Monday, April 18, 2016

Mirror Mirror

When we stare into the mirror, far too often what we see
Are the shattered bits and pieces of our own reality
We see our every flaw; cringe at any imperfection
Ponder every choice and drown in each rejection
Outline each deficiency; shrink with every fault
Let me take a moment, to ask you please to halt.
Choose instead to gaze upon the mirror I have found
In the heart and word of God; the difference will astound
Focused on the whole, undeterred by a sordid past
Chooses to see your brilliance, unaware of shadows cast
Unconditionally consumed with your gracious, giving heart
With the joy that you instill and the support that you impart
Indifferent to the scars; impressed by the strength they bring
Empowering your tenacity, battling the cause and sting
Unconcerned with gossip or the choices you have made
Only every deed of kindness that you selflessly displayed
What mirror will you choose with which to view yourself?
Choose the higher source where you'll truly see your wealth
And if you should begin to doubt the value of your soul
Look to friends, your angels, who will, again, make you whole

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