Thursday, March 29, 2018


I have a beautiful Ch-Angel friend
who promotes her business energy and acumen
with her 'Why' - her children and fiance.
Every time I see her posts, or hear her voice
or listen to her tenacity in the face of so much,
she becomes my 'Why'.
What drives you?
What is your passion?
Sure, everyone likes fame and fortune,
but I'm talking WAY beyond that realm.
What gives your life purpose?
What is your 'Why'?

Mine . . .

God. Family.
Making a positive impact.

I believe that every impossible situation you're in;
every horrible issue you face;
every roadblock and hurdle you overcome;
was put in your way for two reasons:

1. to make you stronger
2. so you can help the next guy

What's your 'Why'?

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful, I Love her strength, passion and compassion! She is the strongest person I know!
    I cried when i read this so appropriate for her.....But Why???
