Saturday, July 28, 2018

Different Keyboards

You tickle the ivories
I play with qwerty
You are 'the maestro'
I am 'the wordie'
You strike a chord
I forge prose
You soothe the savage beast
I alleviate the woes
You sing a story
I write emotion
You play from your very soul
I rhyme with deep devotion
Maybe I'm your major 7th
As you compose life's melody
You paint with tonal images
For blinded hearts to see
You're my constant inspiration
To use the gifts you've given me
A verbal protégé in art
Your loquacious harmony
We may use different keyboards
As I sit in retrospect
But both, in tune, we seek the same
A blissfully peaceful effect


  1. Virtuosity, as well as generosity,
    A heart of gold with perspicacity!
    You wear your heart on your sleeve,
    At least that's what I choose to believe,
    If ever there was a reason to see you as you are,
    That would be to feel you as close, though you are far!

  2. Harold - That is awesome! Thanks for sharing! xo
