Friday, October 23, 2020

Have at it!

Normally, I busy my early mornings, with a positive photo for Facebook,
a scroll through friends and family, an upbeat message (most of the time) to begin the day,
and then something meaningful for the blog.
On occasion,
my blog becomes my post or my post becomes my blog.
Today ... the post finds its way over here.
Hope you enjoy ~ both the blog and the day.

While a lot of us would like to win the lottery,
it is in the priceless small acts of others
that we find our greatest windfalls.
Tiny tidbits of kindness,
beautiful bliss bombs,
simple gracious compliments 
that find their way directly to your heart.
Once you begin to realize them,
you seem to find a multitude.
The richness of life is in the depth of the beauty
that you, yes YOU, find in it.
Don't wait for it to be
handed to you, gifted to you, or portioned for you.
It is there for you 
to receive each and every day.
Have at it!