Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Worth the Wait

Sometimes the simple unfolding of a day
is a grand lesson of life.

Here, in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina,
my mornings begin filled with fog
and a brisk chill to the air.
I cannot see the house across the hills.
I do not venture out to walk the dog without a jacket.
By mid-afternoon,
the veil of mist has lifted and the view is spectacular.
The temperature simmers at a gorgeous 78 degrees
with no humidity.
It is stunning and worth the wait.

Remember that.

Whatever troubles your morning may bring,
know that something better is there for you
and it's . . .

worth the wait.


  1. Beautiful. God is blessing us through you and this move. Your words were enlightening for me this morn. God bless. You are missed!!!

    1. Thank you! It is nice to know my words make a difference. Thanks for taking the time to say so. xoxo
