Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Rise and Shine

There are folks
that just aren't 'morning' people.
And that's okay.
You can sleep til 2 in the afternoon
and still Rise and Shine.
It is not in the hours -
but in the effort.
What you wish to see in the world
is what you need to be in the world.
If you Rise with a grateful heart;
purposeful and positive and productive,
you will bring those things into the world
and those things will be shown to you.
If you Shine for all to see;
giving and gracious and good,
you will bring those things into the world
and those things will be shown to you.
So do not worry about the clock.
Worry about your speech,
your efforts,
your actions,
your heart.
Rise and Shine!
The world needs your beautiful self today.