air.
On the way home, my phone rang.
Dear friend, for the past fifteen-plus years, what an honor and a privilege to speak to you.
I'm sorry there are ugly people in the world, but it's a wonderful thing
to have you call me to vent and get you through.
I will ALWAYS be here for you. You are a good egg!
And then, while grocery shopping, most weary . . .
an Angel in all white stepped in front of me and squished me to pieces.
What a fabulous blessing to have bestowed on me.
Much chatter, fellowship, and love.
You have always stood by me and understood me.
I cannot thank you enough for such a special treat as you.

There are little gifts everywhere!
Unwrap them as you go.

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