Thursday, October 8, 2020

Carry It

During your lifetime
you will be hurt.
You'll be sad, but take the lesson
and carry it with you.
During your lifetime
you will lose.
You'll be beaten, but gather your strength
and carry it with you.
During your lifetime
you will be betrayed.
You'll be broken, but find inner light
and carry it with you.
We will lose people -
by death and disagreement.
Don't be resentful.
Take the qualities you admire
and the memories you cherish
and carry it with you.
Don't be defined 
by your shortcomings or failures.
They are simply teaching you.
Carry it with you.
You may see a long road ahead,
but realize just how very far you've come.
Be glad - you are victorious.
Carry it with you.