Friday, February 12, 2016

This Is Love

With Valentine's Day rapidly approaching, and with this glorious little find,
I figured I'd offer you an original. It's a little lengthy, but I believe very much worth it.
This was written nearly two years ago.
Hope you enjoy.

This Is Love

Hi Mom! It's me. How are you today?
I thought I'd check and see if you're doing ok.
The kids are doing great. They both seem quite content.
Occasionally, with issues, they'll call to scream or vent.
But they both send their love. They miss you quite a bit.
You'd be so proud of all they are; full of fire & charm & wit.
Deanna's photographic talents are progressing every day.
She's thriving in her schoolwork, though, like you she loves to play.
She knows the value of a dollar. Unafraid of working hard
Commands respect, tenacious too, persistent even when scarred.
She's grown to be quite beautiful; bubbly from the inside out.
Her infectious personality is what she's all about.
She's very much like you. She takes everyone to heart.
She spreads joy & love & laughter. She is gracious, kind and smart.
Miles is doing super; off at school and on his own.
You'd be so very, very proud of the man into which he's grown.
He's had his share of troubles; of this you're well aware
But that grit and determination is blatantly always there.
I'm thankful you helped me instill that. He's stronger than most I know
You'd love his wit and talent; combined they're a brilliant show.
His smile melts your heart. His hugs melt your troubles away.
His heart, though sarcastic, is golden. I am blessed by his phone called each day.
Victor is working hard. He's been so focused all his life.
But as of late, he's been quite doting on me, his most lucky wife.
We share most every evening holding hands while watching TV.
Laughing or talking or just sitting. He's my favorite place to be.
Know that he makes me happy. He's a great provider, an amazing dad
My heart is safe within his hands. I'm happiest when Victor-clad.
We had to put down old Max. That day was a little rough.
But together we cried, holding memories, and united, we're weary, but tough.
Well I just wanted to say hello and let you know I miss you tons.
That your Florida clan is A-OK and I continue to check in on your sons.
I still can't believe you're gone. The stinging ache just won't go away.
There are so many things I see and do that remind me of you every day.
I am proud to be your daughter. I aspire to emulate you.
You are in my prayers each night. You are evident in all I do.
I thank you for raising me right. You shine through me, that is clear.
Mom, I couldn't miss you more. I wish you were still here.
I'm still listening to music and singing while I do.
Play all kinds of word games; whatever helps me think of you.
Fourteen-hundred and sixty days have slowly ticked on by.
Since I held your hand and helped you to walk to the other side.

Love and miss you much.

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